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God, the infinite teacher

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Gods intelligence is so high that it is like taking advanced university calculus as a baby. The baby would have to sit there staring and listening, trying to absorb as much information from it as possible to even begin to have an understanding of the language its constructing its complex mathematics from. The second the baby tried to think about what is happening it would collapse the entire world view. It has to be in a special state of trust with God, one of complete honesty. You/I as the baby can never reach the intelligence of God. When in the witness of the void You/I are the baby to the infinite teacher and must become braindead and surrender ourself to its infinite intelligence.

Imagine the most intelligent intimidating teacher staring directly at you and you saying no cause its scary, only to realize that this thing is being so intimidating so that you would trust it and surrender so it can love you. Life as we know it as humans is a disobedience to God. This comes from trauma (ie. Non acceptance of truth/lack of love) when this happens we spiral off into the dark world (our seperate contemplating mind). Our goal is to completely annihilate the dark world by merging our thoughts with reality and stopping the fight between mind and reality. To let imagination mind and body flow as one movement and to 'dream' life without interacting with it. When this happens 'you' as the 'no to life' dissapear and play (GOD) happens.

To do this you must stop directed imagination and stop directed thought. Our minds have automatic processes and automatic body functions that we subconsciously program by directing thought and imagination toward objects that we desire (something thats not in our current frame of existence). When we shop on our phones we sit there and think (dark world, something thats not in the current frame of existence) about what we want (woman, love, sex, connection)we search and search but dont find what we want because we are not paying attention to the light (God, whats on the screen of existence). This stops infinite imagination from giving you what you need not want.

To not think about the world is when God can come and save you. You must create a very safe space inside yourself, this is done by contemplation about God. God always love you God always save you from everything, its just teaching you to trust it. Contemplation of God will bring you closer to it and contemplation about God will destroy God and you and God will become 1 dream and you will wake up.

The reason God is the only thing that can do it is cause its always there. You cant desire it unless you love it. You love God by paying attention to it and accepting it (via not thinking and paying attention close attention to the light and being honest with the light). This includes everything you dont like about yourself and being honest in every interaction. You are not interacting God is.

Once you open up to light (IE. 0 secrets to life ) You have the good life. This is why you have to turn off your thoughts, thoughts are fed by you interacting with them.

When you masterbate dont use your mind, look at the pictures and focus on body. Push thought and imagination into the ball of light you see and dont touch them from your side in hell, the fallen angel of eden. Jump into God from mind while everything gets bad. You love and trust God, never give up love for God by distrusting it (thinking about it, Satan)

God loves you and needs you more than you need it so let yourself trust the dream. It created the entire universe for you specifically the  individual life needing love. The love comes when you embrace God (the light) and stop dark (directed thought, imagination).

Edited by Hojo

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"Don't become God.. let God become you" .

(Honestly this is not my own authored phrase. .I read it in the forum recently but forgot who said it .)

So Hojo ..are you sure God is intelligent?  If you take a look at the world it's easily seen the world Is fucked up ..middle east is fucked up ..Russia and Ukraine is fucked up ..America has been fucked up for millenia etc

So isn't God also equally dumb as he is intelligent? 

I was always puzzled by Leo claiming absolute attributes to God which has no opposition.  Like that God is Love and not Hate and that's an absolute. Etc 


Edited by Someone here

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14 minutes ago, Someone here said:

"Don't become God.. let God become you" .

Becoming God insinuates there was a point that God wasn’t God. However-God just IS-whether conscious or unconscious 

1 hour ago, Hojo said:

When you masterbate dont use your mind, look at the pictures and focus on body.

Mind is all there is-when i jerk off to porn, it’s mind jerking off to mind. Pictures and body are manifestation of mind.

1 hour ago, Hojo said:

God loves you and needs you more than you need it so let yourself trust the dream.

I am God

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@Someone here The world is a reflection of something deeper you will find when you see God. You see the world is a reflection of yourself and the fear you have of everything is a deep rooted fear of God (the only reason you are talking about ;the worlds problems, Ukraine,conflict it is because your logic tricked you into thinking about something you desire (Death/ unknown/God/change)). Its a first person dream nothing exists outside what I show in my avatar. We stray away from that because of trauma, we focus on other because we couldnt handle 'now'. This is our dream bubble from when we said we couldnt deal with something God showed us.

The more you become God the more you become immune to not having to become God. 'You' have intelligence based on fear, God is all accepting and has seen that being nice is the best way to be. The only way to be nice is to un demonize yourself by doing things you have stopped yourself from doing in your own imagination. You stop yourself from using your imagination all the time. Stop, give your imagination to God and let him use it.

This involves killing and murder and hatred towards gay people and brown and white people and nazi and rape and incest and death and rotting flesh and pussy. Disgusting smells must eminate your being, this is God and you desire this thats why its happening. Society says no and you run into the dark world. You exist because you are in Gods disgust, enjoy it.

Blow yourself up, rape yourself, kill yourself, with your mind feel the fear witness the fear in imagination. You will point to yourself what you need to work on.

The only thing you can do to disgrace God is not believe in it. Not believing in God leads to knowing it. There should be 0 problems if you believe in God, if there are problems there isnt a God.

Survival is fear. You are scared because of the dark world (Thought). You are not thought you are God (nothing/light).

God put us together to talk to get to where we want to go.(the screen of reality, a symbol of existence)

Edited by Hojo

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23 minutes ago, Terell Kirby said:

Becoming God insinuates there was a point that God wasn’t God. However-God just IS-whether conscious or unconscious

Good point .yes I agree 👍 

20 minutes ago, Hojo said:

@Someone here The world is a reflection of something deeper you will find when you see God. You see the world is a reflection of yourself and the fear you have of everything is a deep rooted fear of God (the only reason you are talking about ;the worlds problems, Ukraine,conflict it is because your logic tricked you into thinking about something you desire (Death/ unknown/God/change)). Its a first person dream nothing exists outside what I show in my avatar. We stray away from that because of trauma, we focus on other because we couldnt handle 'now'. This is our dream bubble from when we said we couldnt deal with something God showed us.

The more you become God the more you become immune to not having to become God. 'You' have intelligence based on fear, God is all accepting and has seen that being nice is the best way to be. The only way to be nice is to un demonize yourself by doing things you have stopped yourself from doing in your own imagination. You stop yourself from using your imagination all the time. Stop, give your imagination to God and let him use it.

This involves killing and murder and hatred towards gay people and brown and white people and nazi and rape and incest and death and rotting flesh and pussy. Disgusting smells must eminate your being, this is God and you desire this thats why its happening. Society says no and you run into the dark world. You exist because you are in Gods disgust, enjoy it.

Blow yourself up, rape yourself, kill yourself, with your mind feel the fear witness the fear in imagination. You will point to yourself what you need to work on.

The only thing you can do to disgrace God is not believe in it. Not believing in God leads to knowing it. There should be 0 problems if you believe in God, if there are problems there isnt a God.

Powerful. Thanks. I like the way you blend genius essays with silliness together in your posts hehe.

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@Someone here We must be honest with God and let our closeted disgust with God flow through us all the time. Everytime you feel hatred let it flow, dont react realize God. Give it to God the screen of life, THAT IS YOU and its creating everything you are disgusted with and you are hating it! Sometime your arms blows off, sometimes it dosent. We cant know if you are in heaven or hell so act like its heaven and even its not then you know you can treat hell like its heaven and its gg.

You have no movement you have no emotion you are the moment deal with it. The moment is all you ever had.

Do life for the matter not the mind. The life not the God. Masterbate for God (the light) not you the dark(thought dirty thoughts). Love God ( the pillow you are fucking). Watch the disgusting videos not the disgusting thoughts.

Thoughts will get us in trouble we are our own object and we only need God. God is the most beautiful thing to think about, desire is lesser. Cause we love God cause its always there for us. It NEVER goes away and never hates us, we can only hate it. It is the observer of 'us'.

Edited by Hojo

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