Santiago Ram

Why the hate against Christianity?

284 posts in this topic

30 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Chris Langan does not have enough intelligence to understand that Trump is pure corruption.

30 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

See, if you really understood God, you wouldn't need to cling to Christianity. You'd drop it as an unnecessary limitation upon your mind.

I don't understand why you give your perception of things the status of ultimate truth all the time. It's just empty confidence to an outside reader. 

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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39 minutes ago, Letho said:

John Lennox – Oxford mathematician, philosopher of science (but nah, you’ve got it figured out).

This guy clearly has no clue what God/Love is:

These Christian intellectuals are buffoons.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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26 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

I don't understand why you give your perception of things the status of ultimate truth all the time. It's just empty confidence to an outside reader. 

It's not ultimate truth. It's just very basic proper epistemology.

It doesn't makes sense to you why I say the things I say because I have to uphold the highest epistemic standard in order to reach the highest understandings of Consciousness. You do not understand how sensitive this matter is. You think that you will understand God with your sloppy epistemology. You will reach some level of God. But not nearly the highest. I understand that and you do not. Which is why I am so strict about these matters. If you understood what your epistemology is losing you, you would understand why I am the way I am.

This seems arrogant of me, but the bottom line is that I understand things which other people do not. Of course you can't know if I'm full of shit or whatever. But that doesn't change what I must do to uphold the highest epistemic standard.

It is my job to set the highest epistemic standard on Earth. This will not feel kind to people. And it will not be clear to almost anyone why I am so serious about it. Because people honestly believe that they will be able to reach God through any old half-assed standard.

My goal is to free your mind of every human corruption. No spiritual teacher has this goal. Do not assume that it's all the same. It's not the same. My vision for this work is nothing like any other spiritual teaching. Even if you access God through other spiritual teachings -- which of course you can -- it is not the same as what I'm trying to lead people to. And nobody understands this but me. I'm in a position where I have to create it for mankind. And there's no way for you to know if I'm full of shit or not.

If you assume that all spiritual teachings lead to same place, then my actions don't make any sense.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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19 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

My goal is to free your mind of every human corruption. No spiritual teacher has this goal.

I believe a great deal of us underestimate how transformative and emotionally painful freeing your mind from human corruption is. It's like extracting an cancerous tumor with no anesthetic. You are a spiritual surgeon in some sense, with sole aim of completing an operation that will save us from things we don't quite know are dangerous -- the goal transcends the method.

I'm feeling that the level of sensitivity has increased on the forum as of late, I think it'a good thing -- because the more serious you become as a teacher in rooting out human corruptions to epistemology, it screens people out who are not serious.

It all goes back to insights picked up from your video on the dark side of spirituality. Many of us are not ready to give up our attachments to pursue higher order consciousness (in a sense- I'm not either-at least with some things).

I wish more of us had the integrity to admit this to ourselves, than to somehow demand that you lower your epistemic standards for our comfort.

Edited by Terell Kirby

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Okay, I have nothing more to add for now 🙏

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@Leo Gura Would you also say that there are things about consciousness that others understand but you do not? I'm genuinely interested, not trying to challenge your position.

Edited by meta_male

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Only thing that is good with christianity is the beautiful architecture of old cathedrals and churches buildt in the mid-12th century. My favorite is Sagrada Familia. 




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53 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

This guy clearly has no clue what God/Love is:

These Christian intellectuals are buffoons.


@Leo Gura this is the pattern every time, dismissal in place of refutation, hand-waving in place of engagement. Lennox is clearly extremely empathic by the fact that his conversational style is one where he's trying to speak to his listeners rather than assert his 'highest mathematical ontology', the fact you missed that is further evidence of your lack of empathy.

You claim Lennox is deceived, yet you haven’t provided a single argument to substantiate it. Instead, you watched a video (if that) and assumed superiority without analysis. That’s not intellectual rigor, that’s cognitive laziness disguised as authority proving the prior pattern I already validated in my previous comment.

Here’s the problem, your entire philosophy is a self-deception loop hidden in the emptiness that disguises itself as authority without your awareness because (1) You ignored the core challenge, because I didn’t ask if you “assume” they know God, I asked you to demonstrate how these highly intelligent thinkers are wrong. Instead, you sidestepped the challenge and framed disagreement as ignorance. Again, there's no actual truth seeking on your part that's the further irony, its just adding onto the rubble of it’s epistemic shielding where to add you just (2) cited a video without addressing a single argument. Because Lennox lays out a developed philosophical position on free will, suffering, and God where Instead of dismantling his logic, you dismissed him based on a shallow impression.

That’s not deep consciousness, again it’s anti-intellectual posturing where (3) your framework is designed to protect itself from critique, where this example with religion being one of many where you accuse the related system or person in this case religion and the respected Lennox of self-deception, yet your worldview is (a) Unfalsifiable, where no mechanism exists within your system to disprove your conclusions (b) self-referential where agreement with you is intelligence, disagreement is delusion (b) Cognitively stagnant, where you do not evolve your position, you reinforce it against critique. And with all that how could I not reach this final contradiction that the hard truth being (4) as I already said, you just come across as though your "awakening" is just an ego loop on high resolution, you're leaving very little room for respect to be given because of your lack of intellectual rigor and honesty, instead you act entitled as a narcissist would.

Again, as I already anticipated in the previous follow up if your philosophy was as airtight as you claim, you wouldn’t need to preemptively dismiss intelligent critics, you’d dismantle them.

Further, if your understanding of God was complete, you wouldn’t need to posture, you’d prove it.

But you don’t. You can’t.

Because deep down, you know.

If you actually engaged, you’d lose.

And that’s the thing about true awakening, Leo, it isn’t about winning a debate. It’s about shattering your last illusion, the belief that you’ve already arrived.

And as long as you keep running from real engagement, you never will, and you'll be stuck looking at your own reflection. 

Edited by Letho

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47 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

And nobody understands this but me. I'm in a position where I have to create it for mankind. And there's no way for you to know if I'm full of shit or not.

@Leo Gura, don't worry. It is appreciated, although I think you care less about what I think about it.

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Nice you mention Sagrada familia. This weekend I'm guiding @Carbon around my city, we'll visit the church on Sunday.

But Leo, if all of Religion is bs, why they do such nice music and architecture? :D

I wonder how individuals that awaken through will make buildings and music.

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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Jesus says dont worship me worship God. 99 percent of Christians don't feel they deserve that. Thats a problem. If you told them they deserve it they would say I need Jesus. 99 percent of Christians don't follow their own ruleset making the religion a lie. They keep him pinned in his worst state on the cross to mock him all day. Imagine Jesus spirit hanging over a Christians table as they stuff their faces and spread hated toward homosexual at the dinner table.

Edited by Hojo

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@Leo Gura I think people here lack knowledge of the history of christianity and don't consider how it misleads the bulk of people and some of them really don't seem to think or are too biased to think clearly. I don't think there is an easy fix for that but growth for those who want to. 

I t's obvious that everybody is pissed off as soon as ones favorite fantasies or world view are threatened and one has to be thouroughly.

I appreciate you engaging with people and trying to help them even though it's similiar structural problems. Know that there are onlookers not necessarily engaged in the thread learning deeply from those conversations and understand a lot of what what you mean and how all these aspects of the teaching play into each other. I'm still a beginner but slowly t bears some fruits.

Edited by Starlight321

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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Christianity, by definition, is the worship of a single human being. Literally, a personality cult.

Is that an intelligent way of understanding God? Or is it a corruption? Do you really think worshipping a single human will not have negative epistemic and spiritual consequences?

Have you not been told to not worship idols? Yet you insist on doing so? Why?

Contemplate all this seriously and honestly.

No, Christians follow God, Jesus is just a messenger, even an archetype.

You can have a monistic view of Christianity; Read Neville Goddard, George Berkeley, or take a direct interest in Jewish Kabbalah; among other Near Eastern esoteric traditions.

Edited by Schizophonia

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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51 minutes ago, Letho said:


@Leo Gura this is the pattern every time, dismissal in place of refutation, hand-waving in place of engagement. Lennox is clearly extremely empathic by the fact that his conversational style is one where he's trying to speak to his listeners rather than assert his 'highest mathematical ontology', the fact you missed that is further evidence of your lack of empathy.

You claim Lennox is deceived, yet you haven’t provided a single argument to substantiate it. Instead, you watched a video (if that) and assumed superiority without analysis. That’s not intellectual rigor, that’s cognitive laziness disguised as authority proving the prior pattern I already validated in my previous comment.

Here’s the problem, your entire philosophy is a self-deception loop hidden in the emptiness that disguises itself as authority without your awareness because (1) You ignored the core challenge, because I didn’t ask if you “assume” they know God, I asked you to demonstrate how these highly intelligent thinkers are wrong. Instead, you sidestepped the challenge and framed disagreement as ignorance. Again, there's no actual truth seeking on your part that's the further irony, its just adding onto the rubble of it’s epistemic shielding where to add you just (2) cited a video without addressing a single argument. Because Lennox lays out a developed philosophical position on free will, suffering, and God where Instead of dismantling his logic, you dismissed him based on a shallow impression.

That’s not deep consciousness, again it’s anti-intellectual posturing where (3) your framework is designed to protect itself from critique, where this example with religion being one of many where you accuse the related system or person in this case religion and the respected Lennox of self-deception, yet your worldview is (a) Unfalsifiable, where no mechanism exists within your system to disprove your conclusions (b) self-referential where agreement with you is intelligence, disagreement is delusion (b) Cognitively stagnant, where you do not evolve your position, you reinforce it against critique. And with all that how could I not reach this final contradiction that the hard truth being (4) as I already said, you just come across as though your "awakening" is just an ego loop on high resolution, you're leaving very little room for respect to be given because of your lack of intellectual rigor and honesty, instead you act entitled as a narcissist would.

Again, as I already anticipated in the previous follow up if your philosophy was as airtight as you claim, you wouldn’t need to preemptively dismiss intelligent critics, you’d dismantle them.

Further, if your understanding of God was complete, you wouldn’t need to posture, you’d prove it.

But you don’t. You can’t.

Because deep down, you know.

If you actually engaged, you’d lose.

And that’s the thing about true awakening, Leo, it isn’t about winning a debate. It’s about shattering your last illusion, the belief that you’ve already arrived.

And as long as you keep running from real engagement, you never will, and you'll be stuck looking at your own reflection. 

@Leo Gura**Edited for posterity, this bloody phone **.

But I've already given too much of my time, you don't show any evidence in dialogue that you're to be taken seriously; fluff. Which is fine, if you lost the posturing along with that. I take Bill Burr more seriously, because he has congruency between statements and actions, even if in reality, he's the one actually acting like the buffoon, the difference between you and him in this instance being, he's actually self aware about his buffoonery , you're not. I don't mind being called an intellectual buffoon as you're implying, I will admit it where I am, however you're not showing any evidence where I am, you're just implying it, proving the patterns that I've already cited. You stating that someone is a buffoon because they're strategically using empathy (Lennox) to relay their points of view to a general audience isn't a 'spiritual truth', its further evidence of your own lack of empathy in being able to determine that at the emotional and greater spiritual level. 

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I've been recently reading the New Testament as I've felt inspired to explore Christianity but I'm yet to really find anything particularly profound. There is so much emphasis on Jesus and I honestly find him overrated and inconsequential to spirituality as a whole. Surely, the focus should be on god. That is what matters here. And it is so political as well, but the politics of 2000 years ago. Like with complaining about Romans and fidelity, which is indirectly about land ownership.

This thread kind of confirms to me that Christianity was a cult centered around Jesus, whether he planned for that or not.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

This guy clearly has no clue what God/Love is:

These Christian intellectuals are buffoons.

This guy tries to explain why things are the way they are, and makes logical deductions, trying to explain the reason for suffering. Suffering is an energetic frequency necessary to synchronize infinity. Or to put it another way, suffering arises because, given the structure of infinity at a given moment, it's the frequency that matches the whole. Any religion is wrong because it assumes things should be a certain way, when from an absolute point of view, things cannot be any different than they are.

But you're also wrong (unless I don't understand well what you explain) when you say that God does such and such for a reason. God isn't a maker; it's reality. And reality flows on itself, creating structures ad infinitum, because that's its nature. There's no mind conducting the orchestra. This is absolutely impossible because the orchestra is infinite. Therefore, the only possible direction is synchronicity. Nothing can appear that isn't infinitely synchronized in infinite dimensions. And on the other hand, the energetic vibration that fits into infinite synchronicity will inevitably arise, since the fact that it can appear means that it does. This is the nature of reality. There's no creator. There's no one behind the scenes. There's only the absence of limits. And this makes the infinite movement we call reality inevitable. All we can do is observe and understand it as deeply as possible, because that's who we are. The part is the whole, and the whole is the part, and both are the infinite being, that's you, me or anything that exists. 

That's obvious right? How could be otherwise? It's impossible 


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52 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

No, Christians follow God, Jesus is just a messenger, even an archetype.

No. They actually worship Jesus, although it's manifested in different ways.

They see God as some human-like entity that somehow created the universe with some cheap tricks plus the whole Adam and Eve story.

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My favorite Christian story is the one where god sends two bears to maul 42 children to death for making fun of a priest for being bald.

Edited by Basman

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33 minutes ago, Nemra said:

plus the whole Adam and Eve story.

Yup . Which was long ago shattered by Darwin's evolution. Yet still some educated people still believe god molded Adam from dust and created Eve from his rib . 

"Why the hate against Christianity"?  I don't think Leo "hates " it ..its just doesn't make any sense .that's all .

The bible is supposedly a full document explaining the whole story of humans since day 1 until the day of judgment.  OK fine now go open the first chapter in the bible which is book of genesis..I swear by all the gods In the world I listen to book of genesis everyday before sleeping to get frisky and sleep . Because its pure comedy and nonsense. 

For example-: how God created day and night before creating the sun .

-How the snake spoke to Eve to nudge her to eat from the tree of knowledge.  So now it's normal that snakes speak to humans ? Do you not smell any superstition oder here ?

-How God has "rested" after finishing creating the heavens and the earth in the 7th day .

And I could go and on. Christianity is for children. 



Edited by Someone here

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