
Is Meditation BS?

78 posts in this topic

1 minute ago, ExploringReality said:

@Princess Arabia 

Is your assumptions about my understanding true? 



You can come up with any story and it be true for you. I can assume anything and it not be true. Be specific on which understanding.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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3 minutes ago, ExploringReality said:

@Princess Arabia

Then that is your epistemic positioning.

There's no escaping the problem of how you know what you know. 

All your assumptions and beliefs are what ground your sense of reality even if they appear to be spiritual, so I can understand that protecting it or going in circles prevent any sort of serious examination of what one is saying.

Who said I was protecting anything. You're saying that. This forum is meant for talking so I can only express my views like this. There's no problem as far as I'm concerned. Not sure how you claim to know what grounds my sense of reality or if I even feel a sense of reality. You've made a lot of claims about me in these statements and called my statements positions. I can change anything at anytime because I'm not saying them from a position of being Absolutely true.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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1 hour ago, Aaron p said:

For god realisation yeah, for mind stabilisation and fundamental grounding type work, is very useful. Also most people will never realise god at the deepest levels. Even the likes of myself, I'm not going for god realisation yet and I'm a hardcore fan of enlightenment.

You have to remember how hardcore real god realisation is. It is scary as fuck. And there's a chance of you actually dying or loosing your shit. It's pretty for most people meditation is going to have some use probably 

For those of us on the self-actualization journey, we should be ready to stare God straight in the face. 

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3 minutes ago, ExploringReality said:

@Princess Arabia

Exactly you can assume anything and take it for granted as something obvious, but it only seems that way when your defensive and protecting your self from being blowed away by questions. Rather than questioning your assumptions, you take them for granted and uphold yourself as saying the right things about reality.

 Ask me anything about what I say and I'll try to answer to the best of my ability. All I can do is speak from what I believe to be the case. I don't start every sentence with "this is just my opinion and what I believe to be true", nor do I say when speaking to someone "what I'm saying is the Absolute truth and it is no other way". It is already understood that what one says is their own take and what they believe to be the case. That doesn't have to be spelt out.  If you would like I could change my signature to everything i say here is my own take on things and I speak from a place of having opinions and don't claim them to be facts. Also, there's nothing i say that needs to be protected and I'm no way in defense mode about what I believe to be the case. I speak about what I speak about until what I speak about changes and I may believe something else. I'm in no way attached to anything I say or take anything i say to be Absolute truth. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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7 minutes ago, ExploringReality said:

All these things are assumptions and not true, you see? 

You're the only one debating truth in a relative comment. I would suggest that you take everyone's word on a public forum as their own opinions and assumptions and not true. That goes for just about every Youtube channel, magazine clip, podcast channel and reddit comment. Every public news channel, every broadcaster and politician. Need I list any more. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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38 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Doing practices and staying disciplined is also a construct of the mind. 

If by mind you mean human mind, then it depends; otherwise, everything is a construct, which means, for example, if you don't eat, you would get hungry even if eating is a construct, which will make you unable to keep being aware that it's a construct.

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9 minutes ago, ExploringReality said:

@Princess Arabia it's not about debating, it's about questioning assumptions, that's all.

I have questioned everything and it's mother. There's always things to question and more to learn and understand but everything one says, including Leo has to be taken as assumption. Why only what I say. I don't take what anybody says to be the Truth, only agreed or disagreed with. Whatever I say, either you agree or disagree. You can question and ask for clarification but please don't assume that I speak from authority and claim anything to be the Absolute Truth unless stated otherwise. I'm under the impression from your statements that I'm not allowed to state my opinions or give my take about Reality because they are not Truths. Then you quote me a Zen devil video as if I'm not allowed to speak what I believe to be the case. Everyone on here gave different views about reality are you going to call them a Zen devil if they speak their minds. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Meditation has nothing to do with stopping the mind, meditation is about disentangling the energetic knots caused by the ego through the process of observation. The practice of concentration and stilling the mind is just one method out of many to disentangle the egoic patterns. It's like putting a lid on a restless energy and waiting for it to run its course and dissolve. 

When the egoic energy that was initially made to cling to survival gets released, that energy goes back into its original state which is wholeness and peace rather than fear and tension. Ego is like a dense load of ice and by shining the light of awareness on the ego we are transforming ice into water and water into steam. (reference to the famous Jing-Chi-Shen alchemical formula)

As the steam rises, the conciousness is expanding, we become more transparent, more sensitive, more intuitive, less dense, more receptive to grace etc, spiritual wisdom begins to come naturally, your perception of spiritual realities increase aswell. The steam that was once in a form of ice becomes like your aura of peace, a specious presence around you as your permenant companion that can fill the whole room and help others to melt down aswell.

If you melt the ice completely, you evaporate. It's called Mahasamadhi. You can even transform the very physical body into light aswell. That's what Jesus did upon resurrection, he made the body evaporate in the light. He's not the only one who's done that tho. This phenomena is known in many different traditions aswell. 

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Btw, if you wish to live well, there's no alternative to meditation or some other form of spiritual practice. Meditation is not a practice even, it's life itself. 

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Don't kid yourself. Meditation is super important in this work. Hardcore meditation, not the 1hr kind.

Meditation is critical for deconstructing the mind and ego.

A Buddhist rat is still superior to a normal rat. Outwitting a Buddhist is no easy feat ;)

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Go on a meditation retreat for at least a week. Do you best to follow instructions, to observe, to be still and to feel.

If you still believe meditation is BS after this, then we can have a conversation again :)


After finishing my first 10 day retreat I had this idea that if I ever founded my own company, it will be a necessary condition that they did at least one long meditation retreat. Why? Because people that do these kind of things have proven to be much easier to work with for me.

Of course some people don't need retreats to reach these cooperative behavior and open attitudes - but most do...

Edited by theleelajoker

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40 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Don't kid yourself. Meditation is super important in this work. Hardcore meditation, not the 1hr kind.

Do you currently practice both — hardcore and 1hr kind, or only hardcore?

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1 hour ago, Clarence said:

Do you currently practice both — hardcore and 1hr kind, or only hardcore?

I meditated 20hrs this weekend.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I meditated 20hrs this weekend.

"The resurrection of Leo" 

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I meditated 20hrs this weekend.

Curious What led you back to it? I recall a period where you denounced meditation-calling it a waste of time (around the period of your Alien Awakening)

Edited by Terell Kirby

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5 minutes ago, Terell Kirby said:

Curious What led you back to it? I recall a period where you denounced meditation-calling it a waste of time (around the period of your Alien Awakening)

It is a waste of time relative to Alien anything. But you can't live in the Alien domain. You must settle for lower things.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I meditated 20hrs this weekend.

Wow. That's really serious.

What kind of results do you get from this amount of meditation? Does your state of consciousness significantly shift while you meditate, or is 20 hrs not long enough for that (compared to the 200-hour retreats you mentioned before)?

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I meditated 20hrs this weekend.

@Leo Gura What kind do you practiced?

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10 minutes ago, Clarence said:

Wow. That's really serious.

What kind of results do you get from this amount of meditation? Does your state of consciousness significantly shift while you meditate, or is 20 hrs not long enough for that (compared to the 200-hour retreats you mentioned before)?

The man blogs every day pretty much. Take a read and see the fruit.

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