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2pac Enlightened ?

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Was 2pac the musician enlightened? I heard his story, I saw a lot of interviews from him, and I know that he read a lot of books, about enlightenment, he was really wise men...
he wanted to help his community...
there is a music that he did that was called " You can't see me" that he say's: 
  "right before your very eyes you want even realize, you can't see mee" and he's music's they tell so much about hem, but people don't understand why he was really good in almost everything, including his music...
 I would like to know if someone know's something about him

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I don't think he was enlightened. I looked up some of his lyrics and I don't see him being enlightened. He must have inspired many many people and he must have been a great example to many, but I don't think he was spiritually enlightened. 

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I think he had the potential to see the truth. Then again we all do. 

I can't believe myself sometimes. 

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I don't know him, so I can't say. But on the other hand, if I knew him ,would I be able to say? No, probably not.

An enlightened, buddha-like person can assume roles just to teach us something and you can never guess. You never know, maybe I even am enlightened and here to help you exactly where you need help ;)

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