
Why does physical reality and other people feel so real?

57 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:


Isn't it obvious that the lazy and unserious will never actualize these teachings?

I'm not lazy at all. I work from 6:30 am to 8 pm everyday except sunday. In the spare time I watch your videos about spiral dynamics, politics, self help. Where I don't really follow your work is when it comes to god and love. None of those 2 aspects will help me whatsoever. I would still have to work from dawn till dusk just to have enough money to pay my taxes and feed my family. 

I am happy the way I am. I feel complete. I don't care if I am god or not. All I care about is to not die. 

The good thing about living in a 3rd world corrupt country is that everyday you struggle with all your might just to stay alive. Thus you begin to appreciate how precious life is and how easily it could be taken away from you. 

Here you have it. That's all the god realization I need. 


Edited by Daniel Balan - Please follow me on twitter! 

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1 hour ago, LastThursday said:

I like to think about it like an infinite jigsaw puzzle.


Where the puzzle picture is the void or infinity. The individual pieces are created by cutting up or dividing that infinity, there are no missing pieces so there are no gaps. The pieces are the structure and order, and they all fit together perfectly which makes them consistent with each other.  

In reality the divisions shift about over time, but everything always perfectly fits together. Reality is then Infinity (or Void) + Division. Division is the first cause that makes reality happen because without it there would be no puzzle pieces, just void/infinity. Division is just awareness or consciousness.

So consciousness and structure are just appearances or bits of infinity. Consciousness arises from the contrasts between pieces, because each piece has a unique shape.

Good schema. You can be aware of yourself as a formless substance but always from the form. Form and substance are Inseparable because without form there is no contrast and therefore no experience, so there is always form and experience for the simple reason that formlessness is never. Never is as real as always, but in a potential state.

Consciousness is not the reality; reality is total with or without consciousness. Consciousness is the light that reveals reality, and the fact that it is always present does not exclude the fact that never is as real as always.


Edited by Breakingthewall

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4 hours ago, Daniel Balan said:

I'm not lazy at all. I work from 6:30 am to 8 pm everyday except sunday.

That is irrelevant to spiritual work.

4 hours ago, Daniel Balan said:

I am happy the way I am. I feel complete. I don't care if I am god or not. All I care about is to not die. 

Suit yourself.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Breakingthewall You’re admiring infinity from a single angle, charming but ironic, no?

@Snt_lk Absolute relativism. Relative absolute. There’s your koan.

And I imagine neither of you remembered the interdimensional axis, else you wouldn’t be clinging to uncertified certainties like Leo still waxing God’s basement floor instead of looking Him in the eye.

Now hush, children. I have things to build that don’t explain themselves.

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15 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

Consciousness is not the reality; reality is total with or without consciousness.

That really depends on your definitions and which paradigm you're working from. 

57% paranoid

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17 hours ago, Daniel Balan said:

I'm not lazy at all. I work from 6:30 am to 8 pm everyday except sunday. In the spare time I watch your videos about spiral dynamics, politics, self help. Where I don't really follow your work is when it comes to god and love. None of those 2 aspects will help me whatsoever. I would still have to work from dawn till dusk just to have enough money to pay my taxes and feed my family. 

I am happy the way I am. I feel complete. I don't care if I am god or not. All I care about is to not die. 

The good thing about living in a 3rd world corrupt country is that everyday you struggle with all your might just to stay alive. Thus you begin to appreciate how precious life is and how easily it could be taken away from you. 

Here you have it. That's all the god realization I need. 


You are an admirable person for doing all that and you obviously aren't physically lazy. A psychedelic would shatter your way of thinking, for better or for worse. It would alter your way of thinking so radically that you would start asking different questions and start having different goals, motives, and values. You could end up leaving your family to wander the earth (like some super religious mystics do) because survival of yourself and your family is not necessarily aligned with truth. Another example that's a possibility is you could be driven to go into politics and change your 3rd world country. I don't recommend psychedelics because they are dangerous but even without trying them they are good examples of how easy it is to shatter your current way of thinking. (Not that it needs shattering) If you are happy just keep doing what you are doing it's not worth messing with a good thing. 

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45 minutes ago, enchanted said:

You are an admirable person for doing all that and you obviously aren't physically lazy. A psychedelic would shatter your way of thinking, for better or for worse. It would alter your way of thinking so radically that you would start asking different questions and start having different goals, motives, and values. You could end up leaving your family to wander the earth (like some super religious mystics do) because survival of yourself and your family is not necessarily aligned with truth. Another example that's a possibility is you could be driven to go into politics and change your 3rd world country. I don't recommend psychedelics because they are dangerous but even without trying them they are good examples of how easy it is to shatter your current way of thinking. (Not that it needs shattering) If you are happy just keep doing what you are doing it's not worth messing with a good thing. 

Firstly I hate psychedelics with all my being. I associate them with drug addicts junkies. Bascially when I hear the word psychadelic I associate it with heroin, cocaine, ketamine, meth, crystal, weed. Etc. Just bullshit substances that make yourself a worthless human. I hate drugs so much because I've seen all my friends become total junkies after trying shrooms and crystal and all that bs. 

Regarding politics ... Don't make me laugh... I once said at work that I will vote for a progressive woman candidate in the Romanian presidential election and I was fired from work and I wasn't even paid my wages for that past month, because I work without any contract the only way to get paid is if my boss is nice enough to pay me at the end of the month. I don't care about getting personally involved in politics one bit. I can't change nothing. All I care about is to have food on the table. Anything else is pure nonsense.

Edited by Daniel Balan - Please follow me on twitter! 

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2 minutes ago, Daniel Balan said:

Bascially when I hear the word psychadelic I associate it with heroin, cocaine, ketamine, meth, crystal, weed.

Psychedelics are not narcotics.

Although it's quite difficult to go through a psychedelic experience. It's insane. You wake up as if you're waking up for the first time. It's like pulling the rug out from under your feet. Most people would not be able to handle it.

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Because you feel real. The self is the base sense of solidity that gives rise to all other sense of solidity and otherness. So the question should be to investigate this self, why do “I” feel real? Is closer to getting to the core of the issue. 

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41 minutes ago, Sugarcoat said:

Because you feel real. The self is the base sense of solidity that gives rise to all other sense of solidity and otherness. So the question should be to investigate this self, why do “I” feel real? Is closer to getting to the core of the issue. 

Because I feel pain when I get hurt. Extreme pain. Pain is the ultimate bullshit spititual takes buster.

Edited by Daniel Balan - Please follow me on twitter! 

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Just now, Daniel Balan said:

Because I feel pain when I get hurt. Extreme pain. Pain is the ultimate illusion buster.

Pain feels very real, suffering feels very real. But I’m suggesting it’s the self that makes all of this feel real, that’s what I think

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On 20/03/2025 at 1:39 AM, Snt_lk said:

Why does physical reality feel so real if it’s not

This is a classic legitimate question that arise from a classic misunderstand.
When You hear some teacher say "reality is not real" they are making an observation about the nature of reality, not its content or effects.
If you get hammered on the head You're gonna hurt , bleed and die, and that's all very real.
This doesn't change the fact that the Hammer, the blood and death, your body, your whole life are part of an imagination process that makes up every perception including the perception of "realness" or "matter".
Every perception has very real consequences. The attention must be on the source or nature of those preception.

"real" is a very misleading concept expecially for newbies, so I get the doubts.

On 20/03/2025 at 1:39 AM, Snt_lk said:

Why do we wake up each morning placed in the same reality from the day prior?

Even though relity is always mutating, there is a coherence, an Intelligence, a Logos, linking every perception through logic and by laws.

On 20/03/2025 at 1:39 AM, Snt_lk said:

Same with the nature of others. When I see people out in public, they are always going about their day with no regard to what I’m thinking or experiencing. To me, it looks like they have meaningful lives that they are experiencing and living - am I wrong to think that?

No object or living being as an indipendent experience. They ultimately exist solely through your point of view.
But even if the stage is one, the actors in the play can be multiple.

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21 hours ago, Daniel Balan said:

I'm not lazy at all. I work from 6:30 am to 8 pm everyday except sunday. In the spare time I watch your videos about spiral dynamics, politics, self help. Where I don't really follow your work is when it comes to god and love. None of those 2 aspects will help me whatsoever. I would still have to work from dawn till dusk just to have enough money to pay my taxes and feed my family. 


Yes, while your basic needs are not taken care of, no point in caring about God at Leo's level. Unless you become a monk and retreat to a monastery or cave.

21 hours ago, Daniel Balan said:

The good thing about living in a 3rd world corrupt country is that everyday you struggle with all your might just to stay alive. Thus you begin to appreciate how precious life is and how easily it could be taken away from you. 

Maybe your village is 3rd world, but Romania as a whole cannot be classified as such. Corrupt, sure, but name a country that's not corrupt. Have you tried emigrating to other parts of the EU? You can work all over the EU with no need for extra permits.

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On 20/03/2025 at 0:39 AM, Snt_lk said:

Why does physical reality feel so real if it’s not. Why is there a reaffirming thought that it is? Why do we wake up each morning placed in the same reality from the day prior? Same with the nature of others. When I see people out in public, they are always going about their day with no regard to what I’m thinking or experiencing. To me, it looks like they have meaningful lives that they are experiencing and living - am I wrong to think that?

Who says reality is not real... At most, I heard spiritual people say reality is an illusion, which is not the same as not real. It is real, just not what you think it is.

Would you feel and think differently if your body was created every morning, with the complete memories of a "day prior", and everything else, existing in your head? Probably not, so how do you "know" you wake up every morning in the same place?

On 20/03/2025 at 0:39 AM, Snt_lk said:

To me, it looks like they have meaningful lives that they are experiencing and living - am I wrong to think that?

You're not wrong, from the level of awareness you're at, it would be counter productive to adopt the solipsism belief, which would be a belief for you. 

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On 3/20/2025 at 7:03 PM, Snt_lk said:


The real life consequences you mentioned might only pertain here until you wake from here and then it’s not so real anymore, much like a dream. 

How do you know? Do you speak from a direct experience?

"Never be afraid to sit a while and think.” ― Lorraine Hansberry


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4 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

Do you speak from a direct experience?

Direct experience is not happening to you. 

You become directly conscious of 

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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Because it has to feel real. That's how we've learned to survive and operate in the world for countless millenia. 

People with an unstable sense of reality do not really have desirable outcomes, not without the real world taking care of them (psychiatric institutions, supportive family backgrounds or loved ones, healers etc.). 

Awakening and the level of God-Realization that is promoted here, is not going to stick for most. Especially not through words, it is something that has to be experienced to start to make sense of. Forcing it results either in reasonable resistance, or endless bickering between fragile egos confusing surface-level experiences with the real deal. 

You have to build the foundation, strengthen your sense of reality, explore it all before you can transcend and move beyond.

Edited by Norbert Somogyi
correction after reread

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