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Scattered Mind

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I've noticed after being on this journey for about a year that my mind is very scattered, it has been all over the place. I have been overwhelming myself by trying to focus on to many things at the same time, in the end I feel stressed, frustrated, and most of the things that my mind would want to get accomplished would never get done. My awareness would keep bouncing from all these theories I had about what I should and shouldn't be doing with my life and it was just weighing me down, making it more difficult to actually have the will to take action when necessary. I have been living in this paradigm since my early teens and have been starting to carry it with me into adulthood but this realization hit me like a brick recently.

So when I discovered Leo's world of personal development I approached it with this mindset. I watched his videos with big google eyes being excited about the content but not applying any of it to my life besides establishing a mediation habit. In the beginning I wanted to live the actualized life right fucking now, change it all in one night, I want it all now!! Well... shortcuts don't exist, you have to work for it, you have to want it. 

I'm now going back through the videos and choosing one at a time to work on and apply into my life. One step at a time. Any direction forward counts, no matter how big or small. We're seriously sitting on a fucking goldmine here.

Another rant of mine that I wanted to share haha.  I figured others will be able to relate to this as well.


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