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Im starting the stereotypical giza pyramids thread, as ppl likely wanna comment on the recent LIDAR revealings, that are making people believe that theres something below khafres pyramid (second largest) the middle one—that isnt the tomb for the birds, but i suppose something below that now? im guessing here, as i have to assume thats what they mean. as, we know that the tomb of the birds goes below or towards the middle pyramid, somewhere underneath, but nobody has taken a droid or something w/ a camera in there to see what else is under it. Its unclear what that tomb even is besides being some sortve strange fracture in the earth, and a perfect opening to walk through. Somebody of course created the initial opening/hole-in-the-wall to the adjoining cave, but its unclear if they did that like, knowing there was something there or what... Again its hard to say what thats about. Its unlikely that theres anything more below, as youd imagine that there would be a passage to it, and not just like a tiny cave system hovering above. we still dont even know how the pyramids were made, or how they hoisted up such heavy pieces, like the one in the kings chamber of  i wanna say khufus pyramid (the largest one) closest to sphinx. khafres and khufus has always been quite unusual.

Edited by kavaris

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There was likely something very important in the khufu and khafre pyramids, as later explorers incorrectly breached the pyramid, going through the bottom-up again, instead of finding the correct switch to trigger the blocking stones at the entrance. when they got about half way through the dig, they heard something loud as fk drop somewhere ahead, what turned out to be one of these internal blocking stones, somehow triggered. So what we are talking about is some sortve puzzle box, where you got giant stones collapsing literally, as you try to enter in through the wrong place. They did find the real entrance later on, but now everyone uses the fake entrance. Its unclear though what repercussions came from incorrectly entering it in the first place. But we know that everything we know about history starts turn upsidedown when we learn about Egypt; Like, there are inscriptions, like in the Temple of Edfu, that align w/ the story of Atlantis.

This is easily found online, alas...

In Plato's dialogues (Timaeus and Critias), there is a tale recounted by Critias, who claims to have heard it from his grandfather, who in turn heard it from Solon, about a legendary island. And that story is a hypothetical feud between two places, Athens and Atlantis (this is of course Platos own spin on the story of Atlantis now, as we are now talking about a creative retelling on Platos part) where Athens triumphs, and Atlantis falls, reluctantly to whatever Atlantis had neglected—whether that was highlighting flaws in the Atlantean character, or a literal failure to fortify their own island/civilization, it just says that lightning, earthquakes or floods—something along those lines destroyed the island. The Athens in Platos tale is a fictionalized, prehistoric version, not the bustling 4th-century BCE democracy he knew. And also, Atlantis is—much like the flood story—one of these repetitive bibleland stories echoed in inscriptions and so on. and it pre dates everything we know about history, as its like, land before time era.

p.s. i should note that its unclear what parts of Atlantis are passed down to Plato, but he is expressing the story from a philosophical position. Athens was a real city with a messy democracy at the time, fresh off losing the Peloponnesian War (404 BCE) and its using the same name, Athenai  in it, so it has a prestigious ring to—what is likely two illustrious zones, albeit Atlantis is disregarded (we might even consider how you end up w/ rivalrys that last for centurys, and so you kindve have to artistically frame one city as being the arch enemy, to highlight the strengths of another)

Edited by kavaris

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I seen something recently too that had ppl racing up the side of a pyramid or a mountain or somethin' too, i forget wat it was.

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3 hours ago, kavaris said:

I seen something recently too that had ppl racing up the side of a pyramid or a mountain or somethin' too, i forget wat it was.


(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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Tomb of the Space Kangaroo.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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The pyramids were flying, they are actually giant spaceships but you don't see them because Hollywood, controlled by the Jews and the Masonic sect of the lodge of the flying pyramids, have conditioned you to another form; And of course they were used to make electricity. Egypt was actually ruled by the black Somali dynasty Wholololoh before the racists white and middle eastern, jealous of the superiority of black blood suppressed the evidence.

Edited by Schizophonia

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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They fly, they generate energy 

And the tools needed to unlock/make them are underneath 

It's all underneath us 


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There have long been speculation of energy generators. Not sure why its taking so long to confirm whether this recent discovery is real or fake.

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