
Electronic Devices Harmful?

35 posts in this topic

Please excuse me if this video has already been shared. 

I discovered it a couple of years ago. 

For those who are new to the subject, it lays out some very convincing and disturbing conclusions.


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There's actually the "Emf-Health summit" taking place, now.

The talks will be free to watch from 29-30 Dec on their website.

Miracle:    Impossible from an old understanding of reality, but possible from a new one.

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When I studied wireless communications, our instructor said that is it mostly a myth. Cellphones operate on a much lower frequency than any X-ray or Gamma rays. Also, the transmission power of a cellphone is minuscule. 

It is a different story with transmission towers though. He said he would be worried living next to a radio tower, because of the high power output that they produce. If you climb on a transmitter while it's operational, it will literally cook you up, like in a microwave.

"Beyond fear, destiny awaits" - Dune


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Well, yeah it can't cook you with that transmission power.

But the effects that he have to worry about aren't thermal. (Safety standards from 1996 protect against that.)

What's more disrupting is that it's pulsed.

Miracle:    Impossible from an old understanding of reality, but possible from a new one.

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Ultimately I don't know if cellphone frequency does or doesn't have any effect. I haven't conducted experiments. I'm only stating my personal conclusion, based on what I've learned.

Can you elaborate on what you mean by pulsed?

If you are talking about frequency, then everything is frequency. Just by standing in the middle of a street, you have thousands of frequencies passing through your body. For example, you have bands like AM/FM, GSM, Satellite TV, 4G, WiFi, GPS, and many others that I'm not aware of. These communication bands often operate with much more power than a tiny battery in your phone can output. If someone is really worried about electromagnetic interference, living in the suburbs will probably be a better choice.

I don't deny the effect on electromagnetic wave on the brain. In my courses, our instructor, who has a lot of experience in the field, mentioned that he personally knows people who have a headache as soon as they are in the proximity of a transmitter. But again, cellphones transmitting power is exponentially smaller than that of a tower.

Also, I would make a distinction between Radiation and Electromagnetic waves. Radiation is an emission of a particle from the nucleus of an atom. This particle can travel to healthy human cells, knock things out of place, and cause cancer. Electromagnetic waves, on the other hand, are vibrations of electrons everywhere around us. When this vibration reaches a certain frequency, you can observe radioactive effects, but we are talking about 300GHz and up. This high frequency can only travel a short distance and will be blocked by concrete walls, like in nuclear reactors or Xray rooms. Not to mention it will be completely illegal to put something like that in a cellphone device.

"Beyond fear, destiny awaits" - Dune


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If I recall correctly they emit a low enough frequency that our bodies are able to fight it off. Most of America lives on their self phone but few die from cancer so its hard to draw a direct correlation.

Personally I just use my electronics to aid in my productivity but I make sure I keep my bodies strength up so that it can fight against as much as possible.

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Yes. If you are sensitive enough it will annoy you greatly on a perception level. 

Because the high frequency of electronics that have many hz and ghz, they are an influence on the human body to block the individual in the mind. This is what i tested on myself, maybe there are studies out there, i don't know, is what my trial and error brought me to this conclusion. 

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Pulsed  ~ digital.
Earth's Frequency (Schuhmann Resonance) ~ sine wave(s).


Also, I would make a distinction between Radiation and Electromagnetic waves.


It's not so much a 'standard' physics explanation.
It's more in between physics and biology. So you'd have to be expert in both to really see most of the connections.

This is one somewhat recent explanation: (Voltage Gated Calcium Channels)


Also, this is the second page of the thread.
Check out the first page. There's a link to another post I wrote.

Miracle:    Impossible from an old understanding of reality, but possible from a new one.

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We definitely have to measure and experiment electromagnetic waves.

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Yes. Once you are awakened enough, you will notice every electronic device, even the small quartz hand watch.

Dangerous? Depends how you dissipate that energy. If you resist it an think it will harm you it will.

On the other hand we can use that magnetic energy to revitalize the body, but this is not fo the average user.

Works the same like having a heater in winter. 


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  On 5/30/2019 at 6:20 AM, Shiva said:

Now we even have smart watches. Watches enhanced by wifi and Bluetooth technology...

I'll stick to my classic mechanical watches

Yeah I'm in the same boat. Everybody wearing these says "oo but its safe..it has been tested".. right. I don't buy it, same reason I'm not ever wearing wireless headphones. Getting enough exposure to wireless already without adding a 24/7 bluetooth tracker on my body. 


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definately worried about 5g, and what about 6g? fuck me. it just gets worse and worse. For myself, I am already making plans on how to get away from it all, basically perma camping well away from where the 5g can reach (apparently only 300  meters or so). but my concern is that 6g will probably reach 10km or something. soon they'll have just 1 big emitter that covers the whole earth, and then you are truly fucked.

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Take the case of a cpu with his coutlesss cores and thousands of gz. It may not affect the emf level readings on a detector, but will definatelly mess with the brain chemistry and thought current.

The new AI systems, work on a sub and ultra non audible shit. They can program a webbrowser per example, to influence the likes on something specific messing with the limbic system.

All this can be experienced with an awake limbic system. Otherwise the Ego will think it was his idea. 

And this is how internet works nowadays.

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