
Modi is the most spiritually advanced leader of the modern world

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

And Nazis were into mysticism and esoteric arts.

It's all part of their power fantasy of being some special race.

It should be called ethno-narcissism.

That's the reason I assumed that Nazism was stage purple. But I stand corrected. I realized upon closer examination of the SD model that you can have some form of mysticism at stage blue too. - Please follow me on twitter! 

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6 minutes ago, Daniel Balan said:

I assumed that Nazism was stage purple.

Purple doesn't have advanced scientific civilization. Purple is too tribal and irrational to build a strong nation-state. Rationality is necessary to build large states. And yes, Nazis are rational, just in a twisted way.

Edited by Leo Gura

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4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Purple doesn't have advanced scientific civilization. Purple is too tribal and irrational to build a strong nation-state. Rationality is necessary to build large states. And yes, Nazis are rational, just in a twisted way.

I've studied ww2 extremely thoroughly because my great grandfather was a ww2 veteran and was during the war an ultra nationalistic fascist. A member of the Romanian Iron Guard. And after studying this fascist movement it blew my mind how crazy those people were after mysticism. After pagan symbolism, practicing ultra christian orthodox rituals.. creating potions for love and good fortune... In my mind it seemed a bit too much mysticism to be anything other than purple. But I was wrong. - Please follow me on twitter! 

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5 minutes ago, Daniel Balan said:

creating potions for love and good fortune... In my mind it seemed a bit too much mysticism to be anything other than purple.

There can be Purple marbling in a Blue steak.

A steak is not 100% red meat.

Edited by Leo Gura

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My personal view of Nazism is like a Christmas tree. The main wooden core was stage purple, the green part of the christmas tree was stage blue, and the chrstmass lights was stage red. - Please follow me on twitter! 

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14 hours ago, carterfelder said:

What about Ben Shapiro’s views are twisted?


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7 minutes ago, gambler said:


This should go into the Self-Bias hall of shame.

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Mod is an excellent administrator but to call him spiritually advanced or enlightened is hyperbole.

Under him, India has become the fastest growing major economy in the world, the fourth largest economy and the fourth strongest military power on earth.

However , he lacks the statemanship , diplomatic skils and oratory of former prime minister Nehru who were the co-founders of NAM and had attemted to position NAM as a buffer zone between the western and Soviet bloc, so as to prevent the likelihood of a nuclear war that could wipe out both sides in mutually assured destruction. 

Nehru could have mediated successfully the current crisis of Russia-Ukraine war and ensured that Russia and NATO would be bound to pledges and treaties of non-aggression and non-expansion respectively.

Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta

Awareness is the great non-conceptual perfection. - Dzogchen

Evil is an extreme manifestation of human unconsciousness. - Eckhart Tolle

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@Leo Gura What are your views on your Indian subscribers of your YouTube channel( I subscribed in 2017) and forum users. Could we break free from Hindu dogma ? And jailbreak our mind?

Background: I was born in a Hindu family but I wasn't a extremist. Most of my friends put Hinduism on pedestral. But I don't even though I respect Hinduism , I have read Buddhism , listened to Rumi ( Sufi poet) and Islamic songs too. Yes, religion creates hindrance in understanding God as it is conceptualisation with some truths into it. Direct experience is the reality. One of my friend called me sn exception as I am not a radical Hindu. Few friends in my past told me that you are a shame to Hinduism. Haha. I am proud of not being like them who insult other faiths.

Also I think philosophy , self-help has contributed a huge to my life.

All of us must contemplate( including myself) -- How do I jailbreak my mind ?

Edited by Rishabh R

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@Rishabh R My work is for motivated individuals. Anyone in the world can do the work as long as they care about it. It will be harder to do the work in less developed nations, but still doable.

Any mind can break free of any dogma as long as it wants to.

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@Leo Gura, it's very difficult.

  • There is way more social pressure.
  • You must be 1000 times more careful about whom you befriend. Being alone is a luxury.
  • There will be a huge development gap.
  • ...

Those all take a toll on your mind.

Furthermore, obtaining psychedelics can be risky due to the legality, limited choices, and uncertainty about the quality of these sources, if they exist at all. You could lose your job or be ostracized for it.

However, all of that makes it more motivating for finding solutions, at least for me.

Edited by Nemra

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A crucial part of this work is developing finacial freedom so you can be independent of culture and people. If you're broke then you are at the mercy of corrupt and unconscious people.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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20 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

A crucial part of this work is developing financial freedom so you can be independent of culture and people. If you're broke then you are at the mercy of corrupt and unconscious people.


Also, I don't think you would want to be surrounded by people who are significantly less developed than you.

Your financial independence could enable you to permanently leave that place; however, it would require you to learn a new language.

Ah, I love these challenges; they tickle my mind.

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45 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

A crucial part of this work is developing finacial freedom so you can be independent of culture and people. If you're broke then you are at the mercy of corrupt and unconscious people.

A big part of me wishes I would have handled this before I started getting deep into content- especially metaphysical and epistemological aspects. I’ve had some Awakenings, that have allowed me to see thru corruption of my industry and various social circles and institutions I’m part of. Yet I’ve invested much of my survival in these things that it’s difficult to break free entirely.

Now I am going through the challenging tasks of aligning my life with Truth- be it thru quitting/changing industries and cutting off social ties to spend more time in solitude- lots of suffering and fear involved in this.

Edited by Terell Kirby

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14 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

And Nazis were into mysticism and esoteric arts.

It's all part of their power fantasy of being some special race.

It should be called ethno-narcissism.

I'm not talking about Nazi mysticism.
He believed he was the universe, constantly evolving toward more evolved forms of intelligence and self-understanding.

He term is separately associated with William Luther Pierce, an American white nationalist political activist who founded the National Alliance. His cosmotheist ideology espoused that evolution was on an upward path to oneness with God; Pierce said that whites had a "divine spark" that set them on the best path for this. [2]

He also had a doctorate in physics.


Nothing will prevent Willy.

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12 hours ago, Daniel Balan said:

That's the reason I assumed that Nazism was stage purple. But I stand corrected. I realized upon closer examination of the SD model that you can have some form of mysticism at stage blue too.

Nazism is red/blue.


Nothing will prevent Willy.

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15 hours ago, Lyubov said:

I don’t believe in spiritual advancement. There is just spirit and then whatever label or hierarchy model you impose on it. You can be some Hindu or Amazonian Shaman with all sorts of mystical experiences, walking the path and then drink cow piss to clear your chakras or sacrifice a human baby for the sun god. You can believe all sorts of superstitious beliefs and had all sorts of mystical experiences and still want to kill your neighbor. 

I propose this consciousness litmus test to ask of every aspiring political leader or public figure:

If I want to kill you, will you want to kill me?

If I hate you, will you hate me?

If you hate me,

do you want to 1. kill me or 2. just least weaken me or 3. just isolate me and leave me be?

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On 2025-03-21 at 0:49 AM, cistanche_enjoyer said:


That was a wholesome video. I saw a clip where he tells his stories from living in Himalayas with different yogis. That's profound. 

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Leo and Gambler, that Shapiro tweet in your attachment refers to Arab leadership and Arab supporters of terrorist groups. It was part of a conversational thread. Here's what he says in the following tweets: 



"There are many, many Christian and Muslim Arabs who are wonderful people. Just not the ones who oppose Israel in Israel/Arab conflict."

"In the post re: Israelis vs. Arabs I wrote about Arabs who take part in the Israeli/Arab conflict, as any1 who can read knows. #dumbasses"

"@mattduss Apologies! You are correct re: slur about Arabs. Not all Arabs like open sewage and blowing things up. Just Pals and their allies"

"@MarkAdomanis I think it has much more to do with the fact that Palestinian leadership supported by Pal population uses millions for terror."

"@shoshido I should have been more specific. Arabs who actively seek Israel’s destruction and who aren’t wealthy oil barons."

— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) September 27, 2010



He also addresses your attached tweet in the following column:



"Here’s the reality: the Palestinians have elected terrorists to lead their government in every election in which they have participated, and those terrorist governments have eschewed peace and infrastructure building in favor of pursuing terrorism. Here’s another reality: I opposed President Trump’s Muslim ban when he proposed it as such, I’ve spoken out against discrimination against Muslims on the basis of religion (I, after all, wear a funny hat for religious reasons), I’ve spoken out against attempts to use the Koran as an excuse to label all Muslims terrorists (I do encourage people to assess the expressed political viewpoints of Muslims themselves, since all religions contain root texts that are troublesome on their face, and I care much more about what people actually believe)."

- Ben Shapiro


And during a public Q&A that's in a video available at the following link I received all of this from:


Edited by carterfelder

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@carterfelder Don't defend Shapiro's obvious Zionist nonsense.

Shapiro is diabolically biased and his politics are incoherent cringe.

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