
Our Purpose Is To Create Sacred Spaces

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[Sacred Places] When I read Inner Enginering by Sadhguru, he bought up the idea of sacred places. These are places where we "sanctify" the area. Places built upon a strong reason but something almost unexplainable- In a sense something greater than ourselves. Where the construction, rituals, costumes, people, and culture are there to remind us of some greater purpose. Entirely placebo but thats entirely what makes it work. These are places to remind us to believe in that something greater, something that since we truly believe, becomes real. It is ultimately to create an atmosphere, a vibe that accelerates our growth towards something beyond ourselves.

Now sacred places are but places where human art- construction, rituals, costumes etc. facilitates something beautiful and inspiring right? These places don't exactly have to be formally even spiritual. Walk into a Starbucks, What is the vibe there? Walk into Costco, What is it they believe in there? Of course these are examples of lesser sacred places.(Yes I did just refer to them as sacred places!) 

Now their are certain places that vibe very strongly that aren't religious. To some that would be the field, I guess one can only understand if he enjoys a sport. The rituals, the costume, the way you feel chasing after a purpose, the way your body glows or purges. Another place could be as big as Disneyworld or as delicate as a painting canvas. You truly feel you are chasing something greator than yourself. This is all fairly logical however those who don't feel or are interested in it can never truly understand. To them, the people who understand these places are lunactics. 

Each sacred place represents a dream, a purpose, to chase after a specific topic wholeheartedly and beyond ourselves. My sacred place would be the chase after the unity of humanity pursuing its absolute potential not in virtuality, but as an empire, as a never before seen Black Plague of Progress!

Source and if you are interested in this dream-


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