
Giving up on pick up.

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21 years old virgin, keep failing at pick up despite thousands of approaches. It's just that there's something wrong with life, at this point. I just don't understand what more should i do to get girls. I guess the problem with pick up is that it's seen as creepy to talk to strangers, it's just uncomfortable and unnatural, people naturally just want to talk to people they already know. I'm tired of failure. There must be something wrong with this world, man, i just don't get it at this point.

Abstinence is torture and doesn't work. And when you try to take responsibility and fix your sex life, it also doesn't work. What should i do ? Go and rape a girl then? I just hate life because of this problem, all i do is think about girls and all i get is rejections. Is it my fault i was born with a body that craves sex without being able to ever satisfy this need ?

Edited by Majed

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You believing you need to rape a girl to get some is something that is embodied by SD red. Girls can smell that and it is repulse for them if you live in a western country as somebody from a middle eastern background. They are very tapped into their emotions and they can feel you are just looking for a willing hole. Nobody wants to be a hole that said yes. Your best option is to make friends and learn how to see the opposite sex as equals and not just as holes who say no to you. But to be honest I think you are a lost cause because you are not learning from the threads you open. It is always the same old same old.

Edited by AION

Wanderer who has become king 


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I can relate when I was your age . Listen ..there is no other way around doing it until you fucking conquer this world and achieve your dreams by getting the girlfriend you want .

It's not easy. It's a numbers game. My hottest and most extroverted friends do get the most dates..but 90% of it is still shit for them too.

Then the odd person will not suck. You'll stick together for what... 6 months..2 years? Then do it all again. Same for everyone.

Leave your comfort zone.and learn by failing. again ..and try once again. To infinity and beyond .

 What else are you going to do?  rape a girl or kill yourself?  You know deep down that's cowardness and failure .


Listen to hypnosis about Success and being an alpha male and a woman magnet .

Edited by Someone here

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7 hours ago, Majed said:

despite thousands of approaches.

Part of the problem right there. It's mechanical and seems desperate. That will only work for some and not every guy can pull this off. There are styles to each person and maybe you're better off playing the genuinely interested in her role. 


7 hours ago, Majed said:

I guess the problem with pick up is that it's seen as creepy to talk to strangers, it's just uncomfortable and unnatural, people naturally just want to talk to people they already know.

If the problem was with pick-up, no guy would have ever succeeded with it. Stop blaming the outside world for a start.

Everyone has to talk to someone for the first time so that premise doesn't even make sense that people only want to talk to those they already know. Those they know, there was a first time.

7 hours ago, Majed said:

Abstinence is torture and doesn't work. And when you try to take responsibility and fix your sex life, it also doesn't work.

Maybe try and see women not just as sex objects and someone to fix your sex life. 


7 hours ago, Majed said:

What should i do ? Go and rape a girl then?

Abstinence and rejections beats prison.

Your whole arguments scream it's all about me. Fulfilling my needs. What do you have to offer the world so the world can give back to you. Doesn't have to be academically or anything major great or flamboyant. Maybe show some genuine care for others, show you can offer a female a good time first, make them want to be with you. it's not about looks at this point because I've seen ugly men with women all the time, so I don't care what you look like. Maybe look at who you are becoming in the search and try to amend that and things might start to turn around.

You sound entitled by that comment you made; and I only say that because of the rape comment because you are entitled to a great sex life, but not in the way you approach it..

7 hours ago, Majed said:

Is it my fault i was born with a body that craves sex without being able to ever satisfy this need ?

We crave food. Do we go around approaching food stores demanding food. Don't we go out to get jobs and earn a living so we can satisfy our basic needs. Clothing, food and shelter are basic needs and I'm sure you've got that covered for now and didn't approach it as feeling entitled for them to be handed to you on a silver platter. Not saying you need to go out and pay for sex, but there's still some work involved other than just doing thousands of approaching. Treat it as a need that needs some inner work doing on your part. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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10 hours ago, Raze said:

try game transformation by Austin Summers and the ace formula 

Let me see your link 

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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If you want guarantee results become a bad person. Lie, cheat, steal and be as destructive as possible to everyone around you and suddenly you will have too many options.

I actually spoke to a girl who dated a serial killer who killed multiple women and she said she wasn't manipulated by him she actively chased him. Women will never admit these things, so you have test different approaches yourself. 

In my personal life living in a big city it is interesting that the worst most violent men I know never have these issues, they are not the one suffering from the male loneliness crisis but average are gaslighted into something is wrong with their personality.

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First, you need to love being in your own skin.

Do you love being a man?

Why are you doing pickup from a place of complete hate and desperation?

In the end you will get that pickup is all about how you relate to yourself not "others".

Gym, muscles, voice, style is a plus.

I personally recommend that you read: 

Models by Mark Manson and The Alabaster Girl by Zan Perrion.

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1 hour ago, Tenebroso said:

If you want guarantee results become a bad person. Lie, cheat, steal and be as destructive as possible to everyone around you and suddenly you will have too many options.

I actually spoke to a girl who dated a serial killer who killed multiple women and she said she wasn't manipulated by him she actively chased him. Women will never admit these things, so you have test different approaches yourself. 

In my personal life living in a big city it is interesting that the worst most violent men I know never have these issues, they are not the one suffering from the male loneliness crisis but average are gaslighted into something is wrong with their personality.

Bro you are utterly miserable to listen to. If you are like this in real life you must kill the mood of every room you enter. I’m not surprised you have trouble finding a woman

Like 99% of women are not looking to date serial killers. If you go to your local grocery store and look at couples there, not a single one of the dudes is going to be a serial killer and hardly any are going to be career criminals or whatever other kind of guy you think woman are looking for. You’re generalising from a few examples and applying the conclusion to all women

Idk where your obsession with this comes from, it’s fucking weird and irritating to listen to because it’s such a blatantly stupid take

This might cross the boundaries of what’s allowed on this forum but you are being truly idiotic, I’m sorry

Edited by something_else

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14 minutes ago, something_else said:

Bro you are utterly miserable to listen to. If you are like this in real life you must kill the mood of every room you enter. I’m not surprised you have trouble finding a woman

Like 99% of women are not looking to date serial killers. If you go to your local grocery store and look at couples there, not a single one of the dudes is going to be a serial killer and hardly any are going to be career criminals or whatever other kind of guy you think woman are looking for. You’re generalising from a few examples and applying the conclusion to all women

Idk where your obsession with this comes from, it’s fucking weird and irritating to listen to because it’s such a blatantly stupid take

This might cross the boundaries of what’s allowed on this forum but you are being truly idiotic, I’m sorry

Even if I was miserable in real life wouldn't matter if I had the right bone structure and features. This myth about vibe, being a good person etc is getting embarrassing, women can barely conceal it anymore although they try with the aid of upstanding gentlemen like you.

Even if they are not looking to date serial killers, the fact is morality has nothing to do with attraction and as long as the gaslighting of men continues, I will continue to make my points as I please.

Give yourself a pat on the back. I guess you're a good man who needs to put someone in their place, have a cookie. You're the idiot. You see, I can trade personal insults about someone I don't know too. How evolved and noble.

I don't give a **** about what you think. Keep it moving if you don't like my posts idiot.

Edited by Tenebroso

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@Princess Arabia

8 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

If the problem was with pick-up, no guy would have ever succeeded with it. Stop blaming the outside world for a start.

Everyone has to talk to someone for the first time so that premise doesn't even make sense that people only want to talk to those they already know. Those they know, there was a first time.

Thanks, i knew this but your articulation made it even more clear. I guess i just had a shitty night last night at the club, and i came back depressed because of it and i wrote this post. Yeah i was just crying because of how difficult pick up is. 

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16 hours ago, AION said:

But to be honest I think you are a lost cause because you are not learning from the threads you open. It is always the same old same old.

Dude getting good with women is terribly challenging, especially when you have or had health problems, money problems...

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@Majed Link your Instagram here or DM it to me. I'm one of the top dating photographers in North America I'll help you figure it out for free for the benefit of consciousness lol. 

Cold approach is just one way and only really gives great results for some guys and particularly those that have extroverted MBTI functions.

The 4 core ways are

1) Cold approach(Day/night game)

2) Online dating

3) Social Circle

4) Social media

I've spent thousands of dollars and thousands if not tens of thousands of hours learning this stuff. It's not easy but phenomenal results. People get results in different ways but I'd say the results are guaranteed if you don't give up.

Also lets talk specific metrics, you say literally thousands of approaches or do you mean 150 and are exaggerating? How many dates did you get out of it? How many Instagram/Number closes did you get? 

Owner of creatives community all around Canada as well as a business mastermind 

Follow me on Instagram @Kylegfall <3


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@Majed I think you must be giving off some desperate vibes when you're doing pick-up. Women can easily sense that you're coming with an agenda that you're holding onto too tightly.

Instead, you would probably get a lot more success if you just learn to socialize in general and make some friends (male and female).

The more well-resourced you are with your social circle, the less you'll come off as desperate and needy.

Think about social connection like it's water.

Now, if you already have plenty of water, you can be fairly casual about your relationship with water. You don't have to worry about it because you know it's there. And you're well-resourced.

But if were out in the desert for 2 days with no water with zero clue on when you'd get water next... you'd be freaking out about water and feeling so desperate for it.

Right now, you're probably in the latter state... where you're not socially well-resourced.

And so, you're putting so much pressure on making pick-up work out. And it's probably coming across in a way that repels because of the desperation.

It's sort of like me in elementary school when I had no friends. I got SUPER desperate about it... and that desperation repelled people even more.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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Have you tried your own advice?

I'm asking to understand your POV.

Being a liar, aggressive manipulator and narcissist really make woman wet? 

Edited by CARDOZZO

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3 hours ago, Tenebroso said:

I actually spoke to a girl who dated a serial killer who killed multiple women and she said she wasn't manipulated by him she actively chased him. Women will never admit these things, so you have test different approaches yourself. 

Wow, serial killers must be in the thousands and millions and roaming the streets. Dude, check your logics and see they don't even match up or make sense. Just because you met one like this, doesn't make it the norm. Just because you've seen women go for gangsters and rapists and "bad" men, doesn't mean most do. You are one out of 8 fucking billion. 

Try to see how we see the world how we are and that we have a tendency to think the world is only how we see it. It's natural. Be one up on the show to recognize how it's all your perceptions and not how things actually are on the whole. There's a situation for every scenario but we'll tend to only see the ones we believe in because that's just how the brain works and how the illusion becomes objective. Understand this and you'll start to open the mind go see other perspectives and not get so caught up in your dream state. Not denying your experiences, just saying you're seeing them as truth and cannot see it any other way.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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I had one guy friend who was very desperate. And I went out with him once or twice and he made a total ass out of himself, getting into fights with girls and dragging me into it and then pushing me to leave the venue. Being jealous when I caught fish. Once he even tried to kiss a street hooker and I was like wtfff. How one can be that desperate. He even got rejected by the street hooker. It was a true dumpster fire. These guys are their worst enemy but they have the incapacity to see it and when people point it out they get angry or try to drag you into their misery. I had couple of guy friends like these and I quickly learned by people avoid these people. I had some sympathy for them because it reminded me in my olden days but they just try to exploit your sympathy and so no willingness to change. And it is true, changing is very difficult if you don't know what one is doing. And it is the easiest thing if you know what you are doing in terms of patterns.

Edited by AION

Wanderer who has become king 


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30 minutes ago, AION said:

Once he even tried to kiss a street hooker and I was like wtfff. How one can be that desperate. He even got rejected by the street hooker.

Maybe if he had given her a dollar. Lol. Then she would have been the desperate one. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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