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Diary of a Multicultural, Educated, Bullied Girl in the Leftist Hegemony Norway

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I want to journal more. And I have a lot of opinions and feelings. And I've realized Leo is my Jesus. And I'm really embarrassed about it actually. That's why I don't have a profile photo. But whatever. I just want to be heard. I feel like nobody understands me, and I can't talk about my ideas with anyone. So I can put it out on the internet here, in a safe space, where nobody is going to come for me because of it. And I'm really afraid I'm genetically inferior because of one of the blog posts in I hate that the mean girls are winning life while the bullied ones, like me, are (perhaps) losing. I'm trying my best. But I'm not great. I'm a lazy fuck, I'll admit. Because I'm not motivated by status or money anymore, which might be a little dysfunctional actually.

And I'm deeply stuck in survival. As a multicultural, educated 25-year-old woman in Norway, a social justice warrior hegemony where I'm not only alienated by the right because I'm an immigrant, what they're fighting against, but also by the moralism of the left. And I'm trying to survive. I should be working on my master's thesis right now though. Maybe I'm too much of a perfectionist, and this is absolutely time well spent. I don't know. I feel like I'm the smartest, but so are the idiots. Fuck. At least my parents love me. That makes me cry a little. Welcome to my diary.

PS: and I'm really confused about life and reality. But you got to work from where you're at. I guess it is what it is. Hope nobody reads this and realizes how dumb I am, but then, perhaps that would be a gift.

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2025-03-20: Trying to get to the root of my social justice warrior hate

I think social justice warriors are little demons. Who are they fighting against in Norway, a social justice warrior hegemony? Is it people like me, that just want to say what I mean without being told I have a phobia of some sort? They are fighting against FrP, but I am too. But I'm more moderate. And I recognize that there might be a point there. But for that, I am a transphobe, biphobe, racist.

For questioning their established truths, I am a demon. For questioning if people really are that bi as they say they are, when all of their partners have been of the opposite sex, I am a biphobe. For questioning if they really are prepared to not have biological children, I am a biphobe. 

What established truths in me are they questioning? That there are more than two genders? I don't completely understand it, but I'm not against it. I just wanted to voice my concerns as a female, and for that, I am a transphobe. For just presenting my fear, my biological vulnerability as a naked female in a wardrobe, I am told this fear is not justified. Is this fear something to be questioned? It is basic survival. Is my survival being undermined by the transwomen? 

Actually, perhaps this is it. Because why would somebody want to be a woman. Men feel entitled to control me. To have sex with me. To be smarter than me. But this is not what being trans is about, if I've understood it correctly. But it is perhaps something that I'm mad at them about not recognizing. Perhaps it is because they are allowed access to the spaces that originally were intended for me, and I don't know if I can trust them. Because I've met transpeople that I can't trust. And different to other females, they are much stronger than me.

What don't I like about social justice warriors:

  • their symbolic protesting and instagram posts. Fuck off, why are you crusading something, perhaps you could actually do something about it, like becoming a leader somewhere and making real change. And sometimes, the causes they protest for doesn't even seem like good causes! Like boycotting McDonald's because they support Israel. They're just trying to earn money. They might pull out of Israel if you boycott them. But what would that solve? And why am I shamed for not agreeing on this?
  • their fricking entitlement. They are the first to demonize the Trumpists. And the Trumpists are dumb, but they're not demons. It's the banality of evil. God, but perhaps I'm just too bad at defending myself.
  • defund the police. The police have actually done a lot for me, even though the system side with the oppressors (in Norway), at least that's my experience as a woman.
  • that I'm a fricking minority now. Yes, it is survival. But, as Leo, our Jesus, says, survival is the engine that runs civilization, so maybe it's legitimate to be sulky. 
  • am I really stage orange or blue for saying this? I feel like I'm not, but people always think they're right, so I guess I might be.
  • Yes, I am evil too. I am deeply, deeply evil. Evil is banal, or perhaps Leo would say stupidity leads to evil. But at least I'm aware of it.

All in all, I agree with woke people about several topics. But I think it sucks that I'm afraid to question things, and they make me afraid of questioning things. I feel gaslighted. Who's the delusional ones? Me or them?

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I see annoying SJWs as a projection of my anima.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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13 hours ago, Lise said:

@Schizophonia What does that mean?

I identify my character with a particularly stoic person, so hysteria will tend to appear in the world, by projection.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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That's interesting. 

2025-03-22 Because I've been slured

I got into a pretty interesting bluesky debate. Got a lot of response, so perhaps I'll get more followers? Who knows.

But fuck, I am justified in opposing the SJWs. Because by me doing it, I my self am a form of SJW. I fight for the rights of people to say that there's nuance. Suddenly, you should not ever invite somebody who says that there's nuance. The problem is that the SJWs don't see the nuance. They se a defence of the thing, and they gather up as a mob to take down the poor person. Then, they are like "I'm not doxxing, he put his house up for sale online, and I just shared it". It's disgusting the moral superiority they have, because they are witch hunters.

And, I have a personal vendetta against them. Because it's happened that I've said something to bring up nuance, but gotten called transphobe, racist, biphobe, or such things because of it. That's why I hate them. And it's justified. Feel like Voltaire is on my side. Apparently, he couldn't stand morally superior people, and these people in his time was the inquisition.

PS: These people have good sides too. I have bad sides as well. That's why I stay friends with them. And that's how it should be.

Edited by Lise

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