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Theres many different descriptions of what the multiverse is like, or what could be like, different possibilities for what we see in space as we zoom out. And in some theories it involves black holes that are kindve like, some sortve very odd temporary dimension where time is a bit warped, and thus space is a bit warped, which makes sense. but i suppose the question is how many are there then or how popular are they; As, we do see an odd favoring of ->direction-> when it comes to their spin (though to be fair, i dont quite understand how you discern up, down, left, right in space) So out in the void, what we might consider as nothing is just the darkest region from our perspective, but in the time it takes to investigate it, it could either be a vaccuum of cosmic, empty space, or it could just be the least populated relative to us, where in short time, reaching a point within that void is akin to having gone in the complete opposite direction, going so far beyond a population zone that it starts to resemble the bootes void we previously acknowedged. and then wed wonder, howd that happen, but its always about the weird warping of time and subsequent space, or vice versa. jus somethin to think about.

Edited by kavaris

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