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Decentralized ownership of automated labor

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Posted (edited)

We must find win-win solutions for the massive economic inequality problems of humanity . Feel good, stick it to the man solutions are not helpful and definitely detrimental to our cause. Rich people are people too and they have feelings and antagonism is not productive.

I do not think that redistributing assets is a feasible idea but collective ownership of productive assets makes a lot of sense(shoutout to comrade Marx.)

The cornerstone of our economy relies on manual labor. Food production, construction, manufacturing, healthcare, transportation, energy extraction, etc.

It's seeming more anad more like over the next 10-15 years all that will be able to be mostly automated through robotics and AI software. The common view of this is that the rich will own it and the working class will be screwed.

We are at a crossroad of humanity where it's actually possible for the ownership of these systems to be decentralized and be turned into a public utility. The effects of that would be complete transformation of our economic system.

This wouldn't be the same as taxing the rich more like giving people a way to build up their assets slowly overtime without having to wage this classwarfare that the communists are such a fan of and I believe is impossible.

A simple end solution would be eventually we'll end up with a let's say $3000 USD/monthly UBI(adjusted for inflation permanently) and no need to work while those that choose to can still accumulate more wealth and a much greater income than that $3K. That seems to me like a win-win solution that lets both the rich and the poor collaborate towards an unlimited future for humanity.

Posted this on the anti work subreddit, this my take on figuring out a utopic future for humanity. Curious to hear thoughts. 


This and Leo's post on Elites here:

Gary comes to the conclusion that the elites are the problem and we must tax them to make things equal. I believe this is impossible because the elites are made up of the smartest, most ruthless and most competent members of any societies and they fundamentally cannot be opposed. We must change the overall system to make win-win solutions otherwise the bottom 99% will always get crushed.

I was a professional League of Legends player top 0.01% and the idea that an average player could beat me was ridiculous. Same thing applies to financial and business elites, some people spend 14 hours a day working on becoming more powerful. The working class cannot opposed them and must join forces with them. 

Curious on your thoughts @Leo Gura, I think this idea is one of the only ones that make sense that I've seen. 

Edited by LordFall

Owner of creatives community all around Canada as well as a business mastermind 

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Posted (edited)

I love the idea of collective ownership of automated labor.

Unfortunately this feels like a pipe dream because robots and factories are super expensive and the capitalists who pay for them will never give up that property to the public without a bloody Marxist revolution.

The problem with Marxism has always been that factories are expensive and some private people had to pay for their development. Publicizing private property is basically like theft, which is why elites will oppose it furiously.

I think it's just easier to tax the rich.

There is no getting around the problem of elite resistence to redistrubution of wealth because they are all addicted to hoarding money and power.

Edited by Leo Gura

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It has to be win win I think, just like game. Perhaps it starts off with a DAO that owns these factories and redistributes the profits probably moreso to the executives and people running it but still owned by everyone so we're all going up together. The more I get into business I think you're right that most people don't have the guts or psychology for it and won't succeed but no reason it has to be billionaires or starving masses, just have to all benefit from the pie and eat from it and someone people can have more to eat if they like working all day. 

Owner of creatives community all around Canada as well as a business mastermind 

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Posted (edited)

No elite is going to give up his power willingly. You have to rip it out of their hands like ripping a baby away from his mother.

You are talking about redistributing trillions of dollars in wealth. There is no way to do redistribution without taking away from someone. That's what redistribution means. It cannot be win-win from their POV. Elites don't even want to pay the taxes they currently pay. There is no low they won't stoop to, to avoid paying taxes.

You have to understand how serious this is. You are talking about taking away trillions of dollars from people. There is no way they will just sit back and let it happen.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I don't think we have to take away their trillions of wealth; as a matter of fact I think that's impossible and would lead to the Civil War(2024) movie. I think we have to create new wealth with these AI agents and have that wealth allocated in a more effective way than the current wealth is.

The rich don't benefit from LA and San Francisco starting to ressemble Fallout more and more. They want beautiful nice cities in which they have a competitive advantage. We can make selfishness work to our collective advantage. 

The only other alternative I see is AI becoming AGI and forcibly redistributing the wealth if it finds it necessary to do so. 

Owner of creatives community all around Canada as well as a business mastermind 

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15 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I love the idea of collective ownership


أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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Communism never achieved collective ownership of anything. They nationalized the ressources and had a central commitee manage it. Much closer to monarchy than true Marxism which was utopic and impossible to achieve at that time. With blockchains and smart contracts you can have zero trust(solved by algorithms not trust me bro) ownership of productive assets. 

Owner of creatives community all around Canada as well as a business mastermind 

Follow me on Instagram @Kylegfall <3


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