Santiago Ram

Why the hate against Christianity?

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Then there is "the way of mastery" series that completely shattered my life irrevocably. It's Christ based. It talks about you being God very directly. Word for Word. It talks about life being a dream very directly also. Although you may need my help to locate those teachings if you're interested because there's a lot of diverse material there. 



Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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There's no "easy way" to get to "the end of it" for most people it seems (which I have found to be Christ consciousness).

At first, I thought maybe it wouldn't be so difficult, but it is clear to me now that there have been too much delusions introduced to all the minds and minds reinforcing each other, and it's going to be a narrow path no matter what kind of "background" you started from. Plenty of "puritanical philosopher types" are just as delusional as some Christians are and are equally unable to recognize higher states of consciousness, I don't think you can escape mind delusions/traps on the way in general as part of this work.  

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

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11 hours ago, puporing said:

Your mind has no openings to Christ consciousness not because you give a damn about Truth or God but because you are:

  • Too selfish
  • Too self absorbed
  • Feeding off of each other's delusions and conditioning
  • You don't want to face the unknown like you claim you do
  • You don't want to be Love like you say you do, just some words
  • You'd rather stay in this dream and have half a foot in the door and half foot out and evade your responsibility 
  • You'd rather be above "God" and deny that it exists because your dream would truly end.
  • Because really you want this dream more than God you deceive yourself by denying the existence of higher consciousness as realized in Christ 



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Weren't most of the dictators of the past century who caused the biggest genocides ever atheist or had a distaste for religion?

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8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I've actually spent about a month now studying Christians on YouTube, listening to all their talks and notions of spirituality, looking for and noting every error in their views. And I don't mean the dumb Christians. I mean the smartest ones I can find.

If you study them carefully you'll see how it corrupts their view of reality. No one is getting away with Christianity scot-free.

How you don't realize you're making a fool of yourself here is truly beyond me. Some of us have actually studied and practiced Christianity for a decade or so, and you've been watching YouTube videos for a month now and think you know everything? 

I know, in your mind you're so superior to all of us that we simply don't understand compared to you. It's as if we are all deceiving ourselves, but thanks to your keen powers of contemplation, you see through everything. 

What would you say if I said: I've been watching philosophers on YouTube for a month now, and none of them understands Truth, so all philosophy is "inherently self-deception". 

You know, I'm almost certain I would come to this conclusion if I would spent a month watching philosophers on YouTube (the smartest ones ofc), but that says nothing about philosophy as a whole and I would not therefore demonize all philosophers. That's just your ego acting out..

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14 minutes ago, Grateful Dead said:

How you don't realize you're making a fool of yourself here is truly beyond me. Some of us have actually studied and practiced Christianity for a decade or so, and you've been watching YouTube videos for a month now and think you know everything? 

You have to explain why Christian mysticism or even normal Christianity or whatever you're talking about is a good way to move towards understanding what reality is.


I know, in your mind you're so superior to all of us that we simply don't understand compared to you. It's as if we are all deceiving ourselves, but thanks to your keen powers of contemplation, you see through everything. 

He is superior here, but you can always play the hair card, "Haha, I have hair! What now?"

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22 minutes ago, The Crocodile said:

You have to explain why Christian mysticism or even normal Christianity or whatever you're talking about is a good way to move towards understanding what reality is.

In short, Christianity offers clear teachings that make it possible to align one's life with God. It's not primarily about an intellectual understanding of reality, but rather about establishing a deep personal relationship with God in order to free oneself from the prison of the material world and enter the Kingdom of Heaven. What can generally be understood as a state of consciousness nevertheless has a much deeper, ineffable meaning.

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It's normal for Christians to have a superficial and normative interpretation of Christianity because, like Islam, it has a large moral component, related to social conduct.

This is because if it had been a purely mystical religion, it wouldn't have been successful in its context. Buddhism would never have triumphed in Europe, much less in the Middle East. Can you imagine Huang Po preaching to the tribes of Arabia? They wouldn't have understood anything, nor would the Romans. Christianity has a mystical essence beneath a thick moral layer. Here we're talking about the essence, not about what Jehovah's Witnesses do.

The essence of Christianity is pure Truth 

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34 minutes ago, Grateful Dead said:

personal relationship with God

Christianity offers beliefs about what that is, which you cannot trust. No direct experience.

Although, there could be Christians that are open-minded, which are very rare.

Edited by Nemra

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1 hour ago, The Crocodile said:

You have to explain why Christian mysticism or even normal Christianity or whatever you're talking about is a good way to move towards understanding what reality is.

Christianity, at its core, is a key to enlightenment because it reveals the energetic barriers that encapsulate the individual and prevent them from expanding. The Lamb is the one who abandons himself to the flow of reality and becomes one with it. I am life, or I am who is, is an absolutely accurate description of the unfathomable.

Furthermore, it explains better than any other religion how the human being is the final evolutionary step of life toward the divine. Yet, it still bears the mark of Cain, the original sin, an energetic barrier of fear and selfishness that keeps him chained.

Only through total surrender, the acceptance of martyrdom, of the cross, of suffering, does the human being open to the divine. In my opinion, much truer than Buddhism, which promises the end of suffering and thereby castrates. Christianity surrenders to suffering and thereby lives, and life is the burning heart of Christ, which explodes in absolute love like a supernova, creating the reality. No human religion is superior than Christianity. 

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35 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Christianity, at its core, is a key to enlightenment because it reveals the energetic barriers that encapsulate the individual and prevent them from expanding. The Lamb is the one who abandons himself to the flow of reality and becomes one with it. I am life, or I am who is, is an absolutely accurate description of the unfathomable.

Furthermore, it explains better than any other religion how the human being is the final evolutionary step of life toward the divine. Yet, it still bears the mark of Cain, the original sin, an energetic barrier of fear and selfishness that keeps him chained.

Only through total surrender, the acceptance of martyrdom, of the cross, of suffering, does the human being open to the divine. In my opinion, much truer than Buddhism, which promises the end of suffering and thereby castrates. Christianity surrenders to suffering and thereby lives, and life is the burning heart of Christ, which explodes in absolute love like a supernova, creating the reality. No human religion is superior than Christianity. 

You could get better effects from sleeping in, in the morning, just rolling over and snuggling under a blanket.

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40 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

. In my opinion, much truer than Buddhism, which promises the end of suffering and thereby castrates. Christianity surrenders to suffering and thereby lives, and life is the burning heart of Christ, which explodes in absolute love like a supernova, creating the reality. No human religion is superior than Christianity. 

I wouldn’t go that far.  They are both complete paths in themselves.  Also, Tibetan Buddhism does emphasize compassion and the heart opening, while still having a strong intellectual component.

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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11 minutes ago, The Crocodile said:

You could get better effects from sleeping in, in the morning, just rolling over and snuggling under a blanket.

2 hours ago, The Crocodile said:


You think that you are funny, smart and special with a aggressive touch, but you aren't at all 🤣

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12 minutes ago, Jodistrict said:

I wouldn’t go that far.  They are both complete paths in themselves.  Also, Tibetan Buddhism does emphasize compassion and the heart opening, while still having a strong intellectual component.

Could be, but I can't avoid see a lack in Buddhism. The idea of the non-self seems a bit twisted to me. I find the Hindu vision of Atman and Brahman much more accurate. The Buddhist idea seems wrong to me, like something that they want to fit but doesn't fits. but it's possible I don't fully understand it. Maybe deeply Hinduism and Buddhism are the same from a different angle

Edited by Breakingthewall

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20 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

You think that you are funny, smart and special with a aggressive touch, but you aren't at all 🤣

What I said is literally objectively true.

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54 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Could be, but I can't avoid see a lack in Buddhism. The idea of the non-self seems a bit twisted to me. I find the Hindu vision of Atman and Brahman much more accurate. The Buddhist idea seems wrong to me, like something that they want to fit but doesn't fits. but it's possible I don't fully understand it. Maybe deeply Hinduism and Buddhism are the same from a different angle

What you are perceiving is the limitation of language.  "Self" and "no-self" point to the same "thing".   Ultimately, you can't really understand any of these paths unless you fully commit to it as a practice and then the limitations of language fall away.     

Edited by Jodistrict

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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Keep in mind that Jesus Christ never created Christianity. Make a sharp distinction between the teachings of Jesus and Christianity, these are two different things. Christianity was never created by Jesus, but was actually founded by St. Paul. 

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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Christ literally means the anointed one. What does that tell you?

Edited by Nemra

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4 hours ago, Grateful Dead said:

How you don't realize you're making a fool of yourself here is truly beyond me. Some of us have actually studied and practiced Christianity for a decade or so, and you've been watching YouTube videos for a month now and think you know everything? 

Downplaying his work and acting like that is all he has done is somewhat rude and pathetic.

4 hours ago, Grateful Dead said:

I know, in your mind you're so superior to all of us that we simply don't understand compared to you. It's as if we are all deceiving ourselves, but thanks to your keen powers of contemplation, you see through everything. 

Superiority is an illusion you have separating you from the Truth.

4 hours ago, Grateful Dead said:

What would you say if I said: I've been watching philosophers on YouTube for a month now, and none of them understands Truth, so all philosophy is "inherently self-deception". 

You would be more correct than in your other statements.

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