
Am I taking 5-MeO-DMT too frequently?

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I currently take low doses roughly 3 times a week, and I've been doing that for a few months.

As mentioned in my previous thread, I've been having moments at the end of 5meo trips where I start to get really crazy and hyper, specifically trips that have a lot of love. It usually lasts for 2-3 hours. The love triggers something in me, makes me crazy and puts me in an altered state of consciousness. These moments have been happening more frequently lately, even without tripping. Sometimes they happen randomly throughout the day, often times they are triggered by listening to loving and emotional music.

I first thought that this could be related to awakening and to my development towards existential love, especially considering that most of the time this is triggered by love. But it's happening more often, even without love, randomly throughout the day. My head feels spacey, I feel zoned out, music feels hypnotizing, almost like it's putting me in a trans. I feel love more deeply than usual. It's deeper, more beautiful, more consuming than usual. I groan and mumble and shake similar to how I do on psychedelics, even though I'm fully sober. I don't know if this is something related to awakening, or if it's from me taking psychedelics too often.

I'm asking about this here to see what people think. If this does end up being from over-consumption of psychedelics and not from any kind of awakening, is it bad to stay in this state? I really need to stay focused on my healing work and be tripping regularly to make progress with it. I can't afford to wait around for weeks or months, doing nothing and waiting to trip. I don't have a problem being in this state, it's not uncomfortable and it doesn't affect my ability to work or live my life normally. If anything, it's enjoyable. I just don't know if there are any risks to my health to stay in this state.


"We are born of Love, Love is our mother" - Rumi

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Sounds good to me. As long as you stay focused and make progress, it's fine. The risk you're taking with your health is that you'll become more sensitive and therefore have to pay more attention.

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Posted (edited)

@Tristan12 good questions, can you tell what exactly is s hit for you on your 400mg/1ml vape pen. I need to know how many seconds in one hit you vape. A hit can mean anything. I also need to know how often you redose and how many seconds are your redoses.

Please be as exactly as possible in terms of how many seconds, how many redoses in one session you vape.based on that I can calculate how much you really vape.

It could be that you are deeper going than low dose area.

Edited by OBEler

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  On 3/15/2025 at 6:16 PM, OBEler said:

@Tristan12 good questions, can you tell what exactly is s hit for you on your 400mg/1ml vape pen. I need to know how many seconds in one hit you vape. A hit can mean anything. I also need to know how often you redose and how many seconds are your redoses.

Please be as exactly as possible in terms of how many seconds, how many redoses in one session you vape.

It could be that you are deeper going than low dose area.

When I say one hit, that means a full hit, filling my lungs. I breathe in for probably 5-10 seconds, then take a sip of air, then breathe in for another 2-3 seconds. I don't know if those times are exactly right because I haven't really counted how long it takes, I just know that I fill my lungs as much as possible. I then hold for 20-30 seconds. I always start my trips with that single full hit.

I almost always re-dose throughout my trips, but I do it in smaller increments to not go too deep, usually half or two thirds of a full hit at a time (but multiple of those at once because tolerance gets build up throughout the trip). I usually re-dose 2-3 times until it doesn't have any effect. Because of the tolerance that builds up, I do end up taking quite a lot.

So while the effect of the trip is at the level of one full hit, I'm consuming probably 4-5 full hits of 5-meo throughout the trip. I don't know if that's a problem, or if it's only the actual depth of the trip that matters

"We are born of Love, Love is our mother" - Rumi

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Posted (edited)

@Tristan12 I calculated your hit. If you take 5 seconds hit, it will be around 2,5 mg 5 meo DMT. 10 seconds are already 5 mg which can already be breakthrough territory.

Have you ever come close to a breakthrough if you hit 10 seconds (more is not possible because vape pen will turn off)? What happens on you during this ? Are your trips similar?

If you redose 2-3 times with just half or two third of a full hit at a time , how can you consume 4-5 hits in one session?

Edited by OBEler

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  On 3/15/2025 at 7:12 PM, OBEler said:

@Tristan12 I calculated your hit. If you take 5 seconds hit, it will be around 2,5 mg 5 meo DMT. 10 seconds are already 5 mg which can already be breakthrough territory.

Have you ever come close to a breakthrough if you hit 10 seconds (more is not possible because vape pen will turn off)? What happens on you during this ? Are your trips similar?

The amount you're consuming in 5 or 10 seconds also depends on how strongly you're breathing in.

I don't fully understand what a breakthrough is but I'm pretty sure it's regarding ego death. I've never had ego death on 5meo, I don't think I've really come close. I always start with one full hit and my trips are pretty consistent in their depth

"We are born of Love, Love is our mother" - Rumi

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Be more careful.

There are two serious dangers here:

1) You will soon develop an addiction which will be hard to break and will destablize your whole life.

2) You could badly physically injure yourself.

It is vital that you learn to control yourself during trips. Do not trip if you cannot maintain physical control over your body and even your mind. This way of tripping where you just go totally wild is very danagerous and will eventually get you hurt, crippled, or dead. Train yourself to trip in a careful, controlled way -- not like a wild animal.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura I wouldn’t say that I can’t control myself. I’m aware of how I’m acting, maybe less than usual but still enough to stop myself if I need to. When I feel like being hyper and going crazy, I’m in a safe environment to do so, so I let myself do it, but if there was a problem with it, I definitely feel like I could control myself and make myself settle down.

Why do you think I’m at risk of developing an addiction?

"We are born of Love, Love is our mother" - Rumi

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Posted (edited)

@Leo Gura I trip usually not regulary, sometimes once a week, sometimes 2-3 days in a row.sometimes months off. Never ever had the feeling of an addiction but my trips are also with a little nervous before so I need to force myself always to do it because I am afraid of ego death /solipsim experience which will shock me probably.

How can this be addictive, like really. And is this really a serious addiction? Or more like some people are addicted to Fitnesstraining. You could also stop without any withdrawal effects.



Edited by OBEler

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  On 3/15/2025 at 7:21 PM, Tristan12 said:

The amount you're consuming in 5 or 10 seconds also depends on how strongly you're breathing in.

I don't fully understand what a breakthrough is but I'm pretty sure it's regarding ego death. I've never had ego death on 5meo, I don't think I've really come close. I always start with one full hit and my trips are pretty consistent in their depth

Yeah but what exactly happens? Where do you go? Are you in a white mental space? Do you see something? Do you expand or so, do you feel your body? Can you think normally? Are you observing etc?

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  On 3/15/2025 at 7:32 PM, Tristan12 said:

@Leo Gura 

Why do you think I’m at risk of developing an addiction?

Because you are vulnerable. You are looking for relief from your struggling life.

  On 3/15/2025 at 7:33 PM, OBEler said:

@Leo Gura 

How can this be addictive, like really. And is this really a serious addiction? 

It can certainly be addictive. Not physically, but as an escape to God.

God itself is addictive because nothing else in life will be as good. Your normal life will start to feel like a drag next to a 5-MeO high.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Thrice a week sounds like too much.

I'd say your consciousness is getting flexed into new capabilities and states. It's important that you let the dust settle, so to speak.

Sober integration is very important. That's when it permeates deep into the psyche, otherwise it's just pushing towards higher consciousness with no purification and love infusion in the lower ones. 

Bypassing human emotions and trauma with psychedelics has a clear risk. Once the consumption goes down all the purification will come very strongly. The descend to the shadow will be intense. You gotta handle that after each trip, you need the peak and the valley. Otherwise you're accumulating a deep valley of challenging integration and soul purging, by going upwards without allowing the space for this microcycle to happen, so it will be a macrocycle.

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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Posted (edited)

  On 3/15/2025 at 9:36 PM, Leo Gura said:

God itself is addictive because nothing else in life will be as good. Your normal life will start to feel like a drag next to a 5-MeO high.

How is this integrated? Could use some solutions so we aren’t lost and have a path forward. We’re taking real chances in life to discover God

Edited by Terell Kirby

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Posted (edited)

  On 3/15/2025 at 9:44 PM, Terell Kirby said:

How is this integrated? Could use some solutions so we aren’t lost and have a path forward. We’re taking real chances in life to discover God

Your question is vague.

Bottom line is, use less frequently. If you are doing 3x/wk you will start to get addicted and there will be negative consequences eventually.

Through introspection you can feel yourself craving the God high. That's your clue that you're getting addicted.

Psychedelics are not cost-free. There's no way around that.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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If you use psychedelics often it's good to have strong grounding habits. Like lots of physical activity, walking in nature, solid healthy routine etc.

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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  On 3/15/2025 at 10:18 PM, Leo Gura said:

Your question is vague.

Bottom line is, use less frequently. If you are doing 3x/wk you will start to get addicted and there will be negative consequences eventually.

Through introspection you can feel yourself craving the God high. That's your clue that you're getting addicted.

Psychedelics are not cost-free. There's no way around that.

This suffices. My question was intended to get more context behind the nature of the “God high”- what it looks like and how to anticipate it, thanks for pointing out vagueness of my original question.

On the subject of introspection-I find it’s quite easy to want to disassociate from life given certain insights. There is a craving to transcend limitations that can turn out to be unhealthy. Balance is key

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Posted (edited)

  On 3/15/2025 at 10:53 PM, Terell Kirby said:

the nature of the “God high”- what it looks like

Any time you consume 5-MeO, that's the God high. Any time you feel God's Love or magic.

Your spirit will chase that magic because all it wants is Love.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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