Santiago Ram

People and Solipsism

7 posts in this topic


Realize all people appear and disappear within your field of conscioussness. Try to grasp when a person disappears in your awareness and how people are just transitory mental appearances, while You are always there.

This is an exercise Ive noticed work for realizing Solipsism.

Hope it helps.


May Peace be with You

My blog: An Inquiry into Conflict

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Posted (edited)


Edited by Yimpa

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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Unless you are schizophrenic then they stay there and argue with you.

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@Hojo No, I mean in daily Life. You walk into a room and see your uncle, You walk outside and You don't see him anymore. Even when youre thinking about someone, the thought eventually disappears. This Maya (illusion) of people that come and go is characterized by impermanence. However, the only person that is always here is You. This exercise can help You to SEE others as imaginary.

May Peace be with You

My blog: An Inquiry into Conflict

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Posted (edited)

@Santiago Ram Yes I know. Even your uncles voice and smell is inside you. I am just saying if you have a mental illness the person does not go away when they leave as a joke.


Edited by Hojo

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13 hours ago, Santiago Ram said:

the only person that is always here is You.

Enlightenment requires that person to disappear, and the bottomless reality itself to manifest in its true nature. The person processing the information, the observer, is the final frontier. Solipsism is not enlightenment. In the zone of enlightenment, you are not alone, because the possibility of you and others doesn't exist. There is no creation because there is no creator. This is impossible for the logical mind to understand, because it requires a cause for an effect. The point is precisely that there is no cause, no will, no creation; there is only being. Reality is, period. 

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