
Keeping it a buck about Leo (Physical Alien Transformation)

82 posts in this topic

Very interesting. Appreciate the discussion.

I can follow until here:


The way I see it, a human being isn't like a sardine. It's another dimension of existence in which something we call the mind is born. This mind is a living being independent of matter, another dimension. This dimension can operate at different levels. The collective mind, the matrix, is fed by individuals, and these in turn are fed by the matrix. A human being can expand their field of consciousness to a level that seems unlimited.

Not sure how to make sense of that:


It is a support for a new form of life that evolves outside of the gene, the mind, that's free of the matter and evolves exponentially fast.

This new form of life is outside of this dimension of reality? Sth you - maybe - can compare to what you see on a DMT Trip?


And as in all evolution, the only path is trial and error. The intuition of reality chooses different paths, and only some are viable, capable of deepening and expanding its level of existence being in synchrony with the whole. The push is unstoppable, but often it hits a wall. Walls must be demolished, but sometimes they resist and you are crushed, same than anything that appears.

Makes sense. At the same time, I cannot help the feeling that it's not a "tough evolutionary fight" but a game. As if "life/universe/god" has a sense of humor and "winks" at me from time to time. The very moment I heard of the divine game "leela" it resonated with me immediately. Maybe I am seeing what I want to see, maybe it both a unstoppable push combined with humor, maybe it's none of it. Really curios if we will ever get a "good" answer what this is about.

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Thanks for articulating what probably many of us were thinking for years!

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