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List Of Non-duality "schools"

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I'm very interested in all the different "ways" to get enlightened and the non-duality schools involved in that so that I can hit the issue from different perspectives and like Leo said not marry one  particular spiritual school of thought.

I really love the complete package (well rounded, etc) teachings, where they have a whole history, several books (or video series) and a kinda clear "how to do it" method.

The different "schools" I came upon so far :

- The whole presence, the present moment is key (Eckhart Tolle etc.)
- Advaita Vedanta (James Swartz)

- SDS and Shizen Young

- Pater Ralson self-inquiry books


Any help is much appreciated !



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Sikhism, Gnosticism, Kabbalah, Buddhism, Vedanta, Neo-Advaita, Daoism, Sufism, Yoga,  and Shamanism are all non-dual, but study broadly and thoroughly so you don't get caught up in dogma. Also remember to ground everything in direct experience so you don't delude yourself with false theoretical understanding.

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