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Psilocybin Natalensis - A new species of mushroom?

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I have a friend who recently gifted me a TON of mushrooms.

A bunch of different strains that I've never heard of. 

One of the strains he gave me was actually psilocybe natalensis, which is an entirely different species of psilocybin-producing mushrooms (the most common are the psilocybe cubensis species)

I've heard that these have different subjective effects and are significantly more potent. I'm wondering if anyone has experience with these and would be willing to share their experience. I'm eager to try!

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16 hours ago, Maximilian said:

I have a friend who recently gifted me a TON of mushrooms.


I was thinking of buying the spore syringe of that mushroom a few days ago. I can't wait to grow some mushrooms.

Edited by Nemra

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Make sure to share your experience! Psychs are largely unexplored, so any and all experience are welcome in the name of science.

Chaos, Entropy, Order

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