
Role Of Language In Insights And Their Confirmation.

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1.During self inquiry and contemplation, doesn't the language that a person speaks influence or shape the insights that he gets ?

For example a person speaking English might contemplate differently from another speaking another language,especially with different sentence syntax structure such as Hindi (India's language). 

2.Also,if one contemplates on a matter and the end result is an insight,or a deep discernment of the mechanism at work concerning the matter,How do I know for sure that its accurate? Or since the insight occurs beyond the intellectual mind,should this be accepted as the truth? 

                                            NOTE! : Question 2 arises from the fact that i cannot rely on any sense perception for truth and i don't know if insights are pure enough to                                                             evade the radar of skepticism. This also goes back to my paranoia of wanting to find objective reality and finding security in it.

           --->   in short ,what can i trust to get to truth?

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