
Keeping it a buck about Leo (Physical Alien Transformation)

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Let's keep it a buck about Leo,

He made many extreme claims that we are all supposed to forget about or something, and now take his logic and rationality very seriously,

The pinnacle was the moment he claimed to be able to transform into a physical alien on camera, and that he only needed to find the correct camera.

Let's take a moment to analyze this claim and its ramifications:

-He was never able to do it

-Imagine being able to do it, or at least, not being able to do it but thinking that you are (which is probably the case, which would already qualify him as being psychotic at the time), and actually contemplating putting your transformation on the internet. let's analyze this premise:

(We are assuming that any vfx experts watching the video would be able to discern it's authenticity, which would be the case in an actual alien transformation)
You release the video online. first, the forum community watches it in horror and disgust, and amazement, realizing they are looking at an actual video of their favorite Youtuber transforming into a real life alien. They share it everywhere around the internet, and it quickly starts to go viral. CNN and other major news networks start to pick it up and it goes insanely viral around the world. VFX experts announce its authenticity. the virality of the video starts to grow and grow and people on the news are talking about it and Leo. Everyone wants to speak to Leo because this is the craziest thing that has ever happened in the history of mankind. People start to look for him in real life and maybe even threaten him. Chaos ensues around the world.

I mean, this is literally the scenario that would unfold. Total chaos. And yet he still posted about it, contemplating posting it like it would be some minor happening. Are we supposed to believe a man of his intelligence would not foresee these events?

Keep it real with us Leo. Were you having an episode of psychosis at the time? and what happened with the portal that opened in your head, and the realizing of the consciousness field of the earth, and speaking with it? I believe this all happened around the 2nd half of 2022. You suddenly had these esoteric episodes, distinct from your regular Oneness awakening, God realization, metaphysical philosophy. And I mean, like I described, you literally contemplated putting out an alien transformation video like it wouldn't be the craziest thing ever shown on earth. And of course you weren't able to do it, which makes me think you went through some kind of psychosis around that time.

Are we supposed to sweep all of this under the rug? You literally never explained any of these episodes any further. Never gave us an apology or nothing. It feels so blatant to talk about transforming into an alien on camera and then just never talk about it and talk about other serious philosophers like they are nothing and don't know anything, while you hold the secrets of the universe that no one else has ever figured out. It honestly feels like some master level trolling which I don't like to claim from you. I hope at least it was some kind of poison pill or something, to test us. If it wasn't, I can only expect suspect psychosis. Thinking you're getting away unscathed with sharing your alien transformation video online is more psychotic than anything Connor Murphy went through. It's a true disconnect with the realities of society and the world. It would be a literal Black Mirror episode and people would go looking and hunting for you. And this is already assuming that a transformation like that is even possible.

It's disrespectful to your students to make these absolutely bizarre claims and never follow through on it or take them back. A simple explanation that you had a psychotic break would be plenty. But you never did. It's quite enraging actually.

Edited by gengar

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I would say that the mental path that led Leo to think this was possible is the same path that has led many mystics to think they could levitate if they tried hard. Let's see, the mystical opening undoubtedly shows you that you have no limits. Therefore, if this is so, it means that you are the reality, the totality. If this is so, it means that you have created this reality in which you live, but you are not aware of it. This implies that if you raise your consciousness and become aware of how you are creating this moment, you will be able to modify it.

This is erroneous; it's a limited vision of the unlimited that, at a given moment, seems absolutely true, but isn't. The very fact of the absence of limits makes you infinitely limited. It's paradoxical, but it's obvious.

Let's see, if nothing limits you, you unfold infinitely in infinite dimensions automatically and inevitably. You have no control, since control would be, precisely, a limit. You are infinite as an essence, as an absolutely free infinite being, but as a form, you are absolutely limited in infinite directions. Each energetic vibration of your reality is linked with the infinite dimensions of reality, forming a harmonious and synchronous whole. Levitating would break the synchronicity; transforming into an alien would also break it; it's absolutely impossible. It is possible if you respect the laws of infinite synchronicity. You can act on the form to a great extent, and each movement will have infinite butterfly effects. But you cannot displace infinity by breaking the synchronicity. It's impossible.



Edited by Breakingthewall

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@gengar thank you very much for this thread, these questions I asked myself and you expressed it well. I hope Leo responds. 

I appreciate Leo for reporting this advanced stuff with us. He could keep his thoughts about transforming into an alien on camera by himself. Now he released his thoughts, it would be nice to hear if there was something on it or not.

It still sounds absolute madness to me but Leo could have experienced so much other insane impossible things that this seemed to him possible.

Edited by OBEler

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43 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Levitating would break the synchronicity

No it wouldn't. The mechanics for how levitation works are part of the system we're in, it's not a violation.

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Just now, The Crocodile said:

No it wouldn't. The mechanics for how levitation works are part of the system we're in, it's not a violation.

It could be so under certain circumstances, although it could also be impossible. We've talked about this before. If someone like Sadhguru or whoever could perform something paranormal like levitation or telepathy, they could gather a group of scientists equipped with all kinds of technology and perform the necessary demonstrations, then this would become a scientific reality. But the fact is that these people with powers don't display them publicly

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12 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

It could be so under certain circumstances, although it could also be impossible. We've talked about this before. If someone like Sadhguru or whoever could perform something paranormal like levitation or telepathy, they could gather a group of scientists equipped with all kinds of technology and perform the necessary demonstrations, then this would become a scientific reality. But the fact is that these people with powers don't display them publicly

Sadly sadhguru is a fraud. You wouldn't get it from him.

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It's about time for Leo to teach us how to transform into space Kangaroos:D

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50 minutes ago, The Crocodile said:

Sadly sadhguru is a fraud. You wouldn't get it from him.

Was an example, agree that he seems a fraud in many aspects, anyway no one have proved any power, maybe they could be real but for now there are no real proves. 

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It's very simple:

I accessed such advanced states of consciousness that they are very difficult to make sense of and articulate.

I share stuff on this forum in unpolished form because this is where I hash out my ideas and think out loud.

Not only were these states very advanced, accessing them destablizes the psyche and has serious risks and costs. You expect this stuff to just come easy and polished, but that's not how it works. I share a lot of raw and real stuff with you guys which no other teacher would share. That means it's less polished and packaged. I share parts of my process. Set your expectations accordingly.

You have a very entitled attitude. I don't owe you anything. I share very radical ideas which no one else would ever share with you. I put my life at risk to reach the highest states of consciousness. And then I have to put with your mockery.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Interesting, I never came across this video/post.

@Leo Gura physically transforming your own energetic matter or altering the perception of those around you? Including camera technology.

Levitation, yes possible. 

The matrix we are within places artificial limits on perception, artificial division 

Don't want to go into this too much, just in case I'm flirting with the ban hammer 

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@gengarThis is like shit talking the first cosmonauts for being overwhelmed with the experience of visiting outer space.

If you've never been to space, what do you know of it?

A little bit of love and empathy on this forum you enjoy for free would be nice. 

Edited by Staples

God and I worked things out

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Yeah, that was a weird time.

Lots of people who have tripped have been ungrounded. Happens.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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I missed those videos but Leo is hardly alone in these things. It's like breakingthewall said, the mystical opening leads to many such direct realizations like this. Leo works in the nondual space, but there are a lot of mystical spiritual people who are more in the alien space. 

Honestly, the idea that you could transform into an alien, I believe you could look in a mirror on psychedelics and see yourself in your Pleadian form, easily. Just the same as you can look in the mirror and see the faces of your ancestors morph across your face. Now that, I have seen first hand. Could I replicate it on camera? I don't think so. But I have watched many many people claiming to channel aliens, and many of them actually LOOK alien like in their facial structure and hair cuts.

And it's just like Leo said, these things are simultaneously accessible to the mystic, and too weird to ever translate into a sober human lifestyle that could become commonplace on this planet, so they remain in the realm of what our society labels psychosis, superstition, and myth.

I have been flirting with psychosis throughout my life, but somehow never quite fall in. I must not be prone to schizophrenia, because I have most certainly spent months in the same mental space that leads people to believe that helicopters are following them, and that they're space Jesus, so they should stand on the street corner smoking crack at 3am, and yet I didn't ever experience my life falling apart like that. It just seemed like musing to me. I'd do some acid and see some cool shit, and then I'd just go to bed and head to work on Monday. But meanwhile my sense of reality was very abnormal. I'm lucky and grateful that I was able to simply muse philosophical about these things, rather than falling into psychosis or schizophrenia.

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2 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

anyway no one have proved any power, maybe they could be real but for now there are no real proves. 

I already told you they have. You're like a tribesman saying airplanes are impossible and that there is no proof airplanes exist.

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4 minutes ago, The Crocodile said:

I already told you they have. You're like a tribesman saying airplanes are impossible and that there is no proof airplanes exist.


Where is that evidence? Is there any scientific consensus on this issue? Or do you think scientists are stupid and plotting to hide this fact?

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@gengar Have you ever had a psychedelic breakthrough? I am talking beyond the 2-3g mushrooms/ 150-250 ug LSD doses. There are seriously twisted things that you can experience in those spaces, like, for example, being shredded and morphed inside out. If you did, you would have a little more understanding for what Leo went through.

That said, I myself wonder what makes the manifestation of a psychedelic state into baseline so hard, even with Leo's level of Awakenings. My current understanding is that each level of Consciousness has a certain coherence to it, accessible only from that particular state of Mind.

If you read Talbot's "Holographic Universe", then you may be familiar with the idea a spiritual events can take different forms depending on the consciousness of the observer (some just get headaches/ others straight up see that shit). The "if Jesus/ aliens appeared, you wouldn't even know it" type thing. The dynamics between states, i.e the relative ontology, is highly non-trivial. 

Chaos, Entropy, Order

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That's why I feel sorry for anyone who still takes him seriously.  What's worse, he loves to call everyone a grifter, but he is going to grift his followers into believing they can achieve this 'advanced alien consciousness' by paying for a course.  It's quite pathetic honestly.

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Separating Manifestation´s  infinity of possibilities in coherent blocks does not substract anything from Its "infinity" quality, but adds meaning and coherence to each manifested "block".  Each realm offers objective energy forms and interaction between them, all that within a particular energetic "playing field" that needs a particular set of rules that makes each mixture be what it is and not a different one. So "limitation" is key to "meaning". 

I do contemplate the actuality of very sporadic beings that seem to belong to a higher plane performing acts that totally break the rules, but only as an evolutionary tool for Manifestation, pushing average inhabitants of that plane to open their mind and conceive going beyond those strict limits in the future.

This is my forest, my joy, my love and my shelter, the music I compose:


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1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

Or do you think scientists are stupid and plotting to hide this fact?

Do you think scientists are plotting to hide that God exists?

Where is that evidence? If you're too lazy to look for the evidence I'm too lazy to tell you.

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