
Democrats Need to Face Why Trump Won

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I agree with the message but looking over all of this and analyzing with AI I feel like they said nothing that actually mattered.

Leo says it's about Vibe and culture but I disagree on the culture part.

I see no culture at all.

If Arnold Schwarzenegger ran for presidency he would easily win. There would be no contest.

Because he behaves in a rational entertaining way with good talking points. While these politicians talk in a obscure unclear manner, confusing, they're not entertaining.

If you can't Entertain You Can't Win.

Bernie Sanders has 0% chance of ever winning because his Vibe is wrong, it's so obvious. If he had more masculine energy and could give a convincing statement without stumbling over his words he would have a shot

Think about politics like trying to get laid with a woman. You need to have charisma, you need to make her laugh, you need to make her feel like you have your shit together and there's some fantasy about you. 

Edited by integral

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14 minutes ago, integral said:

I agree with the message but looking over all of this and analyzing with AI I feel like they said nothing that actually mattered.

The main reason he won is because of his vibe, he is not acting like a normal politician. Normal politicians look like there constantly lying and saying whatever they need to say to get votes. So everyone voted for Trump.

If any celebrity ran for politics they would win. It's a popularity contest.

Bernie Sanders has 0% chance of ever winning because his Vibe is wrong, it's so obvious. If he had more masculine energy and could give a convincing statement without stumbling over his words he would have a shot.

That’s nonsense. There is no evidence it’s all about vibes. Trump still has relatively low approvals prior to winning.

Even if it’s vibes for most people, just a 2-5% difference can create a win, if it isn’t vibes for just 2-5% of voters that’s enough to be relevant.

Polls showed Sanders beating trump by over 10%. Polls can be off, but not by that much.

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Posted (edited)

@Raze what you're saying is that cultural shifts are occurring and that's why people voted for Trump?

think about it in the same way social media works, who gets the most up votes in social media? Videos that incite emotions, videos that are highly engaging, videos that are highly controversial, videos that are highly addictive.

Trump hits every nail on the head. He even shows leadership.

Bernie hits none. Bernie shows absolutely zero leadership in his vibe. No one felt anything ever hearing Bernie Sanders speak. If you can't incite emotions then you get no votes.

Kamala Harris shows absolutely no leadership in her vibe, she comes off as a masculine woman. The only reason anyone voted for her was because they hated Trump, and when that's your only Edge it's pathetic.

Both Kamala and Hillary come off as super masculine women, why would anyone want that? It turns people off. They're better off being in feminine energy.

Be authentic and you will get votes. But these people behave so obviously disingenuous in front of the camera you could tell that they're not acting like real people.

Edited by integral

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Posted (edited)

I'm gonna check this video out but I feel like diving into all these factors takes your eye off the root causes. Like, there's a reason those factors are factors. 

What REALLY happened here was you had two key factors: 

1) Low level of development, stupidity and ignorance

2) The exploitation and manipulation of those 

Americans are unwitting victims of stupidity, ignorance, propaganda, manipulation, and deception. The fact that the American people chose a guy who, out in the open, attempted to coup the U.S—without recognizing the truth or its implications—reveals the extent of the manipulation that took place. When you grasp the scale of this deception, the key factors are clear.

Aside from culture war entertainment and identity building, Trump voters were largely not interested in politics and didn't/don't care what happens to any part of the world so long as their ignorance is allowed to persist and if anything bad happens, it happens "over there".

Kamala Harris comes on the scene and the apolitical fools are all of sudden interested in politics and want to know what Kamala will do to improve the state of things. lol. All of sudden, they put on their thinking caps and took this politics thing seriously. 🤦‍♂️They started learning about the economy and all sorts of stuff and they chose Trump because he was the clear winner. These are the stupidest ideas I've ever heard. 

It is all about vibes, but more importantly, the manipulation of vibes. Probably half the people who voted for Trump because of "the economy" are now tariff sympathizers who are all about that long-game. When the "economy" voters double down on Trump instead of denounce the policies that hurt them... that's vibes, right? 

Trump’s win is a symptom of mass propaganda and manipulation of public perception rather than a legitimate ideological contest. 

Falsehoods were pounded into the American psyche so effectively and by so many, the unwitting American didn't stand a chance at knowing what was true. So yeah, The Dems need to face that, as well as everyone else, but it's too much truth to handle, so no. 

IMO, there should be no compromise with falsehood. The falsehoods people embraced should not be "accepted" by the Dems. This itself would corrupt the Dems even further. While the Right is carving out channels of corruption at scale, now is the perfect time for the Dems to rid themselves of their own corruption and come back with more integrity than before, but that's not gonna happen, at least not as effectively as it could. 



Edited by Joshe

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Even Claude can't debate it:




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Posted (edited)

3 hours ago, integral said:

Because he behaves in a rational entertaining way with good talking points.

Come on man.

He would easily win because he is a giga-chad celebrity. Not because he is rational.

Arnold is vibes on steroids.

American elections are popularity contests.

Edited by Leo Gura

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This video provides clear data breakdown based on a massive sample, yet you all attach yourselves to baseless theories about vibes and development being the cause that don’t even make sense considering the 2020 election 5 years prior. This is attitude an example of why democrats lose, a refusal to engage with the actual reasons.

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Posted (edited)

14 minutes ago, Raze said:

This video provides clear data breakdown based on a massive sample, yet you all attach yourselves to baseless theories about vibes and development being the cause that don’t even make sense considering the 2020 election 5 years prior. This is attitude an example of why democrats lose, a refusal to engage with the actual reasons.

This video does not contradict vibes  it confirms vibes.

Biden had bad vibes.

Vibes are also set by media. Alternative social media ruined Biden's vibes with their ignorant analysis and spread Trump's macho fascist vibes.

That alone is enough to shift an election.

Of course inflation was a huge novel factor.

The development of people doesn't change fast enough to swing elections. What changes is how the media inflames and stokes the fears and passions of various development stages by playing up the vibes. That's exactly what swings elections. It doesn't matter what the actual stages are, what matters is how they are preceived. If you demonize Green all over social media, Green will lose.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Posted (edited)

25 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Of course inflation was a huge novel factor.

@Leo Gura I'm totally illiterate when it comes to economics. But did Biden had anything to do with inflation? As an European I mostly blame the covid pandemic and the war in Ukraine for the soaring of the prices. Especially the war in Ukraine, because without the Russian energy supply, all electricity and gas and petrol prices skyrocketed, and energy is essential for producing goods. So was Biden a bad president? How well he fared as a president? Was he a disaster as all these right wing fools say? Following this forum I got the sense that he took a lot of progressive measures which in my opinion were healthy.

Edited by Daniel Balan

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47 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Come on man.

He would easily win because he is a giga-chad celebrity. Not because he is rational.

Arnold is vibes on steroids.

American elections are popularity contests.

I know that's my point lol, I added the "rational" word because I was imagining if Kanye West ran for presidency he probably wouldn't get far.

StopWork.ai - Voice Everything Browser Extension

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8 minutes ago, Daniel Balan said:

@Leo Gura But did Biden had anything to do with inflation?

It doesn't matter if he did. What matters is that people blamed him for it.

8 minutes ago, Daniel Balan said:

So was Biden a bad president? How well he fared as a president? Was he a disaster as all these right wing fools say? 

He was pretty decent.

He was over demonized by the right and the left because both extremes want an extremist, and Biden is just normal.

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@Leo Gura But why did those RW voted for Trump as opposed to Kamala? Kamala being basically the second term of Biden. I've followed your blog thoroughly and I noticed a blog post where you praised Biden for annulling a law that prohibited employees of a company to join a rival company if that company offered better wages.  Among many other measures that he took to protect the blue collar workers from corporate enslavement. So why those stupid fools voted for more economic oppression, more power for their greedy employers? Is the fearmongering about immigrants and about woke-ness so terrifying that's worth being a wage slave all your life just to say FUCK YOU in the face of the woke people? I find this abhorrent.

https://x.com/DanyBalan7 - Please follow me on twitter! 

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53 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

This video does not contradict vibes  it confirms vibes.

Biden had bad vibes.

Yet Biden won in 2020. So that disproves the point.

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Posted (edited)

4 minutes ago, Raze said:

Yet Biden won in 2020. So that disproves the point.

That's so simplistic.

Obviously Biden's vibes took a nose-dive during 4 years of the media ecosystem beating on him. And even just his age. Vibes look bad when Biden mubbles on TV and hardly walks.

Also, Biden got a huge advantage in 2020 due to Trump mishandling Covid. Covid basically lost Trump the 2020 election.

Edited by Leo Gura

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5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

That's so simplistic.

Obviously Biden's vibes took a nose-dive during 4 years of the media ecosystem beating on him. And even just his age. Vibes look bad when Biden mubbles on TV and hardly walks.

Also, Biden got a huge advantage in 2020 due to Trump mishandling Covid. Covid basically lost Trump the 2020 election.

What’s simplistic is insisting its all about vibes and media in the face of more plausible explanations 

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4 hours ago, integral said:

If Arnold Schwarzenegger ran for presidency he would easily win. There would be no contest.

He is super old.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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Posted (edited)

Biden is super old too. I don't think Arnold would do well regardless. He is too left wing and too much in Laa Laa land in the eyes of the American people. Besides he is no US born citizen.

Edited by AION

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42 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

That's so simplistic.

Obviously Biden's vibes took a nose-dive during 4 years of the media ecosystem beating on him. And even just his age. Vibes look bad when Biden mubbles on TV and hardly walks.

Also, Biden got a huge advantage in 2020 due to Trump mishandling Covid. Covid basically lost Trump the 2020 election.

@Leo Gura If covid lost him the election, indicating possibly he's a considerable factor in the death of many, how does america make another same deadly mistake again? This time in the form of climate, butchering medicaid, etc. which is also another deadly mistake, quite literally. 

It's like: 

America back then: gets hurt and feels pain for how he handled Covid

America before new election: Yay make america great again

America now: oh no he hurt us again

Doesn't make sense.

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Posted (edited)

42 minutes ago, Raze said:

What’s simplistic is insisting its all about vibes and media in the face of more plausible explanations 

Obviously it's more than just vibes.

The reason I insisted on vibes is to correct people who overlook the vibes and get lost in policy debates.

The point is not that it's only about vibes. The point is that it's more about vibes than intelligent people want to admit.

I often say simplistic and exaggerated things just to correct for the absurd views people have. It's meant to be a slap in the face. When Kyle Kuliniski or Cenk Uygur is rambling on and on about how popular progressive policies are in the polls, he needs to be slapped across the face. Because he's missing the point and misleading the audience.

Edited by Leo Gura

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