Damir Elezi

How To Build Social Media Presence

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Trying to build a carreer as a musician in the Hip Hop industry, I noticed that a strong social media presence is very important in order to gain more fans and followers. I figured, that the best way to do this is to reveal some of my personality in my posts and to kinda make my fans see how I live. To let them take part in my life, so that they don't merely see me as some dude trying to promote his music, but as a friend and a cool and authentic personality, who they can relate to.
But as I am naturally a pretty introverted person, posting (sometimes personal) stuff on a regular basis is not that easy to me. I also don't want to run around with my cell phone all day, trying to take pictures in order to post them later. I may already be addicted to my phone already. 
Do you have any tips or ideas on how to post stuff regularly without thinking too much about it? 
Thank you in advance :)

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All you need is to document your journey (daily vlog or daily podcast), not create new content. Also, you don't necessarily need to show what you do everyday. You can simply sit down with the camera and talk about what is most important to you.

Choose just one social media platform to master. If you don't like to film yourself, make a podcast related to hip hop and then cross promote to other social media platforms. Have 1 form of long content (30 minutes - 1 hour), that you can then cut and make micro content for the other social media platforms. This I think is the perfect answer for you.

Also, don't forget to define what type of content you want to share on each social media platform. Do I post hip hop quotes on instagram or just behind the scenes? Do I use twitter to share my opinions and talk with fans or to do client research (meaning you get feedback on your other content and make public polls for decisions you want to make for your journey) ?

Edited by Dan Arnautu

”Unaccompanied by positive action, rest may only depress you.” -- George Leonard

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If you're an influencer with a small amount of followers, there's the danger of oversaturating your audience with too frequent engagement.

You should definitely focus on documenting your journey and bringing your people with you. However, there's already so many people doing the same things - there's social media presence for practically any niche and they're all creating quality content consistently. You have to really stand out and provide value you can't get from anywhere else.

PLUS, if you're really an artist, then you should ALWAYS focus primarily on cultivating your craft. You have to constantly improve your skills and get better. Try to refute your own beliefs and evaluations by asking: "Why would I watch/listen this? What would make the other person want to share this? (Because word of mouth is the most  effective type of marketing).

But, like I said, there's a fine balance between creating content and promoting it. I mean, the most famous artists aren't the best ones - they suck, really - but they've mastered social media.

So, I would advise you to spend 50% of your time honing your craft/creating content and the other 50% sharing it/networking with other influencers/growing your audience.


Body Mind Empowerment 
My YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAohrrjG-3gEp5QF1WlM9_w

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