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The Best Thing I Have Heard And Learned So Far

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Thanks to @Barna I have been introduced to Matt Kahn's work, and something he said really makes sense. Here is a quote from his video, and the link to watch the whole thing is down below:

"The human body is part of an energy field. An individuated expression of the divinity. Every single thing that you feel in this field, mentally, and emotionally, is what is unresolved in the collective unconsciousness of the world. Please know this: every thought that you have is not yours individually. It is a part of what is unresolved in the collective unconsciousness, and what you feel and think, is what you are transmuting out of all fields. You can be in an ego blaming yourself for what you think and feel, or if you're spiritually awake, you can feel and think the same things and say to yourself, "Of course I am feeling and thinking this. This is because this is what the world is still thinking and feeling. And I am conscious enough to realize that I am transmuting this experience out of the world."

In other words, what Matt is saying is that Adolf Hitler was a spiritual worker. :o

Lol, I know that sounds crazy, but if you look at the world in this radical way, everything starts to make more sense. This is because all the bad things that Hitler did, and any mass murderer in history did, is that they transmuted (aka altered) energy fields that involved mass murdering and genocide, and took it out of the equation for future generations. Hitler did this unconsciously, of course. I still think he is an asshole. And this is just a really extreme example of what Matt is saying. 

But the point Matt is driving home is that slowly but surely, we're taking out all the things we deem bad out of the human energy field. 

Here is an easy to follow example: you go to work and tell your boss he is a dick. The reason for this is that this is still part of the human unconsciousness, this huge field that we are all part of, and even though you told your boss he is a dick, you just contributed to this energy field by taking out a little fraction of the anger and hate the world still encompasses. This is if you're an unconscious person, which the majority are. 

If you are conscious enough to see this field, if someone flips you off and cuts you off on the road, you will be able to say to yourself, "Ahhh, this person just took out a little fraction of hate and anger that the world has still to work with. Good for them!" 

You see, this means that everyone is a spiritual worker, and everyone is contributing one way or another to the field. And maybe one day, the field will be free from hate and anger. 

Look, I am not giving his idea justice, please watch this video. It will help you so much with your realizations!!


Edited by faithful

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@faithful thank you for sharing the quote and the video. :) 

As I understand it, actions and happenings are only triggers. Feeling the emotions is what clearing it out from the collective unconsciousness. 
Hitler (as everybody else) was an energy worker because of the emotions he felt, not because what he did.

The reason why this energy clearing seems endless is because whenever we feel something, we make up a story that explains why are we feeling that way. That story with the added emotional charge becomes another energetic block that needs to be cleared another time.

So this is what Matt teaches. What I think is that everything is absolutely perfect. Matt's belief system is just a way to comprehend the absolute perfection of the world. :) 

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If you are conscious enough to see this field, if someone flips you off and cuts you off on the road, you will be able to say to yourself, "Ahhh, this person just took out a little fraction of hate and anger that the world has still to work with. Good for them!" 

That's a long phrase to say, I hope your spouse already know you're kind of crazy, otherwise she might ask divorce (if you don't die on the road by saying that everytime a dick cut you off) :P

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Conversations With God said something similar. Hitler showed us the light by showing us what isn't light. I certainly don't want to be Hitler and it's not something I would obviously promote but there is a certain perfection in it.

Either you carry the light directly or you carry it indirectly. Either way, it's all light underneath.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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