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Cool Video: Oxytocin Enhances Egoic Behaviour

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Check this out guys. A beautiful neurologic view of how the infinite is creating the illusion of duality through your hardwiring: Us versus Them.

The "cuddle hormone" oxytocin shows to strengthen the Us versus Them hardwiring. This shows how (conditional) love can influence your ego for the worse.


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That's why your Mom overlooks all your evil traits ;)

Happy Mother's day.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Visionary @Leo Gura Did you guys catch that at 1:43?

"Oxytocin only does all those wondrous those people you if of as an "us" ,as an in group member."


I wonder if the even more extreme level of inclusiveness that comes from direct consciousness of there being no distinction between self and other enhances the level of oxytocin induced pro-social behaviors, thus explaining a lot of the  benevolent humanitarian/ pro-social behavioral tendencies in sages.

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Does that mean our thinking is dictated by chemicals and hormones and not by 'us'? What if you gave certain a substances to someone who was enlightened which would alter their thinking? Wouldn't the most conscious of people lose rationality?

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1 hour ago, username said:

@Visionary @Leo Gura Did you guys catch that at 1:43?

"Oxytocin only does all those wondrous those people you if of as an "us" ,as an in group member."


I wonder if the even more extreme level of inclusiveness that comes from direct consciousness of there being no distinction between self and other enhances the level of oxytocin induced pro-social behaviors, thus explaining a lot of the  benevolent humanitarian/ pro-social behavioral tendencies in sages.

Yeah, it seems to strengthen your deep underlying, egoic characteristics. And vice versa, when you're less bound to your artificial identity.

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It's probably not so simple as presented here. It's a well known fact that taking MDMA releases a shitload of oxytocin into the brain. And here it's more of a unconditional love feeling you get. So sure, oxytocin seem to enhance love, but it seems that whether this love is directed in a conditional love/hate-manner or in an unconditional manner isn't up to oxytocin, that's seems pretty obvious to me. There are other mechanisms in play for sure.

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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42 minutes ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

It's probably not so simple as presented here. It's a well known fact that taking MDMA releases a shitload of oxytocin into the brain. And here it's more of a unconditional love feeling you get. So sure, oxytocin seem to enhance love, but it seems that whether this love is directed in a conditional love/hate-manner or in an unconditional manner isn't up to oxytocin, that's seems pretty obvious to me. There are other mechanisms in play for sure.

I think that the MDMA effect is especially due to serotonin. This chemical connects you with the other. But i'd agree with you that there is more to it of course. Nonetheless a quite remarkable finding.

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