
If I'm EVERYTHING why does "my" life still suck?

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Even if I'm YOU, everybody, and everything else why does little "me" still have a shit life?

And if I'm everyone else, why did I make so many people into such assholes? 

Is that just the essence of human nature? Selfishness and self-deception.

Do I hold them accountable, draw hard boundaries for the hallucinatory people I've created?

Or am I just the old man shouting at clouds meme, fundamentally?


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A shit life is the default. If you want a great life you gotta build it up from scratch.

Does an RPG character start off with a great life? No. He starts off in a loincloth with a stick to beat off rats.

If you want something more you gotta build it.

You could build a palace in the forest as long as you're willing to work for it.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@PenguinPablo Unfortunately you cannot spiritually bypass your way out of living masterfully.

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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2 hours ago, PenguinPablo said:

And if I'm everyone else, why did I make so many people into such assholes?

Do I hold them accountable, draw hard boundaries for the hallucinatory people I've created?

Understanding people's suppressed pain and shame behind "being an asshole" helps a lot.

Understanding yourself and why do certain people feel like asholes to you, can also give you super important clues about things you repressed.

2 hours ago, PenguinPablo said:

Or am I just the old man shouting at clouds meme, fundamentally?


Aren't we all just an old man yelling at the cloud? 😂

Do not fail yourself in remembering that: You are a God!

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Does an RPG character start off with a great life? No. He starts off in a loincloth with a stick to beat off rats.


I'm starting a new cryptocurrency. It's called LOVE coin, LOIN, Loincloth. I'll personally donate 50 million of it to you, Leo.

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Unfortunate for the human that thinks it has a life and is a somebody, which includes just about everyone. There's no "little you" with a life, there's just life. It sucks when it's personal. That's the reality of the situation. That's the freedom that you don't want. That's unconditional love and that's the liberation that is for no one. Sucks don't it. There's no solution but the pain can be relieved a bit through all that you see spiritualists doing and are trying to accomplish and through all the distractions of the modern world. Relief and release. Recognize what you're not and maybe you'll be alright. 

People seem like assholes only because of your expectations. Have none, and they'll just seem like inert rocks.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

A shit life is the default. If you want a great life you gotta build it up from scratch.

Yeah ...what about people who are born into a wealthy family and have won the genetic lottery from the get go ?

17 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Unfortunate for the human that thinks it has a life and is a somebody, which includes just about everyone. There's no "little you" with a life, there's just life. It sucks when it's personal. 

Ah shit there we go . That doesn't help .Jesus fucking christ .

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10 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Ah shit there we go . That doesn't help .Jesus fucking christ .

Yeah, helps me. Do you see me up here complaining about anything or much. Do you see me up here starting posts about how depressed or anxious I am. Do you see me here needing advice on how much to suck out of life what addictions are driving me crazy and how that man did me wrong and how traumatized I was as a child. Do you see....i could go on. It's the constant reenforcing of the human and its ego that doesn't fucking jesus christ help. 

All your problems and fucking addictions and neurosis and unhappiness and whatever else sickening neurotic behavior the humans go through stems from that energy that thinks it's a someone. I think I'm a someone but at least i get it and don't make a fucking scenario out of it and use my mind to relieve the tension instead of looking to the psychotic and neurotic world to do it for me.

What doesn't fucking help is you living inside out. Worshipping a fucking fake world and ignoring the true world. What doesn't fucking help is being arrogant and a narcissist into thinking life is about you and the world revolves around you. Your problems and suffering will never end with this belief system hanging over your shoulder. Good news, though, is that it's only an appearance and only seems that way. There's nothing wrong and no one really suffers, but that's just words and doesn't have any effect or serves any purpose saying that only piss off the suffering even more. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Princess Arabia

22 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

All your problems and fucking addictions and neurosis and unhappiness and whatever else sickening neurotic behavior the humans go through stems from that energy that thinks it's a someone

Seriously. What the fuck are you talking about . And don't hint at my porn addiction because you have no idea what it's like being a young  single male with hyper active  hormones .men are not humans with dick . They are dicks with humans .if you get what i mean .but of course you won't.  Plus I think you do have a shit ton of problems in your life and using this Jim Newmanian escapist philosophy to spiritually bypass facing your ugly past . I don't judge you for being (I mean Wasing) a sex worker.  I do believe we are just given roles in life and our life scripts were determined before our Birth . Look at your tone in this post . Doesn't sound  like you embody your philosophy. So much anger and overusing the F word . 

Anyways ..people have practical self isn't the end all be all . People have discovered that the self is an illusion since 5000 years ago in the east . Its only getting popular now in the west because it is spiritual bypassing .because the west is hitting a dead end .


Edited by Someone here

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6 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@Princess Arabia

Seriously. What the fuck are you talking about . And don't tl hint at my porn addiction because you have no idea what it's like being a young  single male with hyper active  hormones .men are not humans with dick . They are dicks with humans .if you get what i mean .but of course you won't.  Plus I think you do have a shit ton of problems in your life and using this Jim Newmanian escapist philosophy to spiritually bypass facing your ugly past . I don't judge you for being (I mean Wasing) a sex worker.  I do believe we are just given roles in life and our life scripts were determined before our Birth . Look at your tone in this post . Doesn't sound  likd you embody your philosophy. So much anger and overusing the F word . 

Anyways ..people have practical self isn't the end all be all . People have discovered that the self is an illusion since 5000 years ago in the east . Its only getting popular now in the west because it is spiritual bypassing .because the west is hitting a dead end .


This is what I'm talking about. Wasn't even referring to you personally and here you go taking what was said personally and about you. Keep talking about practicality and the stupid fake world that you so worship. More power to you. Keep being stuck and keep using the invented bypassing word they invented to keep you stuck. You know what I'm done. I can't be bothered. I'm staying unbothered. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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7 minutes ago, Someone here said:

I don't judge you for being (I mean Wasing) a sex worker.  I do believe we are just given roles in life and our life scripts were determined before our Birth

Lol. I didn't even see this part. Really. Can you give me a scenario of my job. While you're at it, please describe when you're banging girls indulging in perverted pornography, fantasizing about strange men and worshipping Greek goddesses from Greece. BTW, one of my scenarios is going out on a nice dinner date, or cooking for someone, or having a few drinks at a lovely bar and escaping for a nice roundevous afterwards and enjoying the escape or maybe once in awhile sucking on a lolipop to taste the sweetness of life and exchanging some moans and groans of ecstasy and going home feeling exhausted from not from disgust but from enjoying the pleasures of life or maybe feeling a bit annoyed but never lasting long or feel as if I need help or have to write on forums about my misfortunes in life because I'm so miserable about how life is treating me. Rather be a sexless sex worker than some banged up chick and used up slut that gets used and thrown by the wayside for someone new because men get bored with old pussy that came to them without any hard work that they used up and took for granted. Don't get me started on the sex worker thing because I see more people on here working for sex than I could even imagine and don't care to. Leave that out of it or you  will regret it.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Princess Arabia so it wasn't personal when you hinted about my addictions and anxiety which I clearly acknowledge and have opened threads about in the forum to get help for ? This is personal development forum so i use it to get help .look at the very top at this page its written . 

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12 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Lol. I didn't even see this part. Really. Can you give me a scenario of my job. While you're at it, please describe when you're banging girls indulging in perverted pornography, fantasizing about strange men and worshipping Greek goddesses from Greece. BTW, one of my scenarios is going out on a nice dinner date, or cooking for someone, or having a few drinks at a lovely bar and escaping for a nice roundevous afterwards and enjoying the escape or maybe once in awhile sucking on a lolipop to taste the sweetness of life and exchanging some moans and groans of ecstasy and going home feeling exhausted from not from disgust but from enjoying the pleasures of life or maybe feeling a bit annoyed but never lasting long or feel as if I need help or have to write on forums about my misfortunes in life because I'm so miserable about how life is treating me. Rather be a sexless sex worker than some banged up chick and used up slut that gets used and thrown by the wayside for someone new because men get bored with old pussy that came to them without any hard work that they used up and took for granted. Don't get me started on the sex worker thing because I see more people on here working for sex than I could even imagine and don't care to. Leave that out of it or you  will regret it.

Girl you are hilarious.  Yeah that is how a a spiritually liberated and detached person reacts to accusing of being a slut . Obviously I don't know what kind of sex work exactly you did in the past because how would i know .if it wasn't for you saying that in the past and that you were raped ..nobody would've messed around with you about this . I'm saying I'm not judging you but you still react like a volcano. You're boiling with disturbing emotions . You are not as spiritually liberated as you like to sing around in this forum nonstop day and and night . You got work to do .

C’est la vie. 

Edited by Someone here

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@Someone here I get a lot of victim mentality vibes from you, man. And I get it too, but there's no point in whining about it "Ohh boohoo I'm a horny young dude and because of that they did all this shit to me," bro, take back your power, right fucking now before I come over there and beat you with a stick.

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You guys calm down. 

This is a personal development forum, a space not just for ourselves but others as well.

If we have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. Apologize if we can step outside of our self reactivity. We are better than this, it's okay to get heated but let's chill out and allow people to be here even if what someone says we disagree with and think it's baloney.

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33 minutes ago, LifeEnjoyer said:

and because of that they did all this shit to me,"

Who did what to you ?

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10 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Who did what to you ?

I was “cancelled” at my last uni

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1 hour ago, LifeEnjoyer said:

@Someone here I get a lot of victim mentality vibes from you, man. And I get it too, but there's no point in whining about it "Ohh boohoo I'm a horny young dude and because of that they did all this shit to me," bro, take back your power, right fucking now before I come over there and beat you with a stick.

No one is going to cancel on you because you're looking for a girlfriend in university.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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Listen here.

Even the sucking is perfection. You are running away from being sucked!

Reality needing to go your way is precisely what is keeping you stuck in a fantasy of perfection.


Edited by Yimpa

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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