
Where Exactly Do Leo's Teaching Differ From Nonduality?

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Has anyone made a post or a short list of where Leo's teachings different from 'regular' nondual teachings? 

I'm not well versed in any other teachings but saw this video and the teachings all sound the same as Leo's:

  • You are living in the dream but your suffering feels 100% real. 
  • The ego will always find subtle ways to reinforce itself 
  • All is one, but burn through karma



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This is something I'd like to hear about cuz Leo once said that awakening goes beyond regular nonduality...

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That's a good start to grasp the differences. The short of it is, in my own words, is realizing Multiplicity is just as absolute as Unity. Depending on the depth of reading this might sound stupid or simplistic, but contemplate and maybe you'll get somewhere. There's also many blog posts, some of them very recent, that highlight the distinctions. 



Whichever way you turn, there is the face of God

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3 hours ago, LambdaDelta said:

That's a good start to grasp the differences. The short of it is, in my own words, is realizing Multiplicity is just as absolute as Unity. Depending on the depth of reading this might sound stupid or simplistic, but contemplate and maybe you'll get somewhere. There's also many blog posts, some of them very recent, that highlight the distinctions.

So, all is one is just as important as, one is all?

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In the way it is delivered. It ain't. I've seen lots of similarities. If you listen to Rose's Roses, some simple old lady recording from her kitchen and lots of Leo's older videos , they're pretty much saying the same things when it comes to reality. The wording is different but it's really the same thing except Leo calls the energy God and she says there's no awareness (which Leo just said recently) and consciousness. 


Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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7 minutes ago, LittoDitto said:

So, all is one is just as important as, one is all?

Indeed it is. One of the first things that's much simpler to see from 'one is all' perspective is that the entirety of God is right here, right now, in your teacup. The very notion of perspective only exists in duality. You can explore and tweak this from endless angles, each direction completely bottomless, and it always converges back to One in the most beautiful mindfuck. Inconceivable states of consciousness could be reached this way, not possible or at least much more challenging to get to when you're stuck at 'all is one' because there's no one left to inquire into anything. But you as God can inquire into yourself forever and still still surprise yourself. 'Regular' nonduality doesn't explain how Truth is Love, why there's evil, doesn't let you see divine intelligence in stupidity and mundane, doesn't allow for holding paradox simultaneously beyond simply collapsing it, and so on. That's just the basics and there's higher gears beyond. 

Whichever way you turn, there is the face of God

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The difference all lies within the consciousness of what God is.

Just because someone says nondual things doesn't mean they have a profound consciousness of God. They may not understand God at all. They may not even know what the word God refers to. Just because they think they know doesn't mean they do. And doesn't mean their teaching will get people to realize God.

God is the most trickiest thing to understand correctly, and virtually nobody has the epistemic nor ontological foundation necessary to properly understand it. Nonduality does not give people the necessary epistemic and ontological foundation. It offers simplistic group-think with little philosophical depth. Such people don't even understand why philosophical depth is important.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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It differs when it comes to solipsism. Nonduality teaches that we are all sentient and we are all one and the same yet also individualized at the same time. 

Leo teaches that you're the only one sentient and everyone else is a hallucination from your mind. Traditional nonduality wouldn't agree with that. There's not a single spiritual teacher that would agree with that, nonduality or otherwise. 

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@Leo Gura 

How can one attain an epistemic and metaphysical foundation to realize God's Awakening? 

Do you think people mistake their own shallow regurgitative non dual spiritual ideas and have very little consciousness of their ideas?

Also there is a profound connection and relationship between Philosophical Depth and Consciousness. Apprehension and Understanding is the Love of Wisdom. Philosophy is Loving Truth. And God is the Ultimate Truth!

Edited by ExploringReality

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13 minutes ago, ExploringReality said:

How can one attain an epistemic and metaphysical foundation to realize God's Awakening? 

That's what my videos teach.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura

Wild that I found your channel during a two gram mushroom trip that I cultivated, I was sent into an intense Philosophical and existential inquiry, during the comedown, I went on YouTube and was seriously searching and looking to find who is contemplating seriously, not just speculating, and your first video I ever found was your trip report on your mushroom experiences. I knew then that I found the real deal. 

The first videos I immediately watched on your channel are the metaphysical and epistemology work. I genuinely came to your work through my love of philosophy and wanting to understand Truth.

Your videos are so advanced that even after 5 years, there is still!!! So much wisdom and complexity to this work that I am still stunned and grateful to have found you. I made my way through ignorance with a desire for Truth no matter how lost I started out.

I then seen your lesser vids (mainstream) and noticed that many people come to and through your work wanting some shallow materialistic pursuits.

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14 minutes ago, ExploringReality said:

I genuinely came to your work through my love of philosophy and wanting to understand Truth.

Good! That's the best way to come. :)

And there's much more coming soon.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura

I am so excited. This work is Consciousness expanding and Transformative. 

Leo what do you envision happening to actualized.org when you die? You've done an amazing job with preempting the dangers of ideology and taking your word on faith. People will constantly hear you point out the traps of conspiracy theories, ideology, dogma and applying skepticism seriously but may not be enough to stop the ego from self deception and turning your work into a religion or dogma.

Also you are a big advocate for being results oriented, taking action and doing the work necessary to live an extraordinary life and reach insane levels of growth and Consciousness.

Funny how hard work, emotional intelligence and emotional labor for reaching Mastery and Consciousness is poo-pooped. People bitch and moan when you tell them it's gonna take hard work to achieve those qualities that they believe they already possess, remember that little book by Peter Ouspensky?

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2 hours ago, Salvijus said:

It differs when it comes to solipsism. Nonduality teaches that we are all sentient and we are all one and the same yet also individualized at the same time. 

Leo teaches that you're the only one sentient and everyone else is a hallucination from your mind. Traditional nonduality wouldn't agree with that. There's not a single spiritual teacher that would agree with that, nonduality or otherwise. 

They are as much you as you is you so thus non-duality.Solipsism is true but it is about what kind of spin you give it. I don't agree with the spin Leo is giving. It can be interpreted in weird ways by feeble minds.

Edited by AION

Wanderer who has become king 


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1 hour ago, AION said:

They are as much you as you is you so thus non-duality.Solipsism is true but it is about what kind of spin you give it. I don't agree with the spin Leo is giving. It can be interpreted in weird ways by feeble minds.

There's an element of solipsism in nonduality. But nonduality is much broader than solipsism alone. Nonduality acknowledges that conciousness can be localized and individualized into infinite of points of conciousnesses(children of God) that share the same source, experiencing reality from infinite points of view simultaneously. Each point of conciousness having a sovereign will over their reality. The word solipsism becomes redundant at this point to describe reality because it excludes the reality of individuality and multiplicity. So yea, solipsism is technically correct but it's very misleading word aswell because it's only half the truth, not the whole of it. And without the second half, solipsism turns into a pile of crap. 

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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3 hours ago, ExploringReality said:

Funny how hard work, emotional intelligence and emotional labor for reaching Mastery and Consciousness is poo-pooped. People bitch and moan when you tell them it's gonna take hard work to achieve those qualities that they believe they already possess, remember that little book by Peter Ouspensky?

The game everyone is playing is avoiding just sitting down under a tree for 200hrs of non-stop meditation.

If you look at every human being: academics, scientists, politicians, CEOs, New Agers, right-wingers, progressives, influencers, celebrities, etc -- all they're doing is just a clever strategy of avoiding sitting under that tree.

They will do anything, say anything, they will riot -- all just to avoiding sitting under that tree.

That's what it all boils down to. Because sitting under that tree is the death of all their bullshit.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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19 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

The game everyone is playing is avoiding just sitting down under a tree for 200hrs of non-stop meditation.

You mention this a lot these days. Is there anything meditation can do that psychedelics can't from your persepctive and insight?

@Leo Gura

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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6 minutes ago, SamC said:

You mention this a lot these days. Is there anything meditation can do that psychedelics can't from your persepctive and insight?

@Leo Gura

Meditation rewires the brain/mind in ways that psychedelics cannot. Hardcore meditation sharpens perception in important ways.

Psychedelics also sharpen perception but in ways that just don't last long enough.

Meditation also forces the mind to confront difficult emotional labor that is different from psychedelics. Meditation forces you to confront boredom and addictions in a very serious way that psychedelics cannot.

If you haven't done a 200hr retreat you really should. It will be hell, but you'll also learn a lot.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Reminder, in a dream, there is no rules... only the point of consciousness of those rules, which are the rules especially geared towards that one, little, infinitesmally small rule bearer, fallin through those scenes, whatever that may be or lead em to... is a numerous.

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@Leo Gura


If you haven't done a 200hr retreat you really should. It will be hell, but you'll also learn a lot.

What do you think about dailiy 1-2 hour meditation?

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