
My Proof of God: Is God A First Cause or Infinite Regress?

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@Princess Arabia

Are you open to the possibility of having a direct Consciousness of "something" outside or beyond appearances? That appearances are illusory, but remember the Absolute Truth is that which is the case! So whatever is appearing in the moment must be the case because it is happening. It may not be relatively true but it is absolute truth that it is. 

Absolute truth must always be the case because if you were to say that there is no Truth, then that is the case. Then that's what's true because truth is not limited or bounded by any relative notion of truth or false.


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Posted (edited)

19 minutes ago, ExploringReality said:

@Princess Arabia

What is an appearance though? Like what is the appearance and perception of reality? What is the ultimate context of existence? And how can one be certain to know the Truth of Reality? Because by definition, our experience of reality is filtered through a very narrow bandwidth of the entire electromagnetic field, our sense apparatus for perceiving reality, our physiology and our psychology play a huge role in our construction of reality and meaning. 

Ok, experience is appearances, and appearances are Nothing, then what is Nothing? What is Isness itself? What is it? 

 Appearance is simply defined as WHATEVER APPEARS. The perception is the one that thinks it's separate seeing reality from a position. There are no positions to be had in timelessness and boundlessness, so perceptions really doesn't exist and is illusory. There are no ultimate context of existence because that context is also what you would call existence. These words are interchangeable and can be used as such, as in existence/reality etc. Depends on what one means when they use those terms. 

Experience is not appearances. The body seems to move and the one having the experience of the body is illusory because there's actually no one there. Show me someone. You can only point to a body part. So experience is the one that thinks it's a real separate entity that is experiencing life. It's not actually happening. Nothing actually moves as it's the Absolute appearing as  movement. You've never been anywhere or done anything. It only appears that way. I cannot really explain what nothing is only I can say it's a mystery.

Isness is being. Isness just is. These are my definitions and not Absolute. They are what isness is doing along with everything else even your questions. That's why there can never be an Absolute Truth because everything is the Absolute "Absoluting". There's nothing but that. There's no separation so how can there be an Absolute Truth. Everything that appears is what is. Relative truth is only a concept. It is and it isn't. Don't think I can explain it any further and that's just my take. Not saying it's right or wrong.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Princess Arabia

What is "whatever Appears"?

Reality has to exist by definition because existence is reality. Although these words can be used interchangeably it's really the same thing. 

Why do you say there is no ultimate context of existence but you say the ultimate context is existence?

"Experiences are not appearances" is what you said and you also said that appearances are all that there is. 

Experience is Absolute Truth!!! But it has been mistaken for a Field of perceptions happening to a biological organism.

Truth is what Is. Isness is Absolute Truth. The Absolute Truth is Existence. 

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18 minutes ago, ExploringReality said:

@Princess Arabia

Are you open to the possibility of having a direct Consciousness of "something" outside or beyond appearances? That appearances are illusory, but remember the Absolute Truth is that which is the case! So whatever is appearing in the moment must be the case because it is happening. It may not be relatively true but it is absolute truth that it is. 

Absolute truth must always be the case because if you were to say that there is no Truth, then that is the case. Then that's what's true because truth is not limited or bounded by any relative notion of truth or false.


How can I have a direct consciousness besides what appears. Not possible. Thoughts at also appearances. Potential is a concept that appears within consciousness which is, imo, a dream of the separate individual. Leo says it's not just something someone has and is fundamental to all of reality so idk. I'm just giving you my take. Appearances aren't illusory. When a cat appears, it appears. What's illusory is that the individual knows it's a cat and that the cat is separate from it and the stories surrounding that cat that it has a mother and has a brain or whatever story we give to the appearances. 

The rest i explained in my previous comment. Everything is the Absolute appearing so Truth is a concept and is not different from falsehood since it's all the Absolute appearing as such, only relatively speaking for the individual that labels everything and owns everything that arises within that energy. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Posted (edited)

@Princess Arabia

Your creating the distinction between Absolute and Truth. Truth is what is the case, whatever is, is Truth, but also may not be relatively true.

There is no distinction between Absolute and Truth but there is a distinction between Absolute Truth and relative truth and falsehood.

Absolute is Truth. You've made a division between Absolute and Truth. It's the Absolute Truth. 

Edited by ExploringReality

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Posted (edited)

12 minutes ago, ExploringReality said:

@Princess Arabia

What is "whatever Appears"?

Reality has to exist by definition because existence is reality. Although these words can be used interchangeably it's really the same thing. 

Why do you say there is no ultimate context of existence but you say the ultimate context is existence?

"Experiences are not appearances" is what you said and you also said that appearances are all that there is. 

Experience is Absolute Truth!!! But it has been mistaken for a Field of perceptions happening to a biological organism.

Truth is what Is. Isness is Absolute Truth. The Absolute Truth is Existence. 

Like I said these terms are tricky and can have different meanings. If you ask me, there is no existence, only appearances. We call it existence but, by definition, existence means to stand out and nothing stands out. That's just semantics, though. I'm not sure why you're having such a hard time with the word appears or appearance. Whatever appears as in a cat or a dog or a cloud or a tree. There really are no experiences. Experience is an illusion. The one that thinks it experiences reality does not exist. That's what I mean. There's only a body and everything that appears is the Absolute appearing as such so where is the experience happening. It's an illusion. Nothing is ever the same. IT appears and appears and appears and appears and appears and appears and appears to seem as if it's always there moving about as the same thing but it's always different, fresh and new. There are no real actual experiences. It appears as a body having an experience. It appears as a dead body, no one really dies or is born. It only seems that way. Biological organism is also the Absolute appearing as such. There are no real biological organisms. It's all magic, my friend and the mind cannot grasp this. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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9 minutes ago, ExploringReality said:

@Princess Arabia

Your creating the distinction between Absolute and Truth. Truth is what is the case, whatever is, is Truth, but also may not be relatively true.

There is no distinction between Absolute and Truth but there is a distinction between Absolute Truth and relative truth and falsehood.

Absolute is Truth. You've made a division between Absolute and Truth. It's the Absolute Truth. 

Truth is a concept created by the mind, so is falsehood. Can't have truth without falsehood. Absolute Truth is redundant since everything is the Absolute. Relative truth doesn't exist on it's own and is relative to the illusory perceiver who thinks it's separate. It's the experience. The illusory experience. There's only being and presence so how can anything be relatively true but only to that which thinks it's separate. It's a dream if you may call it that. You keep using the word truth and absolute together. To me it's redundant. Everything is everything so what isn't absolute and where is the truth in absolute if it's everything. There's actually no distinction between anything but only to the illusory perceiver.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Princess Arabia

Existence is primary. The meanings that we assign to the terms existence absolute and Truth are relative. If it's redundant to say absolute truth then why do you prefer absolute? It's absolute truth because the truth is absolute. I can see how you're confused by these terms. 

Basically Truth is rock bottom because everything that you're referring to as appearances appearing as itself is Absolute Truth because it is the case, it's happening, not to someone of course we get that. 

I totally understand what you mean by truth and falsehood but those are only in the relative domain is what you're not understanding.

Appearances are nice but there's more to reality and Consciousness and understanding Truth. 

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Posted (edited)

Imagine a finite physical universe . It has nothing outside of it. Not empty space, but metaphysical nothingness. How could such a universe exist? Have you ever encountered a physical object with nothing outside of it? For something to be physical it must take up space, and must have other objects outside of it.


an infinite physical universe seems like it could resolve the paradox, but it doesn't, physical objects can't be infinite. Because infinity can't be counted, can't be made physical .


therefore physical reality is not really physical but an idea of consciousness.

Edited by Oppositionless

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Posted (edited)

hmm all is infinite imagination, and imagination is merely the ceaseless drapery of God - infinite wrinkles in an eternal costume of disguise. ?

Edited by Nicco

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