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Changes happening everyday

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Can i get someone bright and clearheaded ppl to just give me a breakdown of what they believe is going on? I will say that, i of course didnt vote for trump in any year (but who am i, right?) i just do things that make the most sense, as they unfold. i vote independent.

With that said, theres different things happening each day, like recently i just saw DOGE brought an armed group of ppl to some independent agency, as they had originally told DOGE to back off.. suffice to say that this didnt go over well cause they came back with guns and, what i am to assume is DOGE was forced inside via these officers with guns.

Anyway, thats like an unusual terrorist act that may or may have not been warranted. Theres also the fact that the GOP bill just recently passed, that which has something to do w/ cutting SNAP, medicaid, disability, etc. (i could be off on that) but if someone could just pop in and clear up the confusion here without letting any emotions get in the way, id appreciate.

P.s. i dont mind whos side your on, im just curious about some of these technical things, and what they mean, and what you think it means. and a bonus would be "what we can do about it", but thats like something we'll work on later.

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