
Any Ways To Increase Iq That Works?

30 posts in this topic

I've been struggling for almost all of my life, to somehow motivate myself to study more, I've tried the sadona method, the wave method, various meditative methods, but no real luck.

I recently had an insight, and realized that the reason why I can't push myself to study, is because my brain just isn't cut out to intellectualize at the same level everyone else's brain is.

- I get confused very easily.

- I make a lot of silly mistakes.

- concepts seem fuzzy in my head.

- there is pain and suffering whenever I think of something complex.

- its boring.

Like I'm very good at learning things that aren't in an educational setting, but I struggle to learn stuff for tests.

Are there any ways to change this that you know of? Thanks guys!

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You want to learn more efficiently for school?

The following two sites are all you'll really need:




Study everything they have to offer.

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Was going to suggest Cal Newport and Scott Young but someone already mentioned it.

There is also this guy.


This one for memory.


This one is a very well researched and explained free course on learning techniques. 


This one is from a high quality question and answer site. This one received so much attention that it gained over a 100 answers in often in depth articles.


Also this.



These are a series of articles on how to understand math better but from my experience, much of what he says can be applied to other areas and subjects as well.


This article of his I find is especially important.


Search creative techniques for better ability to brainstorm. Good books on this are made by Michael Michalko.

This is also a good guide to understand learning itself. Use this to create your own "homework", exercises, practices and question sheets well. It's made for teachers to use but it can be used for students trying to learn something well on their own too. 



For learning logic and critical thinking. A whole course on it.


Also search cognitive biases for this skill.

Brain training is often seen as scientifically questionable but for some reason, I've checked over 10 reviews of this program and all of them were positive.


This is also a scientifically questionable thing but from what I know about the science of learning (and I'm pretty obsessive on this thing.) it is actually a possible method for it. A few had reported that it worked for them and I did notice something different on my practice with it. 


There is evidence s saying that adding visual simple doodles to notes increases retention. Here is a whole site on several articles on how to do this.


Also a course on this.



Edited by WaterfallMachine

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” 
― Socrates

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@electroBeam You're going about this backwards. Follow where your strengths are pointing you, rather than trying to do the opposite.

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Didn't watch it, but maybe it can help.


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Leo Gura Wouldn't that mean not doing college though? Which is a blunder young ones make.

@Shin thanks shin! I swear Koi has a video for just about every topic.

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  On 5/14/2017 at 11:17 AM, electroBeam said:

@Leo Gura Wouldn't that mean not doing college though? Which is a blunder young ones make.

@Shin thanks shin! I swear Koi has a video for just about every topic.

Naw I don't believe college is necessary. You can learn the same things from the internet and reading books 

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Less TV more Books

Less Junk/processed more Whole foods (Organic = Best)

Less Inside more Outside > Nature/Sunlight/Oxygen

More Optimal Hydration > Spring Water/Coconut Water

Balance of Meditation and Concentration practices

Green Formula & Herbal Formula (yes they do help) Green Vibrance is a excellent choice.

Enough Sleep/Rest Daily

Get Active, Physical Exercise 2-3x a day

Mental Exercise > Strategy-based video games or other activities find what keeps you interested yet challenging


The rest will come naturally :)





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@electroBeam Leo hit upon an important point, but I believe you can still manage to leverage your study habits in such a way that best makes use of that.

Cal talks a lot about how to do that in his book, and Scott discusses strategies for doing that in his blog. It is important to focus on your strengths, but also don't underestimate how radically you can transform your intellectual and creative capacities by employing good learning methods.

After all, you don't know how much of your academic performance actually is a result of not having the natural abilities vs. simply not having cultivated the proper skillset.  In 10th grade I supposedly wrote at a 4th or 5th grade level according to my English teachers, but I buckled down and worked through my sticking points. I ended up catching up with the AP kids by senior year and kept improving; freshman year of college (I got into one of the top schools in my state), my English professor told me I was writing at a graduate level. I've probably deteriorated since then, but it would have been very easy for me to just say it wasn't worthwhile and that I was just a bad writer. Sometimes you've got to test the waters as your talent may not be immediately obvious; general academic learning is a pretty useful skill to learn. To use a more extreme example,  Michael Jordan could have just said he wasn't good at basketball after he failed to make the team instead of practicing for years to come.

That isn't to say though, that I'm advocating on you neglecting your strengths to work on your weaknesses. If you think you're better at independent research than you are in a traditional classroom setting, I'd focus on the classroom stuff just enough to get you solid credentials but then really double down on independent research. Try seeing if you can do research alongside some professors; that may be a better way to prove yourself. Be warned though, that you must take it seriously if you are going to do research. Sometimes really talented folks go without getting proper opportunities because they didn't put forth the massive effort to make an strong early impression. 

Since you're interested in AI, try doing something with that maybe as a research project. If you have novel insights and demonstrate strong knowledge of the field as a result of your autodidacticism, then you can really make a name for yourself.

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@username yeah those are good sources, thanks dude, though unfortunately my situation is a little more complicated. Im already aware of Carl Newport, scott young's note taking techniques. Its when i do practice excersises, it takes me twice as long to do them, and it feels painful, i make a lot of mistakes, etc. 


My problem is that I'm a holistic thinker, and education is annoyingly not holistic. They just rip a piece of information out of no where and teach you the contents of that, rather than teaching how it interconnects with everything else. And education doesn't teach with a lot of example, they teach abstractly. Im not an abstract thinker, i learn by example.

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@electroBeam Thanks for expanding on issues. What exactly do you mean by it feels painful? Also, do you know why you tend to make mistakes?


I think my recommendation on the independent projects and teaming up with professors for research still stands; that might be the best way for you to prove your chops. 

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@username its hard to explain, my mind feels pain whenever it has to conceptualize. Its a weird issue haha. I tend to make mistakes because I'm not good at keeping concepts in my head for a period of time. if I try and add say 20 + 35, my brain will forget the 20 before I even attempt to add the 35 haha weird qualitative issues.

You're second piece of advice was really helpful thanks!

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@electroBeam Do you have a low working memory capacity? 

The other thing that it sounds like to me is that you may have a short attention-span, which I think can be common with holistic thinkers. If you're in constant brain storm mode and always drawing new connections, perhaps you have difficulty stilling your mind and keeping your attention on one idea for a long period of time.

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  On 5/14/2017 at 11:17 AM, electroBeam said:

Wouldn't that mean not doing college though? Which is a blunder young ones make.

Just sounds like you might be going through the motions of doing college.

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Visual learning is best if you have Asperger's, ADD, ect.
Equating something you need to learn to a picture might help, have you tried it?

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  On 5/14/2017 at 6:57 AM, electroBeam said:

I've been struggling for almost all of my life, to somehow motivate myself to study more, I've tried the sadona method, the wave method, various meditative methods, but no real luck.

I recently had an insight, and realized that the reason why I can't push myself to study, is because my brain just isn't cut out to intellectualize at the same level everyone else's brain is.

- I get confused very easily.

- I make a lot of silly mistakes.

- concepts seem fuzzy in my head.

- there is pain and suffering whenever I think of something complex.

- its boring.

Like I'm very good at learning things that aren't in an educational setting, but I struggle to learn stuff for tests.

Are there any ways to change this that you know of? Thanks guys!

Exercise. I read somewhere that voluntairily exercising  does make you smarter. 

So go jogging sometimes or whatever you like. 

Seems counterintuitive maybe but it's another impulse to trigger your mind. 

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  On 5/15/2017 at 0:38 AM, Annetta said:

Visual learning is best if you have Asperger's, ADD, ect.
Equating something you need to learn to a picture might help, have you tried it?

yes I have tried picture learning. My problem is my RAM isn't big enough hahaha. I.e. my temporary memory.@jjer94 does diet affect learning in your xp? My diet could be better. Its mainly vegan but I have 1 meal a day on average, and snacks inbetween.

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@electroBeam I have the same problem.  I wish I could offer you more advice, I hope you get it figured out!  Good luck man! 

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