
Navigating criminal charges – Seeking Self-Actualization & Redemption

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Dear Leo and actualized community,

I’m facing a serious challenge right now—I’ve been charged with drug trafficking, and it’s been incredibly difficult to move past it. The anxiety, the uncertainty about my future, and the weight of regret feel overwhelming. I keep replaying the choices that led me here, struggling with the thought that I may have permanently derailed my life.

If you were in my position, how would you navigate this situation to achieve the best possible outcome—both legally and personally?

During these difficult times, I’ve naturally turned to spirituality, which led me down a rabbit hole of spirit mediums and guardian angels. I came across people like Lorna Byrne, who claims to have seen angels her entire life and insists that each of us has a guardian angel watching over us. The idea that I’m not alone brings me comfort, but I also question—how much truth do you think there is to this?

For those who have explored self-actualization deeply—how would you approach a situation like mine?

Do you believe in divine intervention, guardian angels, or any form of unseen guidance in moments of crisis?

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That sounds like a difficult situation to be in. Keep reflecting on yourself, learn from the past, accept what is.

Be open to the uncertainty of the future, you sound like you want to change and that is something that can drive you. 

Be open to the mysteries of reality. 

Have you explored non Duality and advaita vedanta teachings? Check out sri nissargadahta and Ramana maharishi. I'm open to non physical connections and guidance, for me I've always been attracted to channeling, psychedelics and suffering.

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17 minutes ago, ExploringReality said:

That sounds like a difficult situation to be in. Keep reflecting on yourself, learn from the past, accept what is.

Be open to the uncertainty of the future, you sound like you want to change and that is something that can drive you. 

Be open to the mysteries of reality. 

Have you explored non Duality and advaita vedanta teachings? Check out sri nissargadahta and Ramana maharishi. I'm open to non physical connections and guidance, for me I've always been attracted to channeling, psychedelics and suffering.

Thanks for the kind words and advice man. I quickly looked into that using AI, and I'm definitely familiar with that kind of philosophy since I grew up Buddhist. From what I read, it has a lot of similarities, but I’ll dive into it more.

It’s been really fascinating exploring spirit mediums and people who channel. There's a great podcast called "Next Level Soul Podcast" that features people like that you should definitely check it out:)  It’s been the only thing that’s giving me hope right now, knowing that our loved ones are watching over us and that angels are with us. I was curious about what Leo has to say on topics like that. I enjoy hearing different perspectives, but from what I’ve seen, he doesn’t talk much about it.

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10 hours ago, Sadon said:

During these difficult times, I’ve naturally turned to spirituality, which led me down a rabbit hole of spirit mediums and guardian angels. I came across people like Lorna Byrne, who claims to have seen angels her entire life and insists that each of us has a guardian angel watching over us.

I'd say that all that people are professional scammers. There are many people in vulnerable situations, and there are always vultures circling around injured animals.

When it comes to difficult situations, what matters is how you react and how you deal with them. It can help you grow or it can drag you down. The key is to bring out the best in yourself and not evade of the reality.

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Don't get lost and sucked into corridors of believing in things which you have no direct contact with. It can bring you comfort but stay mindful of the many traps when you are in a vulnerable situation. Try using Maslows hierarchy of self Actualization for long term satisfaction and fulfillment. 

Study Leo's catalog of teachings and insights, getting at the root of our problems and situations may not be comforting at first, but pays off in the long run 

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I would freak the eff out tbh. Probably wouldn’t be able to “stay calm” or anything. Would swear off drugs forever. Find a really good lawyer. 

I’m a trauma-informed spiritual mentor. Follow me on Instagram.


I also have a meditation available that teaches you how to connect to your heart:


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Posted (edited)

19 hours ago, Sadon said:

If you were in my position, how would you navigate this situation to achieve the best possible outcome—both legally and personally?

Legally, you must begin by examining how much is provable, irrefutably. You probably don't want to share details here, but usually unless you've literally been caught red-handed with keys of coke in your trunk, there's at least some wiggle room. Admit nothing, deny everything, point to all evidence being circunstancial and coincidental, feign ignorance, do not talk too much, answer only what's being asked – extraneous details can lead to self-incrimination, and also uncover contradictions if you've lied. A lot of convictions come from people making simple mistakes, and cops love to go for the low-hanging fruit. There's a channel ran by a former darknet drug vendor who got caught and served time, then became a paralegal, he has lots of stories and also analysis of how various other people got caught, maybe there'll be some useful information for you there.

If you require a lawyer, absolutely get one that's bold and assertive, even if he costs more. Some may be knowledgeable but are meek and unable to present a case convincingly. 

I suggest to deal with the charges first, practically, then go into self-reflection and such. Right now you need to prioritize your freedom and safety. Maslow's hierarchy sort of thing. 

Edited by LambdaDelta

Whichever way you turn, there is the face of God

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13 hours ago, LambdaDelta said:

Legally, you must begin by examining how much is provable, irrefutably. You probably don't want to share details here, but usually unless you've literally been caught red-handed with keys of coke in your trunk, there's at least some wiggle room. Admit nothing, deny everything, point to all evidence being circunstancial and coincidental, feign ignorance, do not talk too much, answer only what's being asked – extraneous details can lead to self-incrimination, and also uncover contradictions if you've lied. A lot of convictions come from people making simple mistakes, and cops love to go for the low-hanging fruit. There's a channel ran by a former darknet drug vendor who got caught and served time, then became a paralegal, he has lots of stories and also analysis of how various other people got caught, maybe there'll be some useful information for you there.

If you require a lawyer, absolutely get one that's bold and assertive, even if he costs more. Some may be knowledgeable but are meek and unable to present a case convincingly. 

I suggest to deal with the charges first, practically, then go into self-reflection and such. Right now you need to prioritize your freedom and safety. Maslow's hierarchy sort of thing. 

They had me under investigation for six months before they caught me with 3 ounces of c, 1 ounce of ket, 1 ounce of molly, 100 tabs of acid, and some cash—both in my car and the place I was renting. They knew a lot, to be honest. My biggest mistake was talking during interrogation and incriminating myself. In that moment, it felt like I was screwed either way, and I wasn’t in the right headspace. I never expected my life to take that turn, and I spiraled. Sitting in a prison cell for 20 hours didn’t help either. It’s crazy because I always knew not to talk to the police—I’ve watched so many crime videos—but when it actually happened, I still did it.

I have a good lawyer, but at this point, I’m just hoping she can minimize the punishment. The one thing working in my favor is that I’m in Canada, where the system is generally more lenient than in the U.S and the world. Most people I know who got caught with similar charges ended up with house arrest.

Right now, I’m focusing on what I can control—fixing my life, building a career, volunteering, and going to therapy. I just pray the judge and prosecutors see me for who I am and who I can become. I'm truly not the criminal type. I was greedy and desperate for money and lost with no direction.

Sad thing is I was on my way out in a month as I was getting my realtor license. Good thing is I have that license now and gonna start working doing that until day of sentencing. Tbh im more pissed about having a criminal record after than the actual punishment. Its like having something follow you for life and branding you as a bad person. It's no wonder people go to prison just end up going back. 


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14 hours ago, Flowerfaeiry said:

I would freak the eff out tbh. Probably wouldn’t be able to “stay calm” or anything. Would swear off drugs forever. Find a really good lawyer. 

Yea definitely had sleepless nights haha. Dealing with a lot of regrets. Its wild because I had so many signs and I chose to ignore them. and yea I'm doing just that. I cant look at drugs anymore or visit that place again. 

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6 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

Wow, your post reminded me of this blog:

That really hit me—I teared up reading it. I appreciate you sharing that. This whole situation feels like a make-or-break moment in my life, and I’m doing everything I can to make sure it’s the former. I didn’t need this, but since it happened, I have no choice but to make the best of it.

When I start working as a realtor, I know it’s going to be tough to shake the feelings of shame and self-doubt. Sales is all about confidence and good energy, and right now, self-love feels like it’s at an all-time low. But I know I have to work through that if I want to succeed.

Looking back, I ignored so many signs the universe gave me to walk away. Even on the day I got arrested, I got a call from a friend warning me that the cops were looking for the guy I was working with. I didn’t listen. Just thinking about it makes me sick. 

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Thank God, you are in Canada, and not in America. It could have been so much worse.

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10 minutes ago, Wilhelm44 said:

Thank God, you are in Canada, and not in America. It could have been so much worse.

Right? I would have been fucked. I'm worried Trump is influencing drug sentences here though, not a good political climate to be charged with trafficking. I hope they wont try to make an example out of me. 

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@Sadon Hey man,
I don't have any specifc advice, since I don't know you and it would need to be tailored to you. There is no universal high-consciousness way of approaching crisis.
Neither do I know much about angels and such.
But I will share my observations.

On 3/16/2025 at 6:35 AM, Sadon said:

Do you believe in divine intervention, guardian angels, or any form of unseen guidance in moments of crisis?

I do experience "unseen guidance". And it is interactive in a way. "The universe" speaks, and I answer. Then "It" answers accordingly to my behavior.
I do not know the exact mechanism, or who is doing what. Could be subconscious, higher self, ancestors, angels, ET's, extra-dimensionals, or all of them at once.
From the perspective of my highest realization, it doesn't matter as much, since all is me. For I am Infinity. And there are no rules. So any form of guidance is possible. That's another reason for why I don't have any advice. Maybe for you, it will be a telepathic connection with advanced UFOs. Or angels.
The practical point is, that it works. And this mysterious guidance depends on your attitude and responses. And I'd say it doesn't matter that you acted irresponsibly and ignored the signs earlier. The universe will never give up on you. Since you are "It" ultimately. If it is your path to grow through suffering, then so it will be. No amount of "high-minded" advice will replace your personal self-reflection and going through the specific situation. But then, it's possible that you focus on the positive, however banal it sounds, and the universe will respond, by giving you a smoother experience. So one way I would approach your situation (again, I don't know how I would really), is by looking for beauty in it. What new opportunities does it present? What will clear up in your life from this point on? What did you learn? How does it serve you, despite overwhelming negativity?
In my experience, once I switch my mind to these kinds of thoughts, "the universe" immediately responds. Sometimes in weird ways. Sometimes with delay. Sometimes differently than I expect it to.
Because in the end, no one but you can decide what is this experience for.

I know it isn't a very clear advice. But I felt touched and compelled to share.
I wish you all the best.

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Bro, thank you so much for your message. "The universe will never give up on you" really hit me because there have been so many moments where I’ve felt like I was given all the signs, all the warnings, and I still ignored them. It’s like the universe did its part—it tried to steer me away, it tried to wake me up—and I refused to listen. So now, I feel like I have to sit with the consequences alone, like I abandoned my path, and in return, the universe abandoned me.

It’s a tough thing to wrestle with because deep down, I know I wasn’t supposed to go down this road. I can see all the moments where I had the chance to make a different choice, and I didn’t. And that realization brings a lot of guilt, shame, and even this feeling of unworthiness—like maybe I had my chance, and now I just have to take whatever comes.

Also deep down I know you're right, it's just harder to apply it when there's so much emotional weight to it. Tbh this challenge is nothing compared to what a lot of people go through in life and we all have suffering in our lives. I try to keep that in perspective. 

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43 minutes ago, Sadon said:


Right? I would have been fucked. I'm worried Trump is influencing drug sentences here though, not a good political climate to be charged with trafficking. I hope they wont try to make an example out of me. 

I know people here on the forum are not really into prayers as such, but I'm sending you some anyway. May all go better than expected. ps eventually you'll discover there's no need for the shame etc, we've all done stuff that's frowned upon by society. 

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Posted (edited)

I've known people to go through legal situations. If you've legitimately done something bad then there's nothing you can do except surrender. Ride the wave. 

But yo you need to take a stand in your mind right now, you need to find the place where you are submissive but not crushed. Ultimately in 50 years you will look back on this after it's long expired and your grandchildren will think your an absolute G. 

Actually a few legal battles is really good for character building...I mean really good. You might find after it that there is extra "freshness" in the air....and that could very well last your entire life. You could feel a new appreciation for life that you didn't even know was possible.

But if you allow yourself to be crushed your Gona have more psychological damage. So find submission AND strength and stay as strong as possible. Try to get your mind as prepared as possible to minimise psychological trauma. 

Actually it's the people who never face this kind of difficulty that just wish with all their hearts that something like this would happen to them when they have lived a perfect boring life and they're now pensioners. That's why you get a lot of grannies stealing stuff from shops. Face the consequences and try become a badass of sorts. I think that's probably best. But seriously don't worry man. 

It'll feel like you've been hit by a bombshell. You can do literally nothing except turn yourself into the terminator. So I recommend that.

Edited by Aaron p

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Posted (edited)

@Aaron p  hahaha I chuckled reading that. I appreciate that bro. yea you're right, nothing to do but surrender, especially on what the outcome will be. and yes I will find strength in this. Thank you brother 

Edited by Sadon

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@Wilhelm44  Thank you, that means alot. Wishing the best for you as well <3 

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2 hours ago, Sadon said:

Right now, I’m focusing on what I can control—fixing my life, building a career, volunteering, and going to therapy. I just pray the judge and prosecutors see me for who I am and who I can become. I'm truly not the criminal type. I was greedy and desperate for money and lost with no direction.

Sad thing is I was on my way out in a month as I was getting my realtor license. Good thing is I have that license now and gonna start working doing that until day of sentencing. Tbh im more pissed about having a criminal record after than the actual punishment. Its like having something follow you for life and branding you as a bad person. It's no wonder people go to prison just end up going back. 

Judges are not just looking at the crime you committed, they are also looking at how likely you are to reoffend.

If they think you are on a better path, they may be more lenient. So you really need to demonstrate that. Do as much as you can to come off as a model citizen. Don't do stupid things like missing court dates, being rude to the judge, etc.

It sucks getting a criminal record but it's not the end of the world. You can learn your lesson and bounce back from this.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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