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Mr. President Conor McGregor

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I know this might be an inconsequential topic in the scheme of things of global politics, but still I find it both funny and oddly interesting enough to post this here

Seems like Trump, Tate and Mcgregor, in spite of having vastly different backrounds, ended up chasing things fairly similiar in their nature. Also seems like they are fairly fond of each other, having roughly the same opportunistic mindsets and having met each other personally in the past while also endorsing each other

It appears there's going to be an axis of influence forming soon in the western authoritarian politics - McGregor as a president, Tate as the Prime Minister of UK and Trump as president, I estimate that I'm going to be either laughing or crying a lot in the next five years, the odds of both of these acts being about 50-50

I don't think McGregor nor Tate are going to succeed but shit, if McGregor succeeded he would be a fun president for sure. Imagine UFC esque press conferences but in the political settings, him trash talking politicians while sipping on Proper number 12. HAH

Is world getting more and more opportunistic and is power more and more up for the grabs? Or is this some temporary collective ego backlash we are experiencing? Is the need for respectfull politics no longer there? Are we all slowly losing our minds? What do you think

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Left = all men are predators (let them into women's sports).

Right = Zelensky is a dictator (negotiate with russian terrorists).

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Can’t wait for 

Rocky VII: Impeachment? That's Just Round Two

"Democracy has met its match. BALBOA 2028: He's going twelve rounds with the Constitution, and the Constitution is DOWN FOR THE COUNT!"

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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