Tate is back on Youtube

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And apparently he is now in Vegas meeting the good folks


Wanderer who has become king 


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These guys think they live in a movie or GTA game. But they think they are the Heros.

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Tate is currently in Vegas, he and Leo should link up and collab on a video or podcast together.

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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He is such a hollow, dense person.

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theres a world where leo v tate would be interesting to watch, alas, the world has trouble having polar ends coming together to do interesting collabs, as the world is allergic to such things. its ashame, but hey. i dont even recall what tates positions are on anything, i only remember him saying that everyone was servile and gay, and there was alot of the word "gay" thrown around, correct me if im wrong. (p.s. i literally just remember him calling everythinge gay, like... im not sure there was anything that challenges leo in a mature way, but i could be misremembering)

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I really don't understand what's going on with their Romanian case, seemed to me like there was plenty of evidence and there was judicial pressure on the Romanian authorities to not take it easy on them.

Perhaps they are really rich enough to influence it in their favour or they're less guilty than they seem, those are the only 2 logical scenarios that make sense to me. 

Owner of creatives community all around Canada as well as a business mastermind 

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I like the Tate brothers. They're always smiling, laughing, thoughtful, passionate and full of life.

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4 hours ago, carterfelder said:

I like the Tate brothers. They're always smiling, laughing, thoughtful, passionate and full of life.

If they weren't famous and you ran into them out in the real world, your first impression of them would be the correct one, which would be something like "arrogant, rude, dismissive, entitled, think their shit don't stink, bullies, flashy and loud braggarts".

In a world where no one knew them, this would be the first impression most people would have of the Tate brothers, and it would be correct. It's only after you run your culture war program that your mind starts to view the despicable in a good light. 

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6 hours ago, kavaris said:

theres a world where leo v tate would be interesting to watch

Would be as productive as a debate with a wall. Same level of openmindedness.

Maybe it would be interesting to see the mental gymnastics in action. But even that is nothing new, just looking at his profiles and how he deals with criticism says it all.

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I would like to see Gura versus Peterson. Podcast of 2 hours, put them away in a room, keys away and camera and mic on.

Wanderer who has become king 


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You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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So funny how even the right wing of Florida dissed this rapist. Tate is pulling way too often the "matrix" victim card, not so alpha male of him if you ask me 🤣🤣

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i know theres people who, they just are what they are, like... there are really trump-like-people out here making decisions based on pure blood lust and venegence tryina draw blood (and trust me i have first hand exp 10 years, for 24-7 hours)

Tates just a little boy still playin with his toy cars or watever... anyway my points like, its not like im retarded, i see things, and i give them a chance, but i know that its like hey... there are real live ppl out here tryina bulldoze shit without any rhyme or reason, and it has nothin to do w/ america, and perhaps nothin' to do w/ their own well being either (more of like a suicide mission if you ask me). but if your like 78 years old tryina make moves like its the summer of 79', like... thats where im like, "timeout"... This is a 78—goin on 80 now in a couple years... what kindve like animalistic thing is, like, some 80 year old guy got to prove out in these streets. Like, its not like he's on crack otherwise he would be weighin in at 100 pounds, looking like unusually fit is very much true that—if no one has ever thought of just close-lining someone, then they might just go on as if they are unstoppable. but if your 80, youve surely been out here and have nothin to prove, or the chances should be so slim that its like ("yes, thank god. now im 80 years old, time to get to work tearin sh-- up!") that then implies orchestrating this unusual gutting of the government, etc, etc.. (etcetera etcetera, fading into infinity, because it continues to make less and less sense to me) and thats where im at.

i know that this like, mid-life crisis attitude can go up to the 60's... but now we are talkin bout people 70—80 (its like a mid-life crisis, cause their sense of purpose is wrapped around the illusion that they are dominating in whatever field therein) Usually by 80 youve done lost enough to wake up. And of course, theres always some very slim chance that there is some purpose behind it, but its unlikely. If there was we would know what it was. the people that are his age are the ones who likely know how to untangle him, and the weird pride syndrome hes wrapped up in like, since they have been here long enough, they know what language hes speakin.

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Fools always suffer



Wanderer who has become king 


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Men like them (and men in general - but especially men like them) are responsible for about 70% of male collective missery

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3 hours ago, Alex4 said:

Do they never get bored of doing the same crap all the time? 

They're far from bored. They're narcissists who hit the narcissistic supply jackpot. 

After watching the video above, I imagine that If they get bored, they just blink their way out of the current matrix and into a future reality where boredom doesn't exist. These mother fuckers are retards. 

Edited by Joshe

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On 3/20/2025 at 4:34 AM, NewKidOnTheBlock said:

Men like them (and men in general - but especially men like them) are responsible for about 70% of male collective missery

Why do as a man your problems come from another man? I'd say it comes 80% from victim mindset. 

Owner of creatives community all around Canada as well as a business mastermind 

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4 hours ago, LordFall said:

Why do as a man your problems come from another man? I'd say it comes 80% from victim mindset. 

I do not think in these bullshit self help terms

You have a certain ammount of free will to choose what you're going to do, but the choices you make are deeply influenced by tens or even perhaps houndreds of factors outside of your control, be it internal or external factors. You can help yourself somewhat, but you are ultimately at life's mercy

You can shake your hands with Emerald now LOL also called me a victim, just for criticizing women. I still stand by all of those criticisms btw, but, it's important to realize that men are even more retarded, so I guess other men here can call me victim as well and you can all join together in a big celebration and keep calling me a victim, for all I care LOL

Also, I'm not taking life advice from crypto bros LEL

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