Stoica Doru

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I like the fact that she doesn't teach only classic spiritual stuff, but rather insisting on the fact that we have needs, aspirations and our psychology playing a big role in our path in life, apart from meditation. She's a healer and a grounding presence overall. Really mind-opening. It mixes lots of elements. 

Edited by Stoica Doru

Ain't it funny how men think?

They made the bomb, they are extinct.

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Someone suggested to watch Teal Swan. (Not from the forum). I watched one video and I got bored and clicked off. Lol. Not my type to be honest but I dont know further info (why is she bad?) 

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@egoeimai There's nothing as good or bad. The individual circumstances of each person decide what suits them better. As for those two guys criticizing her, I wouldn't bet my belief on them, as the gossiping interest about someone's private life doesn't seem so wise. As long as everyone gets the suitable information from whoever it may be, there's no need to say that's a fake guruu or stuff like that. Teachers should take care of their own teaching, rather than going on crusades of jealousy or hatred against someone else. That doesn't seem so spiritual or wise. People need to convince themselves on their own, by being in alliance with their true self and with the external frequencies they're receiving, as long as those factors improve their well-being. 

Ain't it funny how men think?

They made the bomb, they are extinct.

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2 hours ago, jse said:


Oh my god these two retards stink of spiritual ego miles ahead.
I almost couldnt hear them through the sounds of their beads bumping into each other and I couldnt see into their face through the red dots.

#SorryNotSorry for harsh words but these 2, if I were to call something disgusting in spirituality, it would be this.

#Dogma #Pretense #Bullshit #IWouldNotComeNearThoseTwoPeople

I would much rather spend time with Teal.

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In life there are different stages of development.
Sometimes you relate to certain teachings, in other times you can't stand those and they can even feel false to you.
Ultimately none of them are false. Ultimately all of them are helpful at certain stages.
Don't hate on Teal just beacuse she just doesn't resonate with you. She has helped an incredible number of people. In ex. her completition method is an incredible piece of work for beginning stages of emotional mastery. It is efficient more than anything else. Does it become redundant after a while? Of course!
Everything does.

So celebrate her, as she helps many of us in our beginning stages of our journey.
Celebrate her honesty about not having all the answers for everyone.
Celebrate her arogant expressions for it triggers healing in the viewer.
Celebrate her life that was incredibly traumatizing as she became a tool for existence to create a way to heal severe trauma.
Celebrate that level of humility 
Celebrate that level of desire to serve
Celebrate that heroism and ability to survive




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Y'all should do your research on Teal, she's the Taylor Swift of spirituality.  

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1 minute ago, Annetta said:

Y'all should do your research on Teal, she's the Taylor Swift of spirituality.  

How does that take away the fact that she has the ability to help and heal loads and loads of people?

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@Martin123 Help yourself, then help others.

We have similar backgrounds and similar traumas, if she is truthful then this story has not left her and it feels obvious to me, coming from that similar place.
It would be the equivalent of someone like me, still stuck in my story decided to become a spiritual leader.
I have watch some of Teal Swan's videos; she resonates with my shadow.

@Maxx Shake it off is pretty good.


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@Stoica Doru That was an extremely interesting video. Her voice is so smooth and loving, I cannot believe anyone would not like listening to that feminine God-lady.

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Who_Am_I She and Matt Kahn have the most comprehensible, holistic and gentle approach in spirituality that I've found so far. I was able to grasp their frequency and teachings pretty fast. They're straight to the point and effective, not insisting on old school masculine and harsh approaches like "the ego is an obstacle, or the mind is a disturbing trash can". Those kind of approaches really set a huge fire within anyone on the path, resulting in "What have I been doing wrong?". You haven't loved yourself and your imperfections, that's what happened. 

Ain't it funny how men think?

They made the bomb, they are extinct.

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@Maxx Haven't listened to that one

"I don't care if she's lying. She's so smoking hot I can forgive her."
"That is precisely why she is believed. How embarrassing for men and damaging for women on so many levels."

@6:55 mins in - none of the mental health care providers would go on camera to talk about the behaviour from her abuse.  Now let me tell you - when I went in to see someone about these reoccurring memories that I had been having - I thought I was going crazy, and spoke to a psychiatrist who told me that all of my experiences were indicative to the memories that were resurfacing and were more than likely to be real, and that I would have more resurface over the years.  This man had helped Marsha Linehan to pioneer DBT and had experience as the head of psychiatry at U.W. - a great hospital.  If someone like me could get a confirmation, then Teal Swan should have no trouble at all proving what had happened to her.

I could write a whole essay on this, I spent a lot of time looking her up - mostly because, if this woman is lying, which is probably is - just, seriously look into this person's history with an open mind.  I'm not interested in trying to sell my point on this anymore.

See the difference in behaviour?  It's undeniable.

Edited by Annetta

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2 hours ago, Annetta said:

"I don't care if she's lying. She's so smoking hot I can forgive her."
"That is precisely why she is believed.

There are women who look hot and beautiful but she has a mystical appearance , she looks like a mystic. 

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@Prabhaker I disagree, and have a suspicion that probably within three years, things will start unraveling with her.

And the person who dissected her behavioral cues does this for a living, so I doubt there is any vendetta against Swan in her video, just business as usual.

She has a good one on Trump as well that is decent, for those interested.

Edited by Annetta

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Even Jesus and Socrates were condemned, criticized, prosecuted and executed by the champions of morality in the society. 

I have seen many mystics in my life, she looks like a mystic.

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@Prabhaker I'm no champion of society; Jesus and Socrates are not the same person.
If you think she looks like a mystic, I respect your opinion because I respect you, but I disagree that she is one.

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24 minutes ago, Annetta said:

She has a good one on Trump as well that is decent, for those interested.

She is not praising Donald Trump.

She said , "Donald Trump is not the problem.  He is (and will continue to be) merely the reflection of human shadow. The true shadow, the true problem, is the conditions that put people in a such a state that they would feel so powerless and desperate in their rat cage that they could vote for Donald Trump in the 1st place."

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@Annetta  We can't judge a mystic by his behavior, a lot of people criticize Teal Swan. She is not an enlightened master but she certainly has a higher consciousness.








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