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Ill rephrase it in a different way

1 post in this topic

Step 1/Question 1:What is the job of government? What do they do, and why isnt it clear what they do? They facilitate order and stability, to some respect. Is there a government for governments? is there a system that oversees systems?... do the public have any ability(s) to overturn one of those levels? And who comes up with all of these systems? Were they all voted for?

Step2/Question2, what is the job of the president? But also, what does it mean to be the president. And is it not more of a three way between political, government and financially promising people, if therein lies some overarching conflict? And then what does a dual between those three look like in the end?

Step3/Question3, and the last one, what does anything mean ever, and why is it that important.

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