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If we live in the same world ..why nobody agrees on anything?

112 posts in this topic

2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

There is a difference between masculine and feminine mindest.  Masculine is all about conquering the goddam world and getting them money ..chicks and cars . Not this fa* mindset of surrendering our dreams . Again women will never understand what it's like to be a man

I'm kinda done playing this game of "let me defend my illusions and build upon these stories that breed suffering". Trying to and working on leaving beliefs behind and opening the door to see through human's inventions. So even though this may or may not be true in the relative world I'm not going to focus on such things, don't care. I'm only in it where needed for survival until I don't even care about that anymore.



What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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4 minutes ago, Someone here said:

I'm talking about what is exactly happening in this thread .why people are fighting over words ?

Hehe. Neurosis. Because we're delusional dreaming fools that think we're the center of the attraction. Words don't even see you. They're just fighting each other. Don't even respond. Lol. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Just now, Someone here said:

@Princess Arabia If youre really "done " just LEAVE. You break the world record of repeating the word "I'm done " in a day .

It's a figure of speech that you can't see as such because your neurosis is so busy trying to dismiss me and annihilate me. If you see the context in which I use the word you'll notice I specify what I'm done with. LEAVE WHERE? I'm done....lmao

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Just now, Someone here said:


Hehe. More neurotic energy displaying itself. Ownership breeds suffering. Hehe. It's my thread. Hehe. Leave. Where's the please. I see it everyday. How we adopt the mentalities that create the suffering. Taking possession js one of them. My suffering, my hirlm my pain, mymymymy thread, hehe. I need to log off and recuperate, see ya. Mods will be locking soon if I keep this jibberish up so its best to take a break. See! Happy! You are God!!

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Why people are fighting over words ?

Because we do and don't live in the same world.

It also depends on people's beliefs, worldviews, etc.

I don't have a scientific answer for you.

6 minutes ago, Someone here said:

No what you said is called Solipsism.

I didn't say it's not solipsism.

I just told you about what I got conscious of and tried to show you that we live in different worlds and not at the same time.

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Being able to agree with others kinda necessitates to me to have a relatively strong worldview, that doesn't feel threatened when its' met with other worldviews. The ability to entertain other perspectives without malice or self-validation, just sheer curiosity. The more I think about it, the less common this ability seems to be. If I were to think about models, it appears towards the top of Maslow's pyramid (self-esteem and actualization), a healthy Orange/Green (leaning towards Green or Yellow) in SD.

We all come different family backgrounds, cultures, have different living conditions and the list goes on. The internet just shows you millions of different worldviews (99% without background) often simultaneously, so you can think about it for a few seconds with the attention span of a goldfish (meaning social media).

Radicalization, chaotic geopolitical situation seemingly threatening the survival of millions of people, as well as foundational societal structures that hinders people's feeling of safety.

We developed technology that interconnected the globe, but kinda at an evolutional point we were not ready for. Now we are facing the consequences. It can take more than a century for us to be able to start once again being able to listen to and understand one another on a bigger scale.

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I’m so Awake that Ima Sleep.

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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3 hours ago, Someone here said:

@Princess Arabia welcome to my ignore list sweetheart .

Hehe. Can't ignore on your own. Need someone else's help. I've ignored you a long time ago. My meaning of ignore is to not let them bother you. I don't need a button for that. I told you all my practices are everyday all day. Using the mind and thought.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Download Grok app on your phone and then turn on “argumentative voice mode”

it is a master class in why no one agrees with anyone - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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Because a perspective isn't about what is there as a fixed or objective reality existing independent of the author. A perspective is a limited interpretation made in order to meaningfully approach what is encountered; otherwise it would be completely meaningless data. But the real nature of what's encountered is up for grabs. And that direct encounter itself isn't a perspective. 

Also, there are perspectives or ways of looking at the world that are more aligned with fact and functionality than others. 

Edited by UnbornTao

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@integral man I'm disappointed. I asked you deep questions and you just gonna troll around right now ? Seriously? 

8 minutes ago, UnbornTao said:

Because a perspective isn't about what is there as a fixed or objective reality existing independent of the author. A perspective is a limited interpretation that's made in order to meaningfully approach what is encountered. But the real nature of what's encountered is up for grabs. 

The real nature of what's encountered is one . How can there be two absolute truths in existence?  There can only be one absolute truth . People having varying perspectives around the same absolute truth isn't understandable by me .

Imagine 5 persons arguing who's the goat Messi or Ronaldo ..Well that's a relative thing whichever the answer because this is not about an absolute matter .

God /This/Truth /Infinity etc is ONE and Absolute..why you still find disagreement between people around it ?

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

The real nature of what's encountered is one . How can there be two absolute truths in existence?  There can only be one absolute truth . People having varying perspectives around the same absolute truth isn't understandable by me .

Imagine 5 persons arguing who's the goat Messi or Ronaldo ..Well that's a relative thing whichever the answer because this is not about an absolute matter .

God /This/Truth /Infinity etc is ONE and Absolute..why you still find disagreement between people around it ?

If someone is profoundly conscious (which is not a given and rarer than we often think), there wouldn’t be much disparity between two such people. This isn’t to say their beliefs or opinions would necessarily be the same -- they might differ greatly -- but a consciousness of what’s true is a consciousness of what’s true. The issue seems to arise when attempting to communicate the absolute, along with the sheer rarity of an individual truly "listening" to that transmission. 

As a game, imagine if we were to put Ramana, Buddha, and Rumi in the same room (and they somehow understood each other through language), there wouldn’t be much disparity in their “view.” But I imagine this mutual recognition would be incredibly difficult to convey to us, who are ignorant of any ultimate truth.

As for the disagreements between people, most of them are really just posturing; they believe something and conflate a statement with consciousness of existence. What they're up to for the most part is entertainment, defending their beliefs, and engaging in various social games.

Another story: In a gathering of monks, the Buddha was giving a lecture. He is said to have raised a flower, at which point Ananda smiled and was said to have “got it.” He grasped what his cousin was trying to convey. That seems like a magical occurrence. We must admit that such a thing is a complete mystery to us. So, the issue isn’t simply about making claims, agreeing on them, or being convinced by them.

Also, you seem to be talking about relative matters too. 

Edited by UnbornTao

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7 hours ago, Someone here said:

what do you mean by corruption in this context ? I can only think of corruption in politics and society.

A person‘s model of reality that they’ve built and cultivated throughout their life is corrupted by their own ego.

So how could you have truth if everyone is corrupt?

Are sicence..philosophy..and spirituality..are these fields also corrupt?

Yes, people struggle to be unbiassed and are stuck in human centric thinking. Rarely does anyone see the boundaries that make up their human lense. You have to study consciousness for decades to crack that.

that's true.  Most people don't give a flying crap about truth. Look at people on this forum joining without using the spirituality section and just posting about self improvement or getting pussy.

People are at different levels of development. It doesn’t mean they’re not seeking truth. A dog should begin by questioning why they piss on trees, after they solve that dog centric habit, they can move onto something higher.

Spirituality is an umbrella term that incorporates all aspects of reality, so it’s not all metaphysics , it includes self development. if someone is lacking in sexual experience, then they have to work on that and develop themselves in that category. How could someone know anything about God when they haven’t even had sex yet? lol

How do you know God is not hiding in a vagina? 😉


Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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13 hours ago, Someone here said:

Hey welcome back .how are you doing ?

Better than I deserve probably, 😌 

I bought a bigger house for me and my 3 boys on Jan30th, so I have been very busy last couple months.....but things are settling back down now.

How are you doing ? 


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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We live in "the same world" because we can do things like play football with each other, build houses that don't fall down (unless the government is incompetent or corrupt), fly airplanes around the world, give each other high fives, complain about electricity or food prices, eat food from different parts of the world.

We live in "different worlds" because we have different upbringing, different environment, different genes, different habits, different housing, different food, different lifestyle, different thinking. Now, if you ask almost anyone about what these things are (e.g. food or a house), they will tell you only with minor disagreements, and most probably say it exists in a world we all live in 😉

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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On 26/3/2025 at 1:27 PM, Carl-Richard said:

We live in a "same world" because we can do things like play football with each other, build houses that don't fall down (unless the government is incompetent or corrupt), fly airplanes around the world, give each other high fives, complain about electricity or food prices, eat food from different parts of the world.

We live in a "different world" because we have different upbringing, different environment, different genes, different habits, different housing, different food, different lifestyle, different thinking. Now, if you ask almost anyone about what these things are (e.g. food or a house), they will tell you, with minor disagreements, and say it exists in a world we all share 😉

At the same time, even seemingly universal agreements do not equate to understanding what is actually being agreed upon.

What’s objective and what’s subjective? The laws of physics may apply universally, but notice that disagreement is rarely about “objective” realities. An apple is an apple, but what occurs if you consider it ugly? Is that the same world/experience for you and me? The act of complaining itself, as you mentioned, isn’t a fact of the universe but an action. It is likely experienced very differently from one person to another; it is not a “fixed” reality.

Also, it is within this shared, taken-for-granted world that humanity, at some point, “knew” that the Earth was the center of the universe, that witches existed, that storms were caused by angry gods, etc. Notice that we live as if our cultures were “true,” but none of them are. They are invented worlds we unknowingly operate within and yet consider to be reality, much like fish don’t recognize they’re swimming in water.

This suggests we have a hard time distinguishing between what’s objectively there and what’s subjectively added.

For example, football fans watching a game share a particular “fantasy” of what’s happening -- it is a little world to engage in, not a fact of the universe, even though we think we’re just encountering what is there.

Edited by UnbornTao

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