Santiago Ram


8 posts in this topic

I am convinced that Self-control is the most important attribute for Spiritual Awakening, Career advancement and Conflict resolution.

How do you train Self-control?

How can I develop great levels of Self-discipline?

May Peace be with You

My blog: An Inquiry into Conflict

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Why do you start so many threads in such a short space of time. I counted 10 threads currently in your name. Do you even marinate on the responses. Is this an obsession. Maybe start a journal to help with the recurring thoughts.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Self-control is important for keeping your sanity. Unless you can convince a space kangaroo or two.

Edited by Yimpa

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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11 minutes ago, ExploringReality said:

@Princess Arabia low-key I'm thinking the same 

Maybe OCD.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Put blockades between me and unhealthy stuff. Or allow myself to have one bite of the cake and no more...for me another insight is that action starts with a simple thought. If you notice the thought that you want to take action, either towards or away from something, then you can repeat that thought over and over mentally and verbally. Then I just force myself to go where I would go if I were going to do that thing, then force myself to do a tiiiiiiiiiny start. Once I do the tiny start the rest is easy. Just getting started is hard so finding ways to leverage the start points is useful I find

Edited by Aaron p

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@Santiago Ram duude you have to be willing to do hard things. Practice makes perfect. You can start by doing things that require a small amount of self control and work your way up. 

I’m a trauma-informed spiritual mentor. Follow me on Instagram.


I also have a meditation available that teaches you how to connect to your heart:


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Step 1 is to know who is the self that needs controlling. Is it ego or is it god? To achieve this, get to bed and up before the world does and sit in silence. One you know the real you, you seamlessly abide and act on your true behalf. The fool who existed before who needed discipline is long gone.

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