
Does Mastery Cause Self Love?

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I have been putting off DJing as hobby for a long time. I am thinking about mastering it and becoming serious about doing it daily with baby steps. 

Will that improve my emotional self love and confidence in the long term?

Thanks for the advice!

"Becoming 'awake' involves seeing our own confusion more clearly"-Rumi

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@Anirban657 To improve self love you need to practice self love. 

Look around for resources for cultivating self love and confidence directly. This video is a start.

I would say you need to master self love to become a good DJ, not the other way around.

You are worthy btw :)


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Self love enables mastery. DJing though, no mastery. Learn an instrument if you want to master your focus, which then enables you to master anything you focus on.




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On 17/05/2017 at 1:52 AM, Nahm said:

DJing though, no mastery


I disagree.  I'm not a DJ, but it strikes me that the instrument of a DJ is the crowd: riding their emotion, helping to push it to peaks, to drop it to calm moments before taking their potential energy and throwing it through the roof...  I suppose the difficulty with that is that you can't practice it without doing it, in the same way as any instrument, but that you can't practice it in your bedroom

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1 minute ago, Telepresent said:

 you can't practice it in your bedroom

Although, of course, the core skill you definitely can practice in your bedroom

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@Telepresent You can certainly compare someone pushing the play button on someone else's music to someone actually spending years of their life to learn to play, sing, and write the music....I just don't see them as similar. I am somewhat older, and it seems to me that hype & acting captures attention these days. It used to take talent and inventiveness. 



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11 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Telepresent You can certainly compare someone pushing the play button on someone else's music to someone actually spending years of their life to learn to play, sing, and write the music....I just don't see them as similar. I am somewhat older, and it seems to me that hype & acting captures attention these days. It used to take talent and inventiveness. 

I don't see them as similar.  As someone who plays many instruments, who works in the theatre - in interactivity, as riding an playing on people's responses, where you have to learn an entirely new skillset - let me promise you that playing an instrument and playing a group of people, helping them to move from emotion to emotion is a very different thing.  And let's not pretend that out of the millions of DJs out there, those that are famous haven't got there for a reason.  You're right, it does take talent and inventiveness, even if you don't recognise it.  How many clubs do you go to?  How many DJs do you see perform live, or listen to mixing on the radio?  If you're going to talk about talent and inventiveness, you need to know the medium before you can recognise these things.  The Beatles were just another guitar band for people who didn't understand guitar bands, you know. 

Don't play on your age (and I don't know how old you are, and you don't know how old I am, so saying "I am older" is currently meaningless) to mean that you know more than someone else.  We both know that age doesn't equate to knowledge, wisdom, or truth.

Describing DJing as

13 minutes ago, Nahm said:

pushing the play button on someone else's music

betrays the exact point that I made in my point: that you misunderstand the medium.  Now, please be careful here to not take offence and believe that I am attacking you.  I am not.  But there is more to DJing than that, by a very long way.  This might not be the case for whatever DJ is on the local radio station.  Fine.  But don't pretend like you understand it just because you don't appreciate it.

And don't you dare discourage someone from something they are passionate about because you don't value it.  That is the absolute in judgement.  I am really hoping that @Anirban657 comes back here and reads this, because otherwise you know what this thread is?

Let's strip it down:

A: "I have a passion"

B: "Your passion is a complete irrelevance"

C: "You passion is complete bullshit because it doesn't tie in with what I define as a talent, instrument, or skill"

D: "Actually, the thing you are interested in is a worthwhile pursuit"

C: "Bullshit, it's not creative.  I'm older and wiser and I know better".

So, I don't know.  I expect you're going to react angrily and negatively to this and yell at me via cyberspace.  Fine.  I hope other people who read this see what is going on

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@Telepresent My apologies. I left blanks to be filled in with reference to age. Really, my bad. I apologize if I am offending any dj's. I am speaking from experience, having dj'd and performed vocally with guitar and piano for crowds for about 25 years. I am not trying to rain on any dj's parade. I'm saying from my experience, dj'ing is pushing buttons because what is required to push a crowd through the roof, literally, is just pushing the right buttons. A dj is literally playing music that other people poured their life into, not the dj. But to win a crowd vocally and  with an instrument is a personal journey within, that is later the experience of sharing one's very self with a crowd. Mastering an instrument requires years if not decades and one must continuously give up one's self. If one persists with an instrument for their entire life, the undertaking becomes nothing about music and crowds, and only about the vastness within. It becomes resolve and conviction. Imagine for a moment that you sit next to Stevie Wonder as he performs Overjoyed. Then immediately after, you sit next to someone who plays the recording of it. The difference should become apparent.

Edited by Nahm



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@Nahm Cool - thank you!  Nice clarification :)  Also apologies if I was aggressive - as a teacher of budding creatives, I get defensive :)

Edited by Telepresent

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