Santiago Ram

Why the hate against Christianity?

286 posts in this topic

I think this might be a good place to share my story.

I once had a Christian therapist who started asking me about my spiritual beliefs. She started off by telling me that my explanation of good and evil was too complicated. I explained a meta perspective which accounts for moral relativism, suggests that evil is imaginary, and that goodness is deeper than morality. She didn't seem to be interested in understanding my spiritual beliefs and instead made various assumptions about how I conceive of God, Jesus, the Bible, and prayer.

She later took a confrontational approach to me and started saying "how dare you try to control the future." She told me that my life wasn't working because I am not letting God run my life. She therefore told me that I needed to surrender to God and told me I needed to start praying. She pulled up a prayer about Jesus which I objected to. Jesus doesn't mean the same thing to me as it does a Christian. She ignored my objection and insisted that I pray to Jesus.

I ended up freezing up and my mind went blank. I had a high sense of anxiety and hyper vigilance for the next three days. I didn't want to talk to people. This was supposed to be therapy.

Why the hate against Christianity?

Stuff like this.

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2 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

There are plenty of avarage people who increased themselves in love and wisdom among other good qualities like discipline, free from addictions, serventship etc. because of religion. 

No, because of GOD



The end. 


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@trenton Felt. I had a religious gym bro therapist attempt to detransition me. 

Edited by Yimpa


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10 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

No, because of GOD



The end. 

That means God is present in a particular expression of a religion. 

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Replying to Leos recent blog post

I consider myself a Stage Green Christian.

I'm gay. (Geese, the Bible was written 2000 years ago… You gotta take their culture and values into account)

I don't like Trump.

I support spiritual pluralism.

Psychedelics are cool.

You get the idea.

Also, I'm an addict....

Edited by Santiago Ram

May Peace be with You

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The practice of religion long existed before the incarnation of Jesus.. I just want to point that out, because I do think that context is important as to why he had to teach in that particular environment.

There was no internet, not too many other ways to teach in an acceptable manner. He already got himself killed at a young age even by trying to abide by that "doctrinal environment" that I would argue was something he had no choice but to practice/preach in. So consider how slim a chance he would have if he tried to be even more of a revolutionary and condemned all religious practices, that would just get himself killed even faster.

A calculation had to be made as to accept the "societal norms" of the time even if he perhaps knew it was mostly "bullshit". This is very possible.

At least so far in this particular incarnation (if you can take the assumption for now that he has returned in me), I have no interest in contacting religious groups, unless there was some kind of mutual commonality that came about to my attention. I would be more inclined to contact people like Eckhart Tolle, Shunyamurti before that. But I also am not against the beneficial ones because it reaches a certain group of people that I cannot reach and recognize that this is just where humanity is at in their collective development.

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

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7 hours ago, Jodistrict said:

The same happens with any religion.  I don’t think Christianity is uniquely bad.   In traditional India, an enlightened yogi would have refused to give you instructions because you are in the wrong caste. 

Not so.

Caste system in India is a feudal system similar to that in Europe, Japan and Korea. (Even now, European aristocrats tend to keep themselves distinct from the commoners and marry among themselves as a rule.)

The caste system has no sanction in the Vedas, the original Hindu scriptures which preaches the equality and fraternity of all human beings.  Majority of the Vedic sages came from the lower economic groups .

The Vedic sage, Satyakama Jabala, who composed portions of the Vedas, was the illegitimate son of a prostitute. He was taken as a disciple by his Guru on account of his character and honesty which the Guru perceived as signs of merit even though he was of illegitimate lineage.

The caste system came up later on as a social system in order to preserve, consolidate and develop knowledge systems of each profession. Universities were not wide-spread in ancient times, and it was easier for the father to teach his sons and nephews the technical details of his profession.

This enabled a certain specialisation of disciplines. For example, mathematics as in the numeral system, zero and basic mathematics used around the world commonly were developed in India. 

I am not an advocate of the caste system as it is obviously obsolete in today's world, but it had its relevance in ancient times as a practical system. In todays world however, you can choose any profession, and the best universities in the world teaching that course by virtue of enhanced transportation and logistics. 


Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta

Awareness is the great non-conceptual perfection. - Dzogchen

Evil is an extreme manifestation of human unconsciousness. - Eckhart Tolle

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23 minutes ago, Ajay0 said:

Not so.

Caste system in India is a feudal system similar to that in Europe, Japan and Korea. (Even now, European aristocrats tend to keep themselves distinct from the commoners and marry among themselves as a rule.)

The caste system has no sanction in the Vedas, the original Hindu scriptures which preaches the equality and fraternity of all human beings.  Majority of the Vedic sages came from the lower economic groups .

The Vedic sage, Satyakama Jabala, who composed portions of the Vedas, was the illegitimate son of a prostitute. He was taken as a disciple by his Guru on account of his character and honesty which the Guru perceived as signs of merit even though he was of illegitimate lineage.

The caste system came up later on as a social system in order to preserve, consolidate and develop knowledge systems of each profession. Universities were not wide-spread in ancient times, and it was easier for the father to teach his sons and nephews the technical details of his profession.

This enabled a certain specialisation of disciplines. For example, mathematics as in the numeral system, zero and basic mathematics used around the world commonly were developed in India. 

I am not an advocate of the caste system as it is obviously obsolete in today's world, but it had its relevance in ancient times as a practical system. In todays world however, you can choose any profession, and the best universities in the world teaching that course by virtue of enhanced transportation and logistics. 


I was thinking of the story in the Mahabharata where Dronacharya rejected Ekalavya and demanded his thumb because he indirectly learned from Dronacharya but wasn't of the right caste.  But on second look, Dronacharya was a warrior guru and not necessarily enlightened.  

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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58 minutes ago, Jodistrict said:

I was thinking of the story in the Mahabharata where Dronacharya rejected Ekalavya and demanded his thumb because he indirectly learned from Dronacharya but wasn't of the right caste.  But on second look, Dronacharya was a warrior guru and not necessarily enlightened.  

  This happened in later times when the caste system became regimented and rigid. Drone was partial to his disciple Arjuna and did not want a superior warrior Eklavya in comparison.

And yes, Drona was a teacher of martial arts, and is not considered a sage or saint for that matter. He ended up fighting against Krishna and Arjuna in the Mahabharatha war later on.

Guru Ravi Das who lived in the sixteenth century was an enlightened sage who belonged to the lower castes and had a spiritual guru in Ramananda who belonged to the Brahmin caste. Ravi das himself had disciples belonging to the upper castes like Mirabai.


Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta

Awareness is the great non-conceptual perfection. - Dzogchen

Evil is an extreme manifestation of human unconsciousness. - Eckhart Tolle

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12 hours ago, Terell Kirby said:

No Christian can ever admit that Christianity is a limited and partial worldview/epistemic framework that comes with an implied metaphysics, identity and biases. That’s the heart of the issue.

Same goes for all other religions.

The flaw of religion is us and them. The flaw of spirituality is me and you.

Except maybe universalism which Leo did a blog on recently.

All is good in God's hood.

The deepest truth is that you are my only hope. 

Edited by gettoefl

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12 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

I know it's a rhetorical question, but how would you answer it?

Hate is a result of those who hate not what they hate. The big problem is, if you love deeply you will hate deeply. What you hate is necessarily defined by the depth of your love. Hate is to banish someone from your universe. To bid they disappear. Their presence contaminates your life. Whoever you exclude or whatever you exclude, you hate. Only this exclusion enables your love to proceed. To hate christianity means it disturbs my mind and I need it gone. I am the aggressor. Not it. It is too powerful for me to co-exist with it.

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On 16.3.2025 at 11:36 PM, Carl-Richard said:

I know it's a rhetorical question, but how would you answer it?

I think the problem with people, who stir up hatred against Christianity, is that they primarily see what the Church has done with Christian teachings.

There are some nice sides, but I am also disgusted by most branches of the church. For example, several years ago, many cases of abuse by the Catholic Church were uncovered in Germany, primarily involving children. Or what's happening in America right now with the evangelists and Trump. I even have personal experience with this. Like the priest in my village was a really bad person, and as a teenager, I literally cursed and insulted him, and got into heated arguments with him. And my ex-girlfriend was sexually abused as a small child by a trusted person in her church.

But for me, all of these things have nothing to do with Christianity itself. In my view, this is only about the institution of the church, which is corrupted by power and uses Christianity as a pretext to abuse its power in perverse ways. Leo keeps repeating "This is not God realisation", the same principle applies here, this is not Christianity.

If you look closely at the teachings of Jesus, for example, it quickly becomes obvious that Love is the highest commandment and that his teachings are about finding the kingdom of God within us and thereby conquering the world. Peace, Truth, and Love are the central building blocks of this teaching; anything that goes against them actually has nothing to do with it.

And for me, it's not that I adhere to an ideology and demonize everything else. For example, I studied and practiced Buddhism and Hinduism for a long time, but it didn't have the same effect on me, and I couldn't achieve what I wanted with it. Nevertheless, I see the truth and beauty in these teachings, and I believe that if someone comes from a different background, they will have just as much impact on them as Christianity has on me. I also don't try to convert anyone who doesn't want to. For example, I have friends who are gay, bisexual, transgender, or atheists, and I love them just as much as I love people who follow Jesus and believe in God; there's no difference for me.

To answer this question conclusively, people hate out of ignorance and lack of knowledge. Probably because they perceive inadequacies in themselves and need to compensate for these through their hatred of certain groups.

Edited by Grateful Dead

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Christianity is the most misunderstood religion . The Gospels say, "Do not judge if you do not want to be judged." Christians are puritans and judgmental to the max. They are hypocrites and try to appear virtuous. They say, "The truth will set you free." They are slaves to their lies. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone, and the greatest sinners are those who throw the most stones. In short, it is very rare to find a true Christian. It is common to find hypocrites who seek social acceptance and are terrified of rejection, and who would have hated Christ if they had known him. Then, to juzgue Christianity it's better don't observe the christians, just read the gospels 

This is because Christianity says: only the pure of heart will enter heaven, and the reality is that if you are not pure of heart, you are not, and there is nothing you can do, because you aren't because the fear, and it's not so easy to overcome it

Edited by Breakingthewall

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Christianity is hateful and therefore will find haters and hatred. They claim, hate the sin and love the sinner but you cannot separate the two. I in flesh am an life-long doer. If gay, I will do gay stuff. If trans, I will do trans stuff. If poly, I will do poly stuff. Anything built on hate and the hierarchy of better and worse will attract the same back at it.

Christians claim to bring love in the form of missionaries. That isn't love. That is I will give you food and shelter if you sign on to my god and my bible. As soon as you reject that, you are a bad influence to my children and so I am packing my bags and leaving. You had the chance for heaven but instead choose to be damned. Sayonara most cursed infidels. The wrath of god be upon you forthwith. 

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if they renamed it as christiamity we could be getting somewhere

christ! i am it! yo!

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Take christ, leave Christianity.

If you pay close attention to Jesus and how he operates, he pissed of the whole of the established religion of his day. He gave religion a massive middle finger and I suggest you keep that in mind.

Jesus said here:

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Christian religion: 




Mystical Christ Consciousness:


(lazer scalpel)

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On 3/16/2025 at 7:25 PM, trenton said:

I think this might be a good place to share my story.

I once had a Christian therapist who started asking me about my spiritual beliefs. She started off by telling me that my explanation of good and evil was too complicated. I explained a meta perspective which accounts for moral relativism, suggests that evil is imaginary, and that goodness is deeper than morality. She didn't seem to be interested in understanding my spiritual beliefs and instead made various assumptions about how I conceive of God, Jesus, the Bible, and prayer.

She later took a confrontational approach to me and started saying "how dare you try to control the future." She told me that my life wasn't working because I am not letting God run my life. She therefore told me that I needed to surrender to God and told me I needed to start praying. She pulled up a prayer about Jesus which I objected to. Jesus doesn't mean the same thing to me as it does a Christian. She ignored my objection and insisted that I pray to Jesus.

I ended up freezing up and my mind went blank. I had a high sense of anxiety and hyper vigilance for the next three days. I didn't want to talk to people. This was supposed to be therapy.

Why the hate against Christianity?

Stuff like this.


Sorry to hear that.

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