
Why does physical reality and other people feel so real?

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What do you think is closer to the truth

This kind of I created everything solipsism?

Or this kind of no self there isn’t anybody radical nonduality?

@Leo Gura

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  On 3/20/2025 at 10:47 AM, Leo Gura said:

How do you know that you aren't dreaming all those other creatures?

I am not dreaming. It is god that dreams me. I am just a camera that observes god's dream. A camera that is also a hallucination within the hallucination of god. A hallucination whose only purpose is to observe the hallucination. And when this camera is shut down(When I die) for me( the human) the experience of god's dream ends. But god keeps on dreaming. 


  On 3/20/2025 at 10:47 AM, Leo Gura said:

How do you know you're not absolutely special and unique? One of a kind.

Because it would be a total waste for god to create a dream just for me (the human). When my grandpa died the dream ended for him. It didn't end for me too. I was left here to allow God to keep on dreaming. And when I will die you will be here to allow the dream to go on. Not just you the humans, also the trees, the birds, the dogs, the cats the falcons... all are cameras from which god observes his dream forever. 

I've became aware of this the last time I slaughtered a rooster which I grow for food. When I chopped his head off I realized how insignificant I am, and the same way I killed it for food, I could be killed too by a lion. For that rooster the dream ended but god kept on dreaming, that will happen too when this ruthless dream will decide that my time as an observer of God is over. I am as insignificant as the cockroach you squash under your foot when you walk the street. The cockroach beholds god's dream the same way that I do. I'm in no way shape or form more valuable than a cockroach. It's just the pure luck that this dream decided to incarnate me into a more physically powerful camera for experiencing this hallucination.

Edited by Daniel Balan

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  On 3/20/2025 at 0:43 PM, Breakingthewall said:

It's impossible for a mind to imagine reality because that would imply that the mind already contains that reality and is recreating it for some reason, because it likes it, or whatever. All of these are finite frameworks. The phrase "infinite mind" is impossible; a mind is finite. Infinity is indefinable; it's not a mind that wants things; it's simply infinite.

@Breakingthewall Granted, I don’t love the way Leo frames it either. He calls himself a philosophical surgeon, yet seems far too comfortable performing open-heart metaphysics while drunk on his own definitions, figuratively and, in some cases, quite literally.

That said, infinity is a sound concept (sorry, Langan, but yes, it is). Because infinity, like reality, is just a word of comparison. It doesn’t need to be imagined, it’s what happens when limits lose their footing.

This is why I made the response I did when I saw Leo’s loose encapsulation of ‘MIND.’ When you actually grasp the engineering dynamics of how mind produces mind, it becomes obvious how infinity applies, not as an abstraction, but as a natural extension of self-referential systems. Because the problem isn’t whether infinity is real; it’s that people try to explain it through finite structures rather than recognizing how it operates beyond them. True understanding isn’t about taking words as absolute, it’s about knowing how to move through them without being confined by them.

I’ll expand on this independently down the line, there’s older work I’ve removed, not because I’ve lost interest but because the next respective synthesis will be far greater. Some things need space to evolve.

Edited by Letho

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  On 3/20/2025 at 1:27 PM, Daniel Balan said:

I am not dreaming. It is god that dreams me.

You have yet to realize you are God.

Awaken deeper.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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  On 3/20/2025 at 1:36 PM, Leo Gura said:

You have yet to realize you are God.

Awaken deeper.

I've never did anything to be awoken. All I ever did is just observe. I never took a psychadelic, and I will never take one. I try to meditate non stop, by doing my best to observe the environment and to immerse myself as deeply as I can into all my bodily senses. And this observance made me aware that I'm just an ape trying my best to stay alive in a dream that feels so real. I also dismiss that I am god because when someone puches me in the mouth I feel tremendous pain. But I also had many dreams in my sleep where I was fighting for my life, and when I got punched or cut in the dream I felt no pain. But here I feel pain. I am not god. Because when I die you will still be here running your blog and website. 

Edited by Daniel Balan

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  On 3/20/2025 at 1:29 PM, Letho said:

@Breakingthewall Granted, I don’t love the way Leo frames it either. He calls himself a philosophical surgeon, yet seems far too comfortable performing open-heart metaphysics while drunk on his own definitions, figuratively and, in some cases, quite literally.

That said, infinity is a sound concept (sorry, Langan, but yes, it is). Because infinity, like reality, is just a word of comparison. It doesn’t need to be imagined, it’s what happens when limits lose their footing.

This is why I made the response I did when I saw Leo’s loose encapsulation of ‘MIND.’ When you actually grasp the engineering dynamics of how mind produces mind, it becomes obvious how infinity applies, not as an abstraction, but as a natural extension of self-referential systems. Because the problem isn’t whether infinity is real; it’s that people try to explain it through finite structures rather than recognizing how it operates beyond them. True understanding isn’t about taking words as absolute, it’s about knowing how to move through them without being confined by them.

I’ll expand on this independently down the line, there’s older work I’ve removed, not because I’ve lost interest but because the next respective synthesis will be far greater. Some things need space to evolve.

The thing is quite simple. Infinite being is reality. It cannot be otherwise since it is, and has no limits as a being, as a substance. But this absence of limits translates into perpetual motion. Infinity flows upon itself in all directions, creating infinite dimensions of infinite being. As substance, there is only one; as form, there are infinitely many, and all are the reflection of being upon itself raised to the infinite power.

What you, as a human, can do is look within yourself, dissolve all structures, and be the infinite being without barriers. Then you realize what you are and that the particular form that is happening is a circumstance. You are not an entity creating a series of conditions; you are infinite being, period. Everything else—intelligence, will, whatever—are circumstantial aspects of this concrete dimension, which is one among infinite dimensions.

The substance is always the same, limitless being, absolute potential. Form is whatever shape the infinite kailedoscope has taken in its perpetual motion.

How to realize without doubt the infinite being? Just removing all the structures, it's not so big thing. But the human structure is quite stubborn and could be difficult . The infinite being is concious of itself, but it's not someone who dreams, its something that flows but same time is immutable. The difference between dreaming and flowing is control vs no control, intention vs inevitable, God vs reality. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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  On 3/20/2025 at 1:44 PM, Daniel Balan said:

I try to meditate non stop, by doing my best to observe the environment and to immerse myself as deeply as I can into all my bodily senses.

It's not good enough.

God awaits undiscovered.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Why should I bend over backwards to discover something that was here all along? Here and now we are experience god. How can you experience god any stronger than just simply observing that you are alive? I feel that all this god realization work is redundant. It's like trying to find your hand while scratching your head for answers of where to find the very hand you are scratching your head with. 

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All you need to realize god is to behold a tree blossoming. Or to behold the daughters of the firmament at night. 

That's the moment you realize that this is a hallucination. Something this beautiful cannot be real. IT MUST BE A DREAM! 

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@Breakingthewall Lovely poetry. However infinity without structure is just cosmic improv bro. Like I said, I'll expand later, as some revelations age like wine, not fast food.

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  On 3/20/2025 at 2:29 PM, Letho said:

@Breakingthewall Lovely poetry. However infinity without structure is just cosmic improv bro. Like I said, I'll expand later, as some revelations age like wine, not fast food.

Infinity always has structure because nothing can prevent it from reflecting back on itself in apparently infinite movements. But the structure is apparent, no real movement can occur in infinity because there are no reference points, no beginning and no end, so each movement exists only in relation to its reflection.

What has no structure is infinity itself, its substance. A piece of that substance is the same as the whole thing; it's unfathomable. Enlightenment, or whatever you want to call it, is being you without structure, without movement, since movement veils essence. If you can stop movement enough times, you begin to perceive essence in movement as well. If you never do, you only perceive movement, form.

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  On 3/20/2025 at 2:09 PM, Daniel Balan said:

All you need to realize god is to behold a tree blossoming. Or to behold the daughters of the firmament at night. 

That's the moment you realize that this is a hallucination. Something this beautiful cannot be real. IT MUST BE A DREAM! 

Every ego will say as much. Living its best life depends on it. Because god is g-ame o-ver d-ude.

God is reachable only this very moment by not letting ego demur.

Just get here as this song begs us.


Edited by gettoefl

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  On 3/20/2025 at 0:39 AM, Snt_lk said:

Why does physical reality feel so real if it’s not. Why is there a reaffirming thought that it is? Why do we wake up each morning placed in the same reality from the day prior? Same with the nature of others. When I see people out in public, they are always going about their day with no regard to what I’m thinking or experiencing. To me, it looks like they have meaningful lives that they experiencing and living - am I wrong to think that?

Why The water is like concrete at a height of around 100 meters or 300 feet.?

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  On 3/20/2025 at 8:55 AM, Daniel Balan said:

Ok. I understand that everything is a hallucination! But why you say that I( the individual writing this message) am the only thing that exists? And if I would die now y'all would disappear together with me. That's what I understood from your solipsism video @Leo Gura. And I dismiss some of those insights. 

From my personal experience I am like a surveillance camera for God. And every other creature be it human or animal or bird is too a surveillance camera for the mind of god. I deny that I am the only thing that exists. After all god needs all those surveillance cameras in case of emergency if one of it dies there are others so that god can continue to experience this dream he created. I came to the realisation that god created so many creatures so that he can experience as many facets of this dream as possible. And that there is nothing special about me. I'm just another leaf in god's tree. 

Not Just another leaf, you are God. And about the surveillance camere ideia. Realise the Scale of your eyes, are your eyes big or small? The very little hole from here you see the reality around you, is what size? Compared with a big Star your eyes are infinitesimal, and still your eyes see a Star. Compared with Infinity your eyes even would look like inexistent, and still the Miracle is here, eyes observing a daily reality, and at nigth even with no eyes you keep seeing imagery of all sorts. 

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  On 3/20/2025 at 2:03 PM, Daniel Balan said:

How can you experience god any stronger than just simply observing that you are alive?

You can.

By doing the work.


I feel that all this god realization work is redundant.

That is wrong.

Isn't it obvious that the lazy and unserious will never actualize these teachings?

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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  On 3/20/2025 at 0:47 PM, Letho said:

Reality isn’t 'real'? Sure and water isn’t wet, until you fall in. Funny how the people most eager to claim ‘reality isn’t real’ still don’t walk into traffic to test their theory.

The thing is, ‘real’ isn’t some absolute, it’s a useful word of comparison. It only exists because we’ve all experienced something that feels real in contrast.


@Letho I’m not convinced that it is. We can both agree that actions have implications and consequences, but that’s just the rules or functionality of this reality, not proof that it’s real.

If real is a word that eludes to a subjective comparison, what is that which is absolute? The thing that is irreducible. This is what I’m referring to when I say reality isn’t real. What is it based in?

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  On 3/20/2025 at 2:38 PM, Breakingthewall said:

What has no structure is infinity itself, its substance.

I like to think about it like an infinite jigsaw puzzle.


Where the puzzle picture is the void or infinity. The individual pieces are created by cutting up or dividing that infinity, there are no missing pieces so there are no gaps. The pieces are the structure and order, and they all fit together perfectly which makes them consistent with each other.  

In reality the divisions shift about over time, but everything always perfectly fits together. Reality is then Infinity (or Void) + Division. Division is the first cause that makes reality happen because without it there would be no puzzle pieces, just void/infinity. Division is just awareness or consciousness.

So consciousness and structure are just appearances or bits of infinity. Consciousness arises from the contrasts between pieces, because each piece has a unique shape.

57% paranoid

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  On 3/20/2025 at 9:04 AM, Lila9 said:

Because reality is real. unlike dreams.

There are real-life consequences in reality, unlike in night dreams.

There are things you can do in dreams with 0% real-life consequences, but you can’t do them when you are awake without consequences.



The real life consequences you mentioned might only pertain here until you wake from here and then it’s not so real anymore, much like a dream. 

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