
Weed gives me superpowers

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Over the last 5 years I regularly smoked weed, sometimes daily sometimes weekly. Usually 2+ times a week. In this time I've:

- graduated with top honors in the best univerity in my country (EU), without failing a single exam;

- got my dream job, great salary;

- got into an amazing relationship with my girlfriend;

- achieved a top notch physique, 8% bodyfat and jacked.

And I think lots of it is thanks to weed. For me, it feels as though it works as a nootropic; similar to the one in the movie "Limitless". It's almost like my brain is working more effectively, I can connect the dots and see the bigger picture in things.

Any idea why this is the case? Could there be any supplement that would provide me similar benefits?

Please also note that I mitigate the negative side effects of weed by:

- vaporizing it (so avoiding combustion) in a dry herb vaporizer

- supplementing L-Theanine:

- supplementing COX-2 inhibitors (aspirin, curcumin, ginger):

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It makes me less depressed and more content with life and come up with great ideas. It's also a psychedelic so I get nondual experiences from it at times. I believe it can do great things but also can be used wrong, gotta be self-aware enough to know the difference. 

Doing a 75 day no vice challenge though so curious what it'll be like afterwards.

Owner of creatives community all around Canada as well as a business mastermind 

Follow me on Instagram @Kylegfall <3


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I've tried quitting before but noticed no pros... it was as if I lost a superpower.

Not that I felt sad or depressed, I was doing pretty well actually even without it. But I wasn't at the top of my performance abilities.

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Depends on the person genetics and psychology. 

I'm very athletic and train everyday, I smoked before a half marathon, a few hits and I'm locked in. It does make me more self aware and paranoid in a good way, more like pronoia instead of paranoia.

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Me cannabis just gets me high.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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Sounds like you've built a solid life for yourself.

1 hour ago, cistanche_enjoyer said:

Any idea why this is the case? Could there be any supplement that would provide me similar benefits?

Cannabis increases your state of consciousness. It served me well for a long time, too. 

I've found that advanced meditation skills are even better. They take quite a while to develop, but then you're also no longer dependent on external factors to alter your state. And I think that the cannabis high requires more maintenance to remain stable.

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1 hour ago, Grateful Dead said:

They take quite a while to develop

Do you think weed would have any effect on how long it takes?

I've been meditating for 4 years, and with weed I can get pretty deep experiences of samadhi, which is really amazing. When sober I've been able to do it too, although much more rarely. So this is something I also count as superpower of weed haha

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9 hours ago, cistanche_enjoyer said:

Do you think weed would have any effect on how long it takes?

That depends, for someone like you I would say that cannabis is a good support for your development in meditation as long as you feel it has a benefit for you.

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