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the more I go the more I seem advance towards a state of forgetting who I am. 

In order to connect with what I have forgotten about my real identity it seems I am now forgetting partly who I am now. 
I forget to keep track of people, of time.
I forget what I did yesterday, I forget what I'm going to do tomorrow, I forget the bills, I forget social norms. 

I a sense I guess I'm forgetting the ego. 

Where I want to go with this is that meditation is a nice practice of forgetting, if we can keep our attention away from certain things
eventually we let loose of them in the content of our consciousness. 
It's meditation has evolved to a point where it allows me to forget that which is unnecessary to know right now. 
I forget that I'm not where I want to be, I forget what I want but don't have....


I can only stress more the massive advantages of meditation! in whatever form it may be

and for info I practice moving awareness meditation, I personally never sit still, but I try to have the least thoughts possible throughout the day, but this is my way, the best way is the one that feels right to each individual

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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What is the last thing that you remember right now?

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This sounds like a huge trap to me. I had fallen into it myself, that's how I know. 

Hint: this is CONSCIOUSNESS work, not unconsciousness. 

What you are doing, is repressing parts of your experience that tire you out and that you don't feel at ease with. Be sure that you are meditating and not pushing back thought. Mind becomes clearer in this work, not blurry. Mind becomes your BEST weapon and friend. You just need to show it its place, not to kill it. That's why Godzilla gave it to you in the first place :P



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10 hours ago, Barna said:

What is the last thing that you remember right now?

only a meaningful moment or two from a few hours ago. 
I do 'forget' things in the content of my mind but I know where I am going, and I know what I did in a sense but I can't recall it. 
I know where I'm going but it's not a thought or a plan. 

I guess I needed to be more specific about this. 
It's more like getting in tune with the present moment, you seem to be aware of less things that are outside the present moment and yet there's more fluidity, more decisiveness, more direction. 

it's like forgetting things on a conscious scale but knowing them more on an unconscious scale. 
It's like being in the present moment your memory works in another way, instead of having the conscious memory and events in the content of your mind somehow your mind is empty and dedicated to the present moment and you know what you did and where you're going but not consciously,it's like memory is this huge dark wall, you know what's written on it but you can't read it, there's no light it's dark. yet you somehow know everything that written on it at once. but if you focus on a specific part you can't 'read' it. 

it's like the entirety of your memory is at your disposal but not in the way that you're used to, you can't interact with it directly and indulge into it, I know yet I don't know it, it's a way of using memory that let's you fully indulge and concentrate in the present moment and still fully enjoy the benefits of your memory of past events
its pretty hard to explain

Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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You don't have to explain it, I experience the same when I'm on weed. :)

What is the VERY last thing that you remember right now? Meditate on this question. Concentrate on the gap between the very last thing and the present moment. You will go places... :)

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