
Keeping it a buck about Leo (Physical Alien Transformation)

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I will happily be the biggest freak in the world.

As if anything humans understand matters.

It's not about being a freak or human understanding, but about the world plunging into chaos upon seeing your transformation. How could you even contemplate sending it out?

Being the biggest freak in the world would be detrimental to your survival. Dutch colonists used to put South African women with "freakishly" big asses in cages like they're animals in a zoo. Being a freak is not about being misunderstood by lowly humans, its about the survival of you and your family. Transforming into an alien would get you killed by evangelicals, hunting you down with guns, for in their mind they've seen a real life demon transformation. Do you really not get what I'm pointing at here?

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

I will continue to do it because your life is not at stake here, but mine is. I reserve the right to edit anything I say at any time.

The demonizations don't come from you, but from outsiders who are bad faith actors with harmful intentions.

See this is what makes me think you never thought that you would be able to make the video. If you care about your life posting a video of yourself transforming into an alien is one of the most dangerous things you can do. It just doesn't make sense.


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1 hour ago, Staples said:

If you experienced whatever Leo did, you'd have done the same thing.

Have you had a reality shattering experiences? Becoming an Alien feels absolutely real in that state. As real as the feeling of your feet of the floor right now.

Not defending the claims he made, but if you don't know the nature of such an experience you would be strawmanning Leo.

You might be right about that. However he posted whlie sober, which should mean he was not in that state.

You're right that I don't know what it's like to destabilize your mind to that degree.

Moreover, I'm actually really interested in supernatural things. But precisely in the supernatural should your inquiry be highly skeptical and scientific. And I just don't like the fact that he swept it under the rug like it never happened and never came back up upon it.

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Posted (edited)

2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I will continue to do it because your life is not at stake here, but mine is. I reserve the right to edit anything I say at any time.

The demonizations don't come from you, but from outsiders who are bad faith actors with harmful intentions.

Hi Leo. This comment made me worry about your safety.

Leaving the alien stuff aside, did you notice anyone wanting to do harm to you? Did you receive threats? 

I mean, you never did wrong to anyone. You don't seem the kind of guy to have enemies. Who are those bad faith actors you mentioned? Please be safe. I personally love you. Without you I am certain that I'd have been dead for many years now.  

Edited by Daniel Balan - Please follow me on twitter! 

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I think I heard Leo say that in one of the videos, not a forum post.

But regardless, the reason it didn't work is outlined in a recent blog post – God will not grant local/personal miracles (which morphing into an alien certainly qualifies as a miracle), not without very exceptional circumstances anyway. For that same reason Leo's self-healing endeavors didn't succeed – although that doesn't mean the health problems are permanent, maybe they are, or the time for healing hasn't come yet for whatever reason, I don't know. 

Virtually the only way God will grant a local miracle is if it serves the highest Love and Good. An alien transformation on camera doesn't serve any such purpose, at worst as OP points out it could cause chaos, or simply be a tool for Leo to prove something, maybe give an ego boost, in other words a selfish, or at least not entirely selfless motive. 

Thus far I've only been able to manifest one miracle (that's a long story), and I know it worked only because the desire came from a completely selfless place. Even if you think your motives are pure, God knows for sure, and if there's any trace of selfishness in there, that's a no-go. In several instances I thought if only X would happen, I could do so much good for the world with it, but that was a self-deception, completely transparent to God. Similarly, Jesus was able to perform miracles because those served a purpose. A sort of crude reasoning from God deciding to grant Jesus those powers would go something like "If he can heal the sick and walk on water, people will take him seriously, and will listen to his message of Love, thus improving the world". Of course those teachings have over time been corrupted into the ideology of Christianity, but that too is part of the larger evolutionary design. Just as any local miracle is ultimately indistinct from the "Just One Miracle" of God's existence, they're baked into it. 

It also works the other way around, I've become conscious of how I was given a certain ailment which I managed to cure only after learning some important lessons and going through many years of suffering. Same with the many difficulties and annoyances, past, present, and future, they all exist to grow and better me. 

Anyway, that's my 2¢ on the matter, and also a long-winded way to express a powerful insight/perspective: everything happens for a reason, don't fool yourself into thinking you know better than God, instead develop a trusting relationship with it, and your life will feel so much lighter and enjoyable. 

Whichever way you turn, there is the face of God

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23 minutes ago, Daniel Balan said:

Did you receive threats? 

Naturally. He mentioned receiving death threats in the past. These teachings wouldn't be nearly as good if they weren't radical enough to piss some people off to that extent. Huge respect to Leo for speaking the truth in spite of the risks. Although it's mostly empty talk, we're past the times of burning or crucifying people. Usually the demonization comes from people whose ideology is undermined by these teachings, so they lash out and project. There's also one or two instances of suicides being linked to actualized, I imagine that doesn't paint a very nice picture for people unfamiliar with the matters and unable/unwilling to see the nuances. 

Whichever way you turn, there is the face of God

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Be mindful of holding beliefs.

And also...


Get a grip!

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You always have some kind of picture of how the world really is.

If you realize that reality has no limits, you'll know that any image is limited, and therefore false. Any belief dissolves into infinity; only the substance remains. This isn't a belief; it's an unavoidable fact that erases the mind.

Let's say beliefs have a longitudinal dimension, a mental map you make of what reality is. If you contrast it with infinity, its length is zero. On the other hand, its depth is infinite, but it can't be articulated.

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Posted (edited)

21 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

No, it's just for fun, like meetings people who do the same work as me and talking about it. Nothing any guru says interests me at all; they're just words. The issue of spirituality is real: looking inside yourself and opening yourself up to the fullest. You're alone in this. Beyond a certain level, there's no one else. There's only you, the existence. Anything that anyone says means absolutely nothing. 



IMO people a) are way to easy manipulated into believing some so-called gurus and teacher. The older I get, the more I realize I do much better using my own capabilities. You need someone to tell you how the world is, what it means and how to navigate it? Good luck. Sure I ask for help and advice but with the intention to integrate with my view not to follow someone else's view of reality. One thing you can say fore sure is that every human is individual, so every experience of reality is unique, too b) Words are just words. I avoid believing grand proclamations, promises, apparent actions etc. 

What's the English proverb? "Show, don't tell"?

Edited by theleelajoker

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10 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

If you realize that reality has no limits, you'll know that any image is limited, and therefore false. Any belief dissolves into infinity; only the substance remains. This isn't a belief; it's an unavoidable fact that erases the mind.

Let's say beliefs have a longitudinal dimension, a mental map you make of what reality is. If you contrast it with infinity, its length is zero. On the other hand, its depth is infinite, but it can't be articulated.

Sounds a bit like J.C.Lilly:

In the province of the mind what one believes to be true, either is true or becomes true within certain limits. These limits are to be found experimentally and experientially. When so found these limits turn out to be further beliefs to be transcended. In the province of the mind there are no limits.

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1 hour ago, theleelajoker said:

Sounds a bit like J.C.Lilly:

In the province of the mind what one believes to be true, either is true or becomes true within certain limits. These limits are to be found experimentally and experientially. When so found these limits turn out to be further beliefs to be transcended. In the province of the mind there are no limits.

Without limits, there is no meaning. Meaning means something within limits; outside of them, it is nothing. Or, to put it another way, if you divide anything by infinity, the result is zero.

Our true nature is limitless, so to access it, you must leave meaning behind. If there is any meaning, there must be some limit. 

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13 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

Without limits, there is no meaning. Meaning means something within limits; outside of them, it is nothing. Or, to put it another way, if you divide anything by infinity, the result is zero.

Our true nature is limitless, so to access it, you must leave meaning behind. If there is any meaning, there must be some limit. 

Quite interesting to look at meaning. Some thoughts...

  • Meaning is created by limits, so we have a typically a "why" causality, a "how" method and a "what for" goal orientation. 
  • A great example for me is e.g. sports: A guy can swim in the 2Min in a pool and it means almost nothing for him. Few hours later, we put up some rules, creating limits, call it "Olympics Finals" and it becomes the most meaningful 2 minutes of his career ("I am the best in the world"). Still water, still swimming, still same pool but the limits create immense meaning. This oc is enhanced by combining the Olympics with resources - material such as money or immaterial such as prestige - that are limited per se


  • Meaning is always created if language is used. Without language, there is no limit bc function of language itself is separation and discrimination (this, not that)
  • Thinking is silent language spoken to "ourselves"
  • Access of limitless has the pre-condition of no language, no talking, no thinking
  • We are however, in ordinary states and in this dimension of experience at least, always limited our bodies. Even if I see a guy tripping his balls out on LSD/DMT or whatever - I still see his physical body in front of me, and if we stop breathing we die in this reality. Bodies are like an auto-limitation 24/7


  • So life as human without any meaning is probably...just boring? If "god" can be anything all the time, then limitations are great and only way to experience yourself. If you just accept everything...where is the fun of that?
  • Life with too much meaning - too much limitations - sucks. A lot of suffering because we put restrictions and limitations on us, about how life should be instead of living it how it is
  • So, life is just the up and down of limiting -freeing, limiting - freeing, bam - bum, bam - bum....

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1 hour ago, theleelajoker said:

Meaning is always created if language is used. Without language, there is no limit bc function of language itself is separation and discrimination (this, not that)

Not only. An animal that sees a predator running towards it knows the meaning of that. 

1 hour ago, theleelajoker said:

great example for me is e.g. sports: A guy can swim in the 2Min in a pool and it means almost nothing for him. Few hours later, we put up some rules, creating limits, call it "Olympics Finals" and it becomes the most meaningful 2 minutes of his career ("I am the best in the world"). Still water, still swimming, still same pool but the limits create immense meaning. This oc is enhanced by combining the Olympics with resources - material such as money or immaterial such as prestige - that are limited per se

It's almost nothing in appearance, but if you look closely, there are layers and layers of meaning. If you strip away all the social meaning, related to society, like winning the Olympics, there's still a lot of meaning. He must swim, or he'll drown. He must do it a certain way. He must move in a certain direction. He's focused on all of that, and he can't escape those layers of meaning.

1 hour ago, theleelajoker said:

Access of limitless has the pre-condition of no language, no talking, no thinking

Yes but not only that. There are energetic barriers in the structure of the psyche that go beyond the verbal. The foundation on which the psyche is built is the fear of dying and the desire to live. This branches out into countless structures, and language is only the superficial expression of them

1 hour ago, theleelajoker said:

Thinking is silent language spoken to "ourselves"

There are many ways of thinking. Rumination-type thinking, in my opinion, is a psychic alarm telling you to harmonize certain trapped energies. Each case is different; perhaps in a particular case, you should burn your father alive, to give an extreme example. Karmic impulses are what they are. The inner structure of the mind is in relationship with the outer flow of events; they are one, not separate entities. Ultimately, there is no inside and outside. 

1 hour ago, theleelajoker said:
  • So life as human without any meaning is probably...just boring? If "god" can be anything all the time, then limitations are great and only way to experience yourself. If you just accept everything...where is the fun of that?
  • Life with too much meaning - too much limitations - sucks. A lot of suffering because we put restrictions and limitations on us, about how life should be instead of living it how it is

In my opinion, The best thing is a life with deep and solid relative meaning, along with the ability to hack your system at will, temporarily erase all meaning, and open yourself completely to your absolute nature. This is possible, but no one said it was easy.

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40 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Not only. An animal that sees a predator running towards it knows the meaning of that. 

It's almost nothing in appearance, but if you look closely, there are layers and layers of meaning. If you strip away all the social meaning, related to society, like winning the Olympics, there's still a lot of meaning. He must swim, or he'll drown. He must do it a certain way. He must move in a certain direction. He's focused on all of that, and he can't escape those layers of meaning.

Yes but not only that. There are energetic barriers in the structure of the psyche that go beyond the verbal. The foundation on which the psyche is built is the fear of dying and the desire to live. This branches out into countless structures, and language is only the superficial expression of them

There are many ways of thinking. Rumination-type thinking, in my opinion, is a psychic alarm telling you to harmonize certain trapped energies. Each case is different; perhaps in a particular case, you should burn your father alive, to give an extreme example. Karmic impulses are what they are. The inner structure of the mind is in relationship with the outer flow of events; they are one, not separate entities. Ultimately, there is no inside and outside. 

In my opinion, The best thing is a life with deep and solid relative meaning, along with the ability to hack your system at will, temporarily erase all meaning, and open yourself completely to your absolute nature. This is possible, but no one said it was easy.

Great. Thanks for investing the time to answer thoroughly.  Will process. The animal-predator example is great to illustrate your point. I agree.

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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

In my opinion, The best thing is a life with deep and solid relative meaning, along with the ability to hack your system at will, temporarily erase all meaning, and open yourself completely to your absolute nature. This is possible, but no one said it was easy.

If you could do it at will, would meaning still be fun? Control at will seems counterproductive without losing control once in a while to me.

I am a big Alan Watts fan and he once made a point of "you want to forget so that you can surprise yourself again and again". 

My personal experience resonates with this. Sometimes I am so open, so clear and then I get anxious, blocked, lost in the daily stuff.  Few weeks or months later I have great and calmness clarity again and then one thought comes up: "Wait a minute...I was here before! I know this, this is familiar! How could I forget?"

So it's like a good movie - you want to be so deep in it that you forget it's a movie. If you don't get caught up in it, it's no fun.

Edited by theleelajoker

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Posted (edited)

2 hours ago, theleelajoker said:

you want to forget so that you can surprise yourself again and again".

That were so, it would mean that you are an entity with a specific purpose, and this would mean limits. Alan Watts is imagining infinity as something personal, with a motivation, that performs actions with a purpose, that's it, God.

If this were the case, he would have already performed the same action an infinite number of times and would be stuck in a loop of existential horror, trapped in eternity. 

As I see it, it is impossible for infinity to will anything, because if it did, it would be finite. Infinity simply flows upon itself, reflecting upon itself. It is absolute potential, and it unfolds in infinite dimensions automatically, inevitably. And those infinite dimensions are interconnected and synchronized to infinity, for the simple reason that they are reflections of the infinite being. Therefore, they are apparent movements, existing only in relation to another movement. Therefore, something isolated, not synchronized with the whole, simply does not appear because it is nothing without its reflection. 

As far as this affects me as an individual, I'm simply trying to develop my potential. Like everything that exists. when the individual ceases, it will simply have disappeared. It was nothing, just an image among infinite possible images. But its substance, its core, is the whole. That's what we are. If you want to be immortal, become one with the unfathomable and see the individual as something secondary. The fewer barriers there are, the more transparent the whole is. And since we're all going to disappear soon, it's best to make this move. It's just common sense. The relatively difficult point is transcending the barriers of the mind and becoming the substance. Once it happens, it's seen as normal; it's reality; it's always been that way.


Edited by Breakingthewall

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1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

That were so, it would mean that you are an entity with a specific purpose, and this would mean limits. Alan Watts is imagining infinity as something personal, with a motivation, that performs actions with a purpose, that's it, God.

If this were the case, he would have already performed the same action an infinite number of times and would be stuck in a loop of existential horror, trapped in eternity. 

Yes, I heard a lecture where he talks about the feeling of  "haven't we have been here before?". He also mentioned "boredom" of the universe as a main motivation.


As I see it, it is impossible for infinity to will anything, because if it did, it would be finite.

You mean that a will - "I want this and not that" - implies a limitation which implies finite trait? If you mean sth else, I don't follow.


Infinity simply flows upon itself, reflecting upon itself. It is absolute potential, and it unfolds in infinite dimensions automatically, inevitably. And those infinite dimensions are interconnected and synchronized to infinity, for the simple reason that they are reflections of the infinite being. Therefore, they are apparent movements, existing only in relation to another movement. Therefore, something isolated, not synchronized with the whole, simply does not appear because it is nothing without its reflection

I kind of can see and feel the reflections and the synchronicity in my life. I agree with the idea of "non-synchronized" movements cannot exist. At least it feels like that for me as I experience life now and recently.


As far as this affects me as an individual, I'm simply trying to develop my potential. Like everything that exists. when the individual ceases, it will simply have disappeared. It was nothing, just an image among infinite possible images.

Why is development the goal if there is infinity? Haven't you developed and rebuild from zero infinite times? Only motivation would be to have fun developing but the result does not matter, does it?


The relatively difficult point is transcending the barriers of the mind and becoming the substance

So for you, the mind is a hindrance, an obstacle to be overcome? For whatever reason, I more and more see it as a feature, not a bug.

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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, theleelajoker said:

Yes, I heard a lecture where he talks about the feeling of  "haven't we have been here before?". He also mentioned "boredom" of the universe as a main motivation.

That is impossible, it would imply someone who is bored, infinity is not someone, it's absence of limits. the absence of limits makes boredom not a possibility, it would be a limit. Reality can be a sardine a trillion times and it will always be absolutely actual, expansive, total. 

1 hour ago, theleelajoker said:

You mean that a will - "I want this and not that" - implies a limitation which implies finite trait? If you mean sth else, I don't follow.

Will implies a thinking center that has a specific intention. That center would be limited, an ego. That's the idea of God that is so confusing because it's impossible, but from the ego's perspective it's the only conceivable idea. A higher ego that directs the function. 


1 hour ago, theleelajoker said:

Why is development the goal if there is infinity

Because it's the direction of the current flow. If you flow with it, you deepen and synchronize with the whole, increasing your vital power. If you resist synchronicity, it begins to desynchronize, and you begin to die internally. It's a matter of choice. From an absolute point of view, it's all the same, but from a relative point of view, it's completely different. 

If you increase synchronicity, you increase your life force, you go deeper into yourself, and in doing so, you expand. If you block synchronicity, you shrink.


1 hour ago, theleelajoker said:

for you, the mind is a hindrance, an obstacle to be overcome? For whatever reason, I more and more see it as a feature, not a bug.

The mind is something to equalize. The mind is the reality in a specific energetic configuration, which in the synchronous flow must adapt, evolve, and become one with the whole or wither and disappear. The mind must willingly recede into the background and withdraw in order to equalize with the flow. The mind never truly withdraws, since the mind is the reality. What it does is lower its defenses, lose its density, and humble itself in the sense of surrendering the control created by the fear of death. The idea of God is control, is going to limit you. 


1 hour ago, theleelajoker said:

I agree with the idea of "non-synchronized" movements cannot exist. At least it feels like that for me as I experience life now and recently.

As I see it, You can block the synchronous flow of life with your fear, that can manifest in many different ways. Humans are social beings, hive entities energetically interconnected by complex and deep bonds that must be equalized. The slightest interaction triggers butterfly effects that unfold like waves, causing your energetic structure to tilt to one side or the other. Intuition is essential; the flow of reality demands different movements and unique adaptations at every moment. If you begin to perceive this, the dance becomes more fluid and you start perceiving what movement you should make and perceive which one you shouldn't, and correct your drift by making it as equal as possible with the flow. doing anything else would be stupid. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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10 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Because it's the direction of the current flow. If you flow with it, you deepen and synchronize with the whole, increasing your vital power. If you resist synchronicity, it begins to desynchronize, and you begin to die internally. It's a matter of choice. From an absolute point of view, it's all the same, but from a relative point of view, it's completely different. 

If you increase synchronicity, you increase your life force, you go deeper into yourself, and in doing so, you expand. If you block synchronicity, you shrink.

Makes sense. Resonates with recent experiences.


That is impossible, it would imply someone who is bored, infinity is not someone, it's absence of limits. the absence of limits makes boredom not a possibility, it would be a limit. Reality can be a sardine a trillion times and it will always be absolutely actual, expansive, total. 

Will implies a thinking center that has a specific intention. That center would be limited, an ego. That's the idea of God that is so confusing because it's impossible, but from the ego's perspective it's the only conceivable idea. A higher ego that directs the function. 

I see the logic behind your idea of seeing infinity + non-ego. Can't say it's wrong, just does not feel "right" for me subjectively. Can't give a convincing reason why. Maybe I am stuck in old ways of thinking. Gonna process.


The mind is something to equalize. The mind is the reality in a specific energetic configuration, which in the synchronous flow must adapt, evolve, and become one with the whole or wither and disappear. The mind must willingly recede into the background and withdraw in order to equalize with the flow. The mind never truly withdraws, since the mind is the reality. What it does is lower its defenses, lose its density, and humble itself in the sense of surrendering the control created by the fear of death. The idea of God is control, is going to limit you

Resonates. So why you think non-synchronicity is possible at all? Why can we resist instead of just flowing?


As I see it, You can block the synchronous flow of life with your fear, that can manifest in many different ways. Humans are social beings, hive entities energetically interconnected by complex and deep bonds that must be equalized  The slightest interaction triggers butterfly effects that unfold like waves, causing your energetic structure to tilt to one side or the other. Intuition is essential; the flow of reality demands different movements and unique adaptations at every moment. If you begin to perceive this, the dance becomes more fluid and you start perceiving what movement you should make and perceive which one you shouldn't, and correct your drift by making it as equal as possible with the flow. doing anything else would be stupid.

Bold emphasis by me. Yeah, that's what I feel like sometimes. There is sth I need to do no matter what. And it has sth to do with balancing of relationships.  And the uniqueness of every situation - yeah, that's what I also beginn to understand /integrate better.

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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, theleelajoker said:

So why you think non-synchronicity is possible at all? Why can we resist instead of just flowing?

The way I see it, a human being isn't like a sardine. It's another dimension of existence in which something we call the mind is born. This mind is a living being independent of matter, another dimension. This dimension can operate at different levels. The collective mind, the matrix, is fed by individuals, and these in turn are fed by the matrix. A human being can expand their field of consciousness to a level that seems unlimited. It is a support for a new form of life that evolves outside of the gene, the mind, that's free of the matter and evolves exponentially fast. And as in all evolution, the only path is trial and error. The intuition of reality chooses different paths, and only some are viable, capable of deepening and expanding its level of existence being in synchrony with the whole. The push is unstoppable, but often it hits a wall. Walls must be demolished, but sometimes they resist and you are crushed, same than anything that appears.

Edited by Breakingthewall

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