Santiago Ram

Why the hate against Christianity?

308 posts in this topic

3 hours ago, Nemra said:

Christianity offers beliefs about what that is, which you cannot trust. No direct experience.

Although, there could be Christians that are open-minded, which are very rare.

The teaching here is that faith in God can lead to a direct revelation. Or in my case, the direct experience came first and later, through Christian teachings, I found a way to integrate this experience.

48 minutes ago, Nemra said:

Christ literally means the anointed one. What does that tell you?

Anointing with consecrated oil, applied like ointment to the crown of the head, is an ancient rite. The Hebrew word for "anointing" is maschach, hence the title "Messiah," which also means the anointed one. In Aramaic, it has two other meanings: "the appointed one" and "the consecrated one." It can also mean "the called one," "one who bears the light of God." The act of anointing is the transfer of divine powers to the person receiving this special anointing, and consequently, they became known as "the anointed of the Lord." In other words, through the act of anointing, the anointed one became a son of Yahweh. For example, David called King Saul "the anointed of the Lord," or "Yahweh's anointed," a Christ of God. - From the book "Let there be Light" by Rocco Errico

Edited by Grateful Dead

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A great explanation about Christianity and Conflict

And why I am so obsessed with Conflict.

Peter Thiel’s Religion (Link/URL)

Edited by Santiago Ram

May Peace be with You

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34 minutes ago, Grateful Dead said:

The teaching here is that faith in God can lead to a direct revelation.

How can you have faith in something that you don't know what it is?

There are things that might require faith, but not always.

Is truth or faith more important to you to realize what reality is made of?

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14 minutes ago, yetineti said:

Faith=Not Knowing

Faith = A complete trust or belief in something that cannot be verified through direct observation

Edited by Nemra

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If you can’t verify it through direct observation, you don’t know it.


Edited by yetineti

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26 minutes ago, Nemra said:

How can you have faith in something that you don't know what it is?

You can have faith in the teachings taught by people like Jesus.

27 minutes ago, Nemra said:

Is truth or faith more important to you to realize what reality is made of?

In my case, it was faith. I believed that there must be more to this reality than this world, and God revealed it to me.

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2 minutes ago, yetineti said:

If you can’t verify it through direct observation, you don’t know it.


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If people’s claim is that the admission of Faith and Not Knowing is what leads them to God— fine.

But the second you have that God realization your faith will die and become useless.

To continue having faith in something once you claim to know it— is self-deception and should be considered an intellectual incongruity.



Edited by yetineti

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2 minutes ago, Grateful Dead said:

You can have faith in the teachings taught by people like Jesus.

You can't, really, if you value truth more than faith.

3 minutes ago, Grateful Dead said:

In my case, it was faith. I believed that there must be more to this reality than this world, and God revealed it to me.

I can also have an intuition about something, but that could be false in the end.

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7 hours ago, Grateful Dead said:

How you don't realize you're making a fool of yourself here is truly beyond me. Some of us have actually studied and practiced Christianity for a decade or so, and you've been watching YouTube videos for a month now and think you know everything? 

I know, in your mind you're so superior to all of us that we simply don't understand compared to you. It's as if we are all deceiving ourselves, but thanks to your keen powers of contemplation, you see through everything. 

What would you say if I said: I've been watching philosophers on YouTube for a month now, and none of them understands Truth, so all philosophy is "inherently self-deception". 

You know, I'm almost certain I would come to this conclusion if I would spent a month watching philosophers on YouTube (the smartest ones ofc), but that says nothing about philosophy as a whole and I would not therefore demonize all philosophers. That's just your ego acting out..

You are completely discounting the enormous epistemic harm and self-deception that an ideology like Christianity causes. And then gaslighting me about it, as if it is not obvious how much epistemic, metaphysical, psychological, moral, and political damage Christianity does.

Christianity is a personality cult. Just because 2 billion of you buy into it does not change that basic fact.

There are a handful of intelligent Christians who are fairly legit and spiritually advanced. However, even they will have unforseen epistemic problems from holding this ideology.

Just to find those legit Christians is like looking for a needle in a haysack.

You cannot understand why Christianity is hated? Really? It's so hard? It's just my ego and need to feel superior?

My rejection of your personality cult is not about me. It's about you. The puzzlement is not why I reject it but why you accept it.

P.S. Virtually all philosophy IS self-deception. I got no problem demonizing philosophers.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, Grateful Dead said:

The teaching here is that faith in God can lead to a direct revelation. Or in my case, the direct experience came first and later, through Christian teachings, I found a way to integrate this experience.

I think that’s a classic case of projecting your inner gold onto something external. I don’t see Christianity, in itself, leading anyone to awakening - but if you’ve found your way there through your own devotion and inner compass, it makes sense that you’d then project that possibility outward.

When you stumble into something truly profound, it can be too much to fully own. The weight of it, the sheer improbability, almost demands an external reference point - some structure, some grand tradition - to hold it, because otherwise, you're just sitting there alone with the enormity of what’s happened.

That’s not to knock Christianity - I’ve got a lot of respect and reverence for its ideas, its traditions, and especially the communities that manage to live it in a way that feels real, not just performative. But if we’re talking about real awakening, you can’t just stay within its structure. You have to step beyond, into the unknown.

“Did you ever say Yes to a single joy? O my friends, then you said Yes to all woe as well. All things are chained and entwined together, all things are in love; if ever you wanted one moment twice, if ever you said: ‘You please me, happiness! Abide, moment!’ then you wanted everything to return!” - Friedrich Nietzsche

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it has too much power and has the potential to be a dangerous force bc of its power. currently its exerting a lot of pressure onto politics 

Edited by Jacob Morres

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Christian faith is not not-knowing.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

You are completely discounting the enormous epistemic harm and self-deception that an ideology like Christianity causes. And then gaslighting me about it, as if it is not obvious how much epistemic, metaphysical, psychological, moral, and political damage Christianity does.

No, I don't. Of course, Christianity, like any belief system, has been abused for political power and control. But that does not mean that Jesus' core teachings, such as love, truth, and humility, are inherently harmful. And now I am gaslighting you, how? You literally asked to be made a fool of...

1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

You cannot understand why Christianity is hated? Really? It's so hard? It's just my ego and need to feel superior?

What I don't understand is how someone like you can't recognize the spiritual wisdom of Christianity, but instead just spreads hatred against it. Why can't you see Christian teachings for what they truly are? A system for achieving inner freedom and peace.

1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

The puzzlement is not why I reject it but why you accept it.

I realize you may not understand this, but I accepted it because it worked for me.

1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

P.S. Virtually all philosophy IS self-deception. I got no problem demonizing philosophers.

I know, that was my point. But does that make philosophy inherently self-deception?

1 hour ago, Nilsi said:

I think that’s a classic case of projecting your inner gold onto something external. I don’t see Christianity, in itself, leading anyone to awakening - but if you’ve found your way there through your own devotion and inner compass, it makes sense that you’d then project that possibility outward.

When you stumble into something truly profound, it can be too much to fully own. The weight of it, the sheer improbability, almost demands an external reference point - some structure, some grand tradition - to hold it, because otherwise, you're just sitting there alone with the enormity of what’s happened.

That’s not to knock Christianity - I’ve got a lot of respect and reverence for its ideas, its traditions, and especially the communities that manage to live it in a way that feels real, not just performative. But if we’re talking about real awakening, you can’t just stay within its structure. You have to step beyond, into the unknown.

Well said, and yes, I basically agree with everything you said. When you're just beginning, you shouldn't rely on it leading to awakening. But in the end, it was the teaching itself that enabled me to truly awaken.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

You are completely discounting the enormous epistemic harm and self-deception that an ideology like Christianity causes. And then gaslighting me about it, as if it is not obvious how much epistemic, metaphysical, psychological, moral, and political damage Christianity does.

Spirituality can be misused by anyone and the devils obvioulsy, not denying this. But you're also ignoring the other side of the coin that you could just as easily find the positives out of those "traditions". For example most of the charitable organizations out there that give a shit about homeless people for example have some kind of Christian roots. 

1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Christianity is a personality cult. Just because 2 billion of you buy into it does not change that basic fact.

Any spiritual teacher can be labelled "personality cult" from an "outsider", by definition, if they're being followed, doesn't matter how many people are following them either. Since the people following that teacher are not looking for other teachers and hold onto their words as truth. 

You think your followers are just following you out of sheer "epistemic knowing"? Think again, they're following because you have presented a spiritual solution to them and knowledge of God. It's no different than what Jesus was doing.

1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

There are a handful of intelligent Christians who are fairly legit and spiritually advanced. However, even they will have unforseen epistemic problems from holding this ideology.

Most of them don't go far enough with it, and there are not many qualified to lead them farther nor can they be easily recognized, due to the collective general lack of consciousness. 

1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

My rejection of your personality cult is not about me. It's about you.

But it is about you, because you claim to have reached the end of the road with God with your followers and that's what they believe to be true right now, and I'm telling you that you haven't. So conveniently you don't like what I'm telling you.

1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

The puzzlement is not why I reject it but why you accept it.

It's a puzzlement indeed that you are not open to new information.

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

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  • You can’t claim to be a Christian if you don’t hold a belief in your mind of  Jesus Christ as your lord and savior 
  • if you hold such belief, you can’t possibly understand how you are God constructing an image of Jesus Christ along with Christian narratives, and all of reality as you know it.

No Christian philosophers acknowledge these fundamental truths—if they did, bye bye to their Christian worldview.

Edited by Terell Kirby

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1 hour ago, Terell Kirby said:

can’t possibly understand how you are God

Not true if you became "Christ" by following his teachings.

1 hour ago, Terell Kirby said:

Jesus Christ as your lord and savior

He is your original Self. 

People don't generally become Christ because:

1) They don't know what they're aiming for or how to reach this state, as there needs to be a mediator of some sort

2) They don't know that they could

3) They don't understand why it would be "desirable"

4) Pressures of the collective to remain more "human". 


Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

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