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Justin Evans

Leo's Mirror Insight Discussion

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Hey y'all, I had a hard time dealing with Leo's insight regarding the personal inquiry about your image in the mirror.

I understand the concept that everything we see is just a sensation created in our mind, but I still have a hard time wrapping myself around it with this specific situation. One big rationalization that occurs in my mind is that I can see the reflection of under individuals and they appear to be accurate with one another (besides of course reflections are inverse), so why wouldn't the self? I understand the notion that we believe the illusion feels so real because it's consistent, so why would this reflection conistency be the exception? Thanks and I look forward to hearing your perspective :)

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@Justin Evans I think what Leo was talking is about the body and not specifically the reflection. How do you know that you are that body ? I think that is the question Leo is asking. 

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