
Good Vs Evil

143 posts in this topic

@username Because we want to go forwards as a race and not backwards(death).

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@Socrates Why is human nature the thing that determines what reality is?

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@username It doesn't determine what reality is, it determines what we do, our motivations and purposes.

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@username Human nature but still that doesn't mean we won't even try to solve them.

Edited by Socrates

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@Socrates I'm not going to make statements. Let's keep going. It'll be better if you figure it out yourself.


Why do they need to be solved?

Edited by username

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@Socrates Why does life quality have to be improved? What determines life quality?

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@username To provide a better life to the next generations. My personal scale.

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@Socrates Why is a better life for next generations important? What do you mean your personal scale?  What is that? A personal scale? 

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@username Because that it something valuable you can do with your time on earth. My judgment.

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@Socrates What makes it valuable? What is your judgement? What does that mean?

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