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Multiple Life Purposes

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I have recently committed to building my life purpose of being a coach and self-actualisation teacher, but I also have a dream to get deep in music production and make music one day as a master of sound. I also really wish to pursue chess in a dedicated way one day and I have a goal to maybe become a GM. 

My point is that I am so passionate about life that I feel like I want to end up having pursued multiple purposes. Is this viable?

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There's a tradeoff between time and level of achievement. The more time you can devote to something the further you can go. There's nothing in principle stopping you from pursuing multiple dreams, but you will find that your time is limited. In the end it will come down to time-management and priorities. What you choose to prioritise and spend time on will change over time, and you probably already know what excites you most out of the dreams you mentioned.

You'll have to think long term - you have enough time to devote 10, 20, 30 or more years to what you want to achieve. Even if you gave ten years to each different activity in turn, you could still achieve a lot in each.

It may seem like a contradiction to say you have limited time and then say 30 years, but trust me, that time will go quickly in hindsight. It boils down to solid commitment and consistency over that timespan for each dream, that's it.


57% paranoid

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