Santiago Ram

Why the hate against Christianity?

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Nobody wants to admin that they are the Devil. 

Edited by Yimpa

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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Christ Sutras by Bart Marshall -- recommended reading.

Edited by UnbornTao

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@UnbornTao  Thank you. It looks interesting, I will definetely read it

@Yimpa  Yup.

Christianity understands Offense to be the root of all evil, which is the impediment of the most Selfless Will (either yours or the others).

Ask yourself, when are my desires frustrated? When do I frustrate other's desires? There you will find Pain and Hurt.

Forgive, then, and correct your conduct to be God-like.

May Peace be with You

My blog: An Inquiry into Conflict

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1 hour ago, yetineti said:

There is always more.

Yes. Only for a mind though. All awakenings spoken at this forum are mental appearances, unshare-able and limited. God-realization meanwhile is one and done and for all. I and the Father are now one. This is the work Jesus ably demonstrated for those with ears and eyes. Other paths may be applicable.

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2 minutes ago, gettoefl said:

 I and the Father are now one. This is the work Jesus ably demonstrated for those with ears and eyes. Other paths may be applicable

OMG, Yes. You get it.

May Peace be with You

My blog: An Inquiry into Conflict

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4 minutes ago, gettoefl said:

Yes. Only for a mind though. All awakenings spoken at this forum are mental appearances, unshare-able and limited. God-realization meanwhile is one and done and for all. I and the Father are now one. This is the work Jesus ably demonstrated for those with ears and eyes. Other paths may be applicable.

It's harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. If you want to get through, you must leave absolutely everything behind. You must drop your most precious possession: your mind.


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Posted (edited)


This is the work Jesus ably demonstrated for those with ears and eyes. Other paths may be applicable

An awakened Christian sees and hears things that others do not, he has mystical insights not accessible to the majority. He will be called insane.



For I tell you that many prophets and kings wanted to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.”

Luke 10:24

Edited by Santiago Ram

May Peace be with You

My blog: An Inquiry into Conflict

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2 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

It's harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. If you want to get through, you must leave absolutely everything behind. You must drop your most precious possession: your mind.


Well, Christ may be refering to worldly prestige.

As René Girard said


“Jesus would not be astonished that his teaching is not recognized. He has no illusion about the way in which his message will be received. To the glory that comes from God, invisible in this world, the majority prefer the glory that comes from humankind, a glory that multiplies scandal as it makes its way. It consists in gaining victory in mimetic rivalries often organized by the powers of this world, rivalries that are political, economic, athletic, sexual, artistic, intellectual . . . and even religious.”


May Peace be with You

My blog: An Inquiry into Conflict

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Just now, Santiago Ram said:

Well, Christ may be refering to worldly prestige.

That's the superficial interpretation, but you can reading the Bible as a real guide to enlightenment, much more direct than any other religious book. It's shocking. Other religions are more abstract. Christianity is very direct, it goes to the core, but you have to know how to interpret it, since it seems exactly the opposite of what it is. It seems like a guide to conduct that if you follow it, you'll be rewarded in another life, when in reality, it's clues to open your eyes to the absolute now

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1 hour ago, Yimpa said:

Nobody wants to admit that they are the Devil. 

Admitting this is way too painful :(

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5 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

That's the superficial interpretation, but you can reading the Bible as a real guide to enlightenment, much more direct than any other religious book. It's shocking. Other religions are more abstract. Christianity is very direct, it goes to the core, but you have to know how to interpret it, since it seems exactly the opposite of what it is. It seems like a guide to conduct that if you follow it, you'll be rewarded in another life, when in reality, it's clues to open your eyes to the absolute now

Morality is very powerful. If You adjust your conduct You Will see God Now.

May Peace be with You

My blog: An Inquiry into Conflict

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4 minutes ago, Santiago Ram said:

Morality is very powerful. If You adjust your conduct You Will see God Now.


Agree, some behavior prevents the realization of the absolute, but there's no standard good behavior, like not being rich or not getting horny with your friend's girlfriend. It depends on each case; you have to be authentic, but morality varies, you have to feel what is yours, At a certain point, you realize that certain attitudes alienate you and closes you, so you avoid them completely.

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12 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

It's harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. If you want to get through, you must leave absolutely everything behind. You must drop your most precious possession: your mind.


Agreed. You think your mind is separate, distinct, different, from my mind. And projection makes this the case. You place me here and yourself there. This resulting perception is false and reversing this, the camel going through the eye of the needle, is the work. Anything bad I see in you is my bad not yours. In so doing, the kingdom comes and we will become united, loving, divine. Any person I meet with anything other than love is an unhealed part of my mind needing my forgiveness for seeing it in error.

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3 minutes ago, gettoefl said:

Agreed. You think your mind is separate, distinct, different, from my mind. And projection makes this the case. You place me here and yourself there. This resulting perception is false and reversing this, the camel going through the eye of the needle, is the work. Anything bad I see in you is my bad not yours. In so doing, the kingdom comes and we will become united, loving, divine. Any person I meet with anything other than love is an unhealed part of my mind needing my forgiveness for seeing it in error.

Well, as the Bible says, give to God what belongs to God and to Caesar what belongs to Caesar. 

if you want to open up to your true nature the mind must be seen as a relative arising that occurs and signifies absolutely nothing.

to operate in the world your mind must be sharpened to the max, but to enter the gateless door, it must be reduced to absolute zero.

When the Bible says that a rich man cannot enter heaven, it is not referring to material things but to the most precious asset a human being has: his mind.

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13 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:


Agree, some behavior prevents the realization of the absolute, but there's no standard good behavior, like not being rich or not getting horny with your friend's girlfriend. It depends on each case; you have to be authentic, but morality varies, you have to feel what is yours, At a certain point, you realize that certain attitudes alienate you and closes you, so you avoid them completely.

No need to change what you see or what you do but change how you see and how you do.

In fact I need do nothing ... as an ego.

I need do nothing off my own back, my own insight, my own goals, my own drives.

Now is all that is needed.

Have the one who knows call the shots.

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On 3/16/2025 at 11:22 PM, Leo Gura said:

A Christian can have an Awakening and then go right to believing that Palestinians are demons.


How can anyone whether religious or not know about oneness yet demonizing another? Or do you mean a different segment of awakening that doesn't include realization of oneness? After oneness you can't even demonize Hitler

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10 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Well, as the Bible says, give to God what belongs to God and to Caesar what belongs to Caesar. 

if you want to open up to your true nature the mind must be seen as a relative arising that occurs and signifies absolutely nothing.

to operate in the world your mind must be sharpened to the max, but to enter the gateless door, it must be reduced to absolute zero.

When the Bible says that a rich man cannot enter heaven, it is not referring to material things but to the most precious asset a human being has: his mind.

Once you cross the gateless door, then the world will be a happy dream.

Jesus got to a point where he saw God everywhere and all he wanted was to heal minds and help bodies.

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2 hours ago, gettoefl said:

Once you cross the gateless door, then the world will be a happy dream.

Jesus got to a point where he saw God everywhere and all he wanted was to heal minds and help bodies.

He also whipped those who acted badly in his view. You start with whips and it ends with bombs, that's life.

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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

He also whipped those who acted badly in his view. You start with whips and it ends with bombs, that's life.

Being God doesn't preclude giving someone a good whipping. Some need it. Some love it. Some dread it.

To not be punished for stuff is a sure way not to awaken.

All need to learn they are wrong and pay the piper.

Jesus ended up flogged more than most and he didn't veer off course.

Edited by gettoefl

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