
Modi is the most spiritually advanced leader of the modern world

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A Spiritual person wont bad mouth and degrade another group of people for his own personal gain. His power is built on lies and deception since beginning, now that he is the most powerful person in the biggest democracy, he even lies about being spiritual.
Claims of him being a beggar for a while, even though he had enough finance to go on a trip to Paris, of using digital camera in 1988
The biggest question mark in his image which gets subdues the most, The Gujarat Riots of 2002, all happened under his government
Using soft power, he made the seniors of his own party to retire after age of 75(?)  I believe, will he do the same for himself, now that he turns 75 this year?
Last year, he claimed he was sent by the Gods themselves, currently a new topic of him being an avatar of Chattrapati Shivaji is being circulated.

Also claiming he stopped the war of Ukraine and Russia, which continues to this day.

The power of his party lies on creating fear and dividing people on the name of religion. No political or media institute question him( he has not attended a single press conference since he came in power in 2014) The one who did question him in his recent trip to The White House, you should really see his body language, it says a lot.

Muslim hate speech on X has India as the Hub. Because according to his speeches in last year election, The Muslims were going to steal Cows and Lands of HIndus.

Adani, a certified warrant has been issued by the USA against him yet Modi supports him and his business fully. Furthermore, India is slipping in the index of net worth per capita or something, basically meaning Capitalistic Autocracy makes the rich, richer while the poor becomes poorer and slipping in the Press Freedom Index. When questioned about such topics, his supports quickly deny it by saying it is a George Soros funded agenda against "Hindutava", which implies he is the leader of an entire religion, so if someone disrespects Modi, that someone is disrespecting Hinduism whole.*

Manipur is going through a civil unrest for over a year now, he has not discussed about it openly and that unrest continues to this day (one of the reason is the targets of the unrest are minorities who are not Hindus)

Corruption seeps in every root of Indian politics and the courage of doing so comes from the top of this Pyramidal Autocracy System.

One of the biggest scam India has seen in decades, was the Electoral Bonds, yet no repercussions occurred to any political party, at the same time, one of the biggest scam in education department of the Paper leak of NEET ( Indian national exam for admission in Medical UG and PG) was leaked and his ministers denied it till the end and nothing happened to that minister either, I bring this point up because prior to 2014, a minister would resign if some thing that massive happened in his department under him

I can go on a podcast, with my note and teleprompter ready filed with ideologies of Leo and other highly conscious folks here and say them like those ideas are coming from my own mind. But I will be ultimately lying and deceiving  to myself and the entire group who follows and supports me. My words would not make me The Most Spiritual Person/Leader

*I do not have anything against Hinduism as a religion, rather i respect it a lot for the Spiritual Knowledge the scriptures gives

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I don’t think so. He is turning Hinduism into nationalism which indicates he doesn’t understand the deeper spiritual aspects of it. He was also involved in the gujarat massacre.

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The problem with takes like this is that they show such a tiny clip of who a person is. It's easy to speak of meditation for a few minutes and then plan a genocide the next day using whatever twisted logic. Most politician sound likeable and reasonable in short PR interviews like this. You have to judge politicians by their actions and policies.

If you sit down with Hitler and ask him about vegetarianism and long walks in the nature, he could probably give you a nice talk about it.

Lex does not ask any politician serious, difficult questions. He tries to befriend power, wealth, and fame.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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38 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

The problem with takes like this is that they show such a tiny clip of who a person is. It's easy to speak of meditation for a few minutes and then plan a genocide the next day using whatever twisted logic. Most politician sound likeable and reasonable in short PR interviews like this. You have to judge politicians by their actions and policies.

If you sit down with Hitler and ask him about vegetarianism and long walks in the nature, he could probably give you a nice talk about it.

Lex does not ask any politician serious, difficult questions. He tries to befriend power, wealth, and fame.

That’s what used to annoy me about Rogan even years ago.

He would say stuff like "i like Ben Shapiro he’s a nice guy"

Well he might be or seem friendly and polite but he has twisted views.

Hitler or whoever might also come off as friendly and polite.

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1 hour ago, PurpleTree said:

That’s what used to annoy me about Rogan even years ago.

He would say stuff like "i like Ben Shapiro he’s a nice guy"

Well he might be or seem friendly and polite but he has twisted views.

Hitler or whoever might also come off as friendly and polite.

What about Ben Shapiro’s views are twisted?

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4 minutes ago, carterfelder said:

What about Ben Shapiro’s views are twisted?

All of them.

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32 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

All of them.

I’m genuinely curious what your opinion is about what views.

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6 hours ago, carterfelder said:

What about Ben Shapiro’s views are twisted?

He's a Zionist propagandist.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 hours ago, PurpleTree said:

That’s what used to annoy me about Rogan even years ago.

He would say stuff like "i like Ben Shapiro he’s a nice guy"

Well he might be or seem friendly and polite but he has twisted views.

There is no critical thinking in these people. It's about making powerful friends for them. These channels are platforms for personal power through fame, masquerading as truth-seeking.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Most spiritually advanced? No. Good fit for the position he is in, looks like yeah. He is knowledgeable about the history of Bharat and his word do make impact. He emphasizes peace and diplomacy. He looks more like a servant to people rather than a typical or aspiring oligarch.

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I don’t believe in spiritual advancement. There is just spirit and then whatever label or hierarchy model you impose on it. You can be some Hindu or Amazonian Shaman with all sorts of mystical experiences, walking the path and then drink cow piss to clear your chakras or sacrifice a human baby for the sun god. You can believe all sorts of superstitious beliefs and had all sorts of mystical experiences and still want to kill your neighbor. 

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17 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

I don’t believe in spiritual advancement. There is just spirit and then whatever label or hierarchy model you impose on it. You can be some Hindu or Amazonian Shaman with all sorts of mystical experiences, walking the path and then drink cow piss to clear your chakras or sacrifice a human baby for the sun god. You can believe all sorts of superstitious beliefs and had all sorts of mystical experiences and still want to kill your neighbor. 

That's exactly low spiritual advancement.

Most spirituality is very low in practice because it's just more group-think.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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29 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

@Leo Gura Strangely, the neo-Nazi "William Luther Pierce" was very spiritually "based."

And Nazis were into mysticism and esoteric arts.

It's all part of their power fantasy of being some special race.

It should be called ethno-narcissism.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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21 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

I don’t believe in spiritual advancement. There is just spirit and then whatever label or hierarchy model you impose on it. You can be some Hindu or Amazonian Shaman with all sorts of mystical experiences, walking the path and then drink cow piss to clear your chakras or sacrifice a human baby for the sun god. You can believe all sorts of superstitious beliefs and had all sorts of mystical experiences and still want to kill your neighbor. 

I see spirituality as that which involves valuing the higher-self. I suppose everyone's definition of spiritual enlightenment is vast and different because we all interpret the higher-self differently.

For example, I don't think the use or killing of animals and the consumption of animal products is spiritually enlightened, but does that mean I think any nonvegan's definition of spiritual enlightenment is void? Of course not.

Edited by carterfelder

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